The Heart's Best Mistake



“Are you sure?” Jungkook asked again, Mona smiled at her sibling.

“I’ll see you at home. I need to see samchon.” She said, Jungkook nodded and unlocked the doors.

Mona mussed his hair before sliding down the car. She watched as the BMW sped away before going inside the hospital. It was already a little late, but she just needed to talk to her uncle and tell him about the party he set up for her.

She made her way to the elevators and got inside one of the empty machines. She arrived at the VVIP floor and made her way to her uncle’s room.

Before she could touch the knob, the door suddenly slid open, she almost screamed when a black hooded figure appeared before her.

“Hello, cousin.” He mused, she exhaled and slapped his arm.

“Nice to see you too, idiot.” She muttered, the male chuckled and gently pulled her aside.

“I heard you guys are coming out with an album soon.” She asked as he lowered his mask.

“Yeah, want a signed copy?” He offered with a playful grin.

“I’ll have it framed. Lunch with me soon?” She asked, he nodded and kissed her forehead before leaving.



“I heard about what your ex-husband did.”

“Well, I’m doing well too, samchon. Hi.” Marti blinked and slid the door close behind her, the elder chuckled.

“What did Mark do?” She asked.

“I heard the party went well, except for that little glitch. I’m sorry about that, dear. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, samchon. You? How’s the heart doing?”

“The heart is amused. I see you’ve met my son on your way in.”

“I’m glad to see you two finally patch things up. He’s successful now, samchon. Stop fretting.” She nudged his arm as she saw how his brows furrowed.

“Jin threw the punch, huh? What a waste.” He mused.

“Samchon!” She sighed.

“Kidding aside, have you seen what Mark did?”

“Mark did what?”

“It’s on the news, Han Sooae’s son, Jisook, after you left, the police picked him up. Had him sentenced for harassment.”

“Mark is not the police…?” She was confused.

“Yeah, he was all purple and bruised when they got him. I don’t think Jin would have managed to do that with one punch right?”

Martina paused.

“Remember that one incident that had your mother worried?”

Mona nodded, it was three years ago, she got a little too drunk at the bar and some guys were starting to her. She was able to escape them, but the next day Mark flew in and heard about what happened. Those guys were expelled from school and some of their businesses were halted.

“I don’t think~”

“He’s just protecting you, Mona. But I want you to be careful, okay?”

She nodded, the elder grinned at her.

“You should talk to him too. And tell him I say thanks.”

“Huh? What for?”

“I can’t stand Sooae’s son, such an arrogant brat.” He smirked.

“Samchon, really.” She shook her head.



“So, tell me,” Harin was seated on Mona’s chair while she stood by the windows.


“You and Jin oppa, what’s up?”

“What are you talking about?”

Hunny, we all know that if it weren’t for Mark, you and Jin would be a couple by now.

Mona stopped and looked at her friend.

“We’re friends, H.”

“He’s your soul mate. You guys match so well, it’s crazy.” Harin mused.

“You sound like an old lady.”

“Well, but you and Mark tho, damn, you two were goals.

“Okay, Lee Harin, please~”

Okay, let me point out a few things, you two were different, M. Even the moment you two first met, there was something there. You even got along well after that, you two became each other’s ride or die.

But admit it, it’s hard, huh? Not being friends with him? Your comfort level with Mark is different. He knows you. The real you.

Harin made her friend face her.

Being friends again wouldn’t hurt, M. I’m sure Mark will understand.

Mona was about to react.

“But then again, maybe it’s just not him. I’m still rooting for Seokjin oppa.” Harin grinned, Mona exhaled.

“I kind of have to go, H.”

“What? Why?”

“I have to…see my lawyer regarding some..things. I’ll be having lunch with Jin oppa afterwards, want to join~”

“Nope. You guys have a good time.” Harin nodded before leaving the office.



Martina exhaled as she looked at the revolving doors, she took one deep breath before heading inside the building.

She could instantly feel all the eyes on her. She didn’t know what she was up to, but she knew she had to see Mark.

Very smart, Martina. You want the talk about your divorce to die down, but you decide to pop up at your ex-husband’s company. Nice, wowza.

She got in the elevator, after a few minutes she arrived at the top floor. She checked her reflection briefly; she was clad in a white off-shoulder blouse with a pair of high waisted skinny slacks and Valentino heels.

“Is Ma~ Mister Tuan in?” She asked the male, the secretary smiled as he recognized her.

“Yes, this way please.” He stood up and gestured for her to follow.



Mark looked up just as the doors opened.

“Sir, Miss Jeon~”

He dismissed him with a wave of his hand, Mona stepped in the office, she looked unsure.

T?” He asked as he left his desk.

I came to bring in the papers. I just signed them.” She handed him the folder, Mark nodded and took it from her.

“And..about Jisook,”

Mark’s brows furrowed.

T, it wasn’t linked to the two of us, I made sure~

Mark, I know. That’s why I’m here, to say thank you. You always did watch over my back.” She swallowed, Mark nodded without a word.

But..you can stop now. I can take care of myself, Tuan. I’m not your responsibility anymore.

Mark stilled, his eyes met hers.

So you expect me not to do anything when that jackass was groping you?


Do you even know what he said about you when Liang took care of him, Martina?

Mark, please not now.” She sighed, her palm pressed against his chest to push him back.

Really, this temper of yours.” She murmured, Mark pulled away from her.

Mark….can we be friends again? Like..before, we used to get along, right?

Mark looked up, stunned.

Those things you said to me, to be honest..It bothers me, Mark that we aren’t on excellent terms, and I don’t know what to say to that. I just want to be friends again.


She nodded; Mark noticed how worried she looked and the dark shadows under her eyes.

“Despite all the we went through, we were good friends first.” She spoke again.


It hurts me…It bothers me that we’re not talking, okay? And I’m sorry if I was cold to you, I just didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” She looked away.

T, you don’t have to do this~

Just be Mark again, okay? The Mark who lent me his car so I can ditch class, I miss that Mark. I need that Mark.

Mark’s brows met briefly, but it was the way Mona looked at him that gave him no choice but to give her a small nod.

Even if it crushed him inside, he faced her with a decision.

I may not be able to see you the way you see me, but…you’re Mark. You’re special to this spoiled brat.” She managed a small playful grin.

He just nodded and opened his arms to her with a warm smile. Marti grinned before hugging him back, Mark just kissed the side of her head.



I’m here, T.



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Chapter 42: I am really a er for a good MarkXOC story
Chapter 16: This is really one misunderstanding after another
Chapter 42: This is another story that I wish that has a second book.
Chapter 9: A must read story. People should read more of your stories
Chapter 42: Can't help myself re reading all your completed works...
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 42: Just rereading this story authornim. I just realized that I have read the second BTS and GOT 7 stories from you.
That is how good you are in writing, that you can turn someone like me to read stories that does not have my biases.

Thanks authornim, I love reading your stories.
waee09 #7
Chapter 42: Definitely one of my personal favsss!!
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 42: Wow authornim Daebak!
Klynie #10
Chapter 42: is it just me or i can't re-read it and the site continues saying an error has occured hnshsj