The Heart's Best Mistake



“I’m just glad they didn’t send me to an all-girls’ school.” The Jeon heiress said as she slid down the chauffeured Rolls Royce, she gave her a driver a dismal wave before transferring her phone to another ear as she lugged her backpack towards the black wrought iron gates of the private university she was attending in London.

“Still, the weather there…, Marti.” Her friend chuckled from the other line, she sighed. That was one thing she couldn’t lie about.

“I know, but do I have a choice? It’s London or some private school at Switzerland.” She stated as she climbed the stairs quickly.

“Well, I’ll see you this December.” She offered.

“Yup. Take care, Mart, don’t cause trouble. Because you always do.” He mused before ending the call.





Martina or Marti to her friends was sitting down on one of the marble benches across the school’s huge building when she heard her friend rushing to her.

“Harin.” She said as the girl plopped beside her, her Hermes scarf askew from running.

“It’s the start of the second term, and I already feel like failing.” Harin sighed as she put her backpack down, Marti grinned and took out a small packet from her denim Chanel backpack.

“Have you noticed that amount of fellow Asian kids this school has? Its like having a reunion with my parents’ friends’ children.” Harin stated as she opened the bag of M&Ms.

“I hate having to deal with them.” Martina replied as she opened her book again.

“Even the good looking guys?” Harin poked her side.

“You mean the over privileged boys who drive around their ‘Rari and “Lambos and being an to our teachers? Hell yes.” She said as she stood up.

“Jeon Mona.” Harin made a face.

“Some of them aren’t that bad, I have Algebra with BamBam, he’s from~”

“Sure, anyway, I think I have to leave.” Martina grabbed her backpack.

“What? We have class in like, ten minutes.”

“Well, I don’t care. See you at the loft.” She winked before making a beeline towards the building’s back gate.



Martina was still grinning as she made her way towards the school’s “escape route”, it was just a small hole on the brick wall just behind the building that led to freedom for students.

She unthinkingly rushed out and flinched as she collided with a solid weight.

Ditching?” A deep voice made her look up.

Kind of.” She replied, she took note of his uniform. He went to the same academy.

You got a car waiting?” He queried as he looked around them.

“Why do you care?” She muttered in Korean.

“I don’t.” He replied, she blinked and stared at him.

Anyway, good luck trying to get a cab. I think it’s about to rain in a bit.” He said to her, Marti watched as the dark haired boy lithely climbed over the brick wall. Then he leapt down. Her eyes went to the matte black Jaguar F-Type parked a few meters across her. Then she felt tiny droplets of water land on her cheeks.

“Hey, brat, head’s up.”

She looked up just in time to protect herself from a key landing on her head.


“Have fun.” The familiar deep voice said again, Mona just looked at the key before running towards the automobile.



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Chapter 42: I am really a er for a good MarkXOC story
Chapter 16: This is really one misunderstanding after another
Chapter 42: This is another story that I wish that has a second book.
Chapter 9: A must read story. People should read more of your stories
Chapter 42: Can't help myself re reading all your completed works...
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 42: Just rereading this story authornim. I just realized that I have read the second BTS and GOT 7 stories from you.
That is how good you are in writing, that you can turn someone like me to read stories that does not have my biases.

Thanks authornim, I love reading your stories.
waee09 #7
Chapter 42: Definitely one of my personal favsss!!
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 42: Wow authornim Daebak!
Klynie #10
Chapter 42: is it just me or i can't re-read it and the site continues saying an error has occured hnshsj