The Heart's Best Mistake



Martina looked up and tried to see all of the building.

“Welcome back, vice president.”  Her secretary smiled, she grinned back.

“My brother told me that I should think of this place as my throne and not let rumors get to me.” She said as she slid down from the car.

“Young master Jeon has a point, ma’am.” The male nodded, Martina looked at her phone. Numerous articles about her had started to come out.

Jeon heiress/divorcee, back in town. In search for new beau?

Appointed as new VP, another possible failure under her belt?

Stain of the Jeon Hotels, now the new VP!

Her jaw tightened and slid the phone inside her YSL purse.

“Vice president?” Her secretary looked at her with anticipation, Martina looked up and saw the higher-ranking employees all lined up, waiting for her.

“Stain? Let’s see.” Her lips curled up into a small smirk as she started to walk.

“For today, a lot of people have been asking to call on you, ma’am.” Her secretary spoke from behind her as she walked.

“Why? Will calling on me help them?” She replied, the male nodded slowly. Marti gave small polite nods to the employees as she passed by them.

“Most of our major investors have set meetings with you, as well as the other members~”

“No.” She stated as she shook hands with the one of their hotels’ general managers. She returned his warm smile before moving on to the elevator.

“To those who wish to call on me,” She said as she got in the machine.

“Give me a list. I’ll review it.”

“Noted, vice president.”

“And, I set meetings with them. They don’t set meetings with me, what am I? Some sort of lackey of theirs?”

“But, ma’am~”

“They had the audacity to push me into this position, knowing the effect it would have on me.” She said as the machine started to move upwards.

“If it weren’t for my uncle, I wouldn’t be here.”

The doors opened and Mona stepped out. She walked towards her office and pushed the double doors open.

“Everyone in the board knows that people will talk again if I come back, and look? No damage control on the online articles. How nice, right?”

“Ma’am, I will call~”

“It’s not your fault. I will set a general assembly this afternoon. We will have a reshuffling. Gone with old, in with the new.” Her voice was so calm and soft and yet her secretary knew how bad it could get.

“Ma’am but those directors have stood by your grandfather.” He tried to reason.

“And you think I don’t hear whispers while in England? They held a party when haraboji died. And now, that my father is away, and halmae being too old for office. They try to pick on me.”

“And they know that the only way to make me look incapable is about my failed marriage. They want to make me look bad so they could put someone in as president. And I wont let that happen.” She crossed her arms.

“They asked for it. They made me come home. I have no choice but to clean up this mess.”

The male nodded.

“Arrange for the general assembly. And send me the list.” She dismissed him and sat down on her seat.

Then she let out an exasperated breath.




“A luncheon?” Mark looked up from the folder. His assistant nodded, then Jackson walked in his office.

“Hyung, we have to go.” He stated, the other male winced and left the room.

“Aren’t we supposed to pick up BamBam from the airport?” Mark queried and set the folder down.

“Yeah, we are. But Jinyoung volunteered to do it and said he’d meet us at the Lotte event.” Jackson replied, Mark nodded and stood up, he tightened his tie and grabbed his jacket.

“Did you hear the news?” Jackson asked as they stepped out of the male’s office.

“What?” He replied.

“Someone just got back in town.” Jackson said excitedly.

“Who?” Mark pressed the button on the wall, Jackson wanted to slam his head against the marble column.

“Have you been reading the newspaper lately? Or even watching TV?”

“I have secretary Im filter out things I don’t need to see. Unnecessary issues and such.” Mark said as they stepped in the machine.

Well..I’m guessing it’s going to be a surprise.” He spoke in Cantonese, Mark didn’t reply.



Mona nodded and put the leather folder away, her secretary took it and set it aside.

“Lotte has expressed their interest in meeting you, vice president.” He stated as the car started to move.

“When did this invite arrive?” She asked as she leaned back on her seat.

“Two days ago, your grandmother, the president said that I put it on you schedule. And she said you shouldn’t not show up.” He said carefully, Martina exhaled but she nodded.

“The photos I prepared~”

“I remember most of them, I met them during my elementary years, don’t worry about it. I’m sure I can recognize the important faces.” Her lips curled into a small smile before closing her eyes.



Mark walked in the hall and was greeted by Lotte Corporation’s director.

“Thank you for coming, vice president Tuan.” He said as he shook the younger male’s hand.

“I heard the market hasn’t been doing well,” Mark said politely.

“Yes, well, we’re trying to cope up with ups and downs.” The male nodded, then he excused himself. Mark saw Jackson and Jaebum standing by the floor length windows.

“Well, Jackson managed to uproot you from your office.” Jaebum grinned at him.

“Is this going to be long?” Mark glanced around them.

Jackson snorted.

“We have to be here, to put up with appearances.” Jaebum nodded towards the photographers from a society magazine.

Mark’s brows met but he just grabbed a glass of champagne.

There was commotion by the doors, Jackson looked up and then he froze.

Martina was standing by the doors, media started going crazy over her sudden appearance, she was clad in a simple bodycon pencil skirt and a matching lilac peplum top that highlighted her hourglass figure.

Miss Jeon! Miss Jeon” They started calling her, Jaebum saw the president of Lotte starting towards her. She looked unsure and every time the cameras flashed, she flinched slightly.

Then a familiar male approached her and offered his arm.
“Yoongi.” Jackson mouthed, Mark paused, noticing the noise.

“You might want to see this.” Jaebum said, Mark put his glass down and turned.

He halted, Martin had just walked in the party and everyone’s eyes were on her as the president of Lotte greeted her with a hug.



“Aigoo, apperances.” Namjoon greeted as his father let go of Mona.

“Nice to see you again, Mona.” The elder squeezed her hand before stepping away.

“Thanks for inviting me. Can you see the gratitude in my eyes?” She said dryly as people continued to stare at her. Hoseok, the other Lotte heir chuckled.

“I had to drag her to come in.” Yoongi commented and buried his hands in his pockets.

“What’s the event for?” She asked.

“To show off our good connections and of course, we have a new non profit organization that we’re supporting.” Hoseok nodded along, then he paused. He was looking at someone past his friend’s shoulder.

“Seok? Hoseokie?” M poked his shoulder, Namjoon and Yoongi stood there, aware of the attention their lady friend was getting and anticipating on how she would react when she finally saw the male standing meters away from them.

“Ya, Jung Hoseok?” M grew confused.

“System error?” She looked at Yoongi, she grinned at the three.

“Guys? Notice me, please.” She sighed, they were all looking at someplace else.


Then she heard it.

The voice familiar voice that brought back so many memories.

It was him.





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Chapter 42: I am really a er for a good MarkXOC story
Chapter 16: This is really one misunderstanding after another
Chapter 42: This is another story that I wish that has a second book.
Chapter 9: A must read story. People should read more of your stories
Chapter 42: Can't help myself re reading all your completed works...
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 42: Just rereading this story authornim. I just realized that I have read the second BTS and GOT 7 stories from you.
That is how good you are in writing, that you can turn someone like me to read stories that does not have my biases.

Thanks authornim, I love reading your stories.
waee09 #7
Chapter 42: Definitely one of my personal favsss!!
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 42: Wow authornim Daebak!
Klynie #10
Chapter 42: is it just me or i can't re-read it and the site continues saying an error has occured hnshsj