The Heart's Best Mistake



February 2014



Jinyoung glanced sideways as he heard footsteps approaching.

“Lee Harin!” Jackson bellowed, Harin winked at him before taking the seat next to Jinyoung.

“Sorry for being late, Yoongi just had to get a new car before we leave the city.” She sighed as she shook off her Prada flats and curled her knees beneath her.

She glanced back and saw Mona walking towards the house.

“She was looking for Mark.” Jinyoung explained as he took a small sip of his tea.

Harin exhaled.

“It frustrates you too, huh?” Jinyoung asked just as Yoongi joined them.

“Frustrate is an understatement. I don’t know who’s the blind one actually.” Harin pointed out as she tore her scone in half using her bare hands.

“It’s your side. Marti’s the blind one.” Jinyoung said, Yoongi looked up.

“I grew up in Taiwan, the Tuans have been our neighbors since I was three. Before her, he was different, he was too quiet, reserved and guarded. But after Mona…he…he’s become open and very direct. He’s become honest in how he feels and he talks more.”

“I noticed that too, and I’m not even that close with him.” Harin nodded.

“But have you seen the way he looks at her? It drives me crazy. You’re right, Martina’s blind.” Harin sighed.

“You two…always talking behind my best friend’s back.” Yoongi mumbled before laying flat on the lounge chair.

“He loves her, H. I just hope he tells her soon.”





“It should have been you. I should have chosen you.”

Martin froze on her steps. Mark didn’t reply but she could hear him stand up from the chair.

“Hyemin-ah, what happened?” He asked softly.

“Mark..I’m sorry..I should have known, it’s always been you.”

Her brows met as she quietly stepped away from the doors, she chewed on her lower lip as she climbed up the stairs. Mona made her way towards their room and paused.

There was a black book resting on her Hermes bag.

Death Note?” She mumbled as she picked it up and sat by the windows. Then just as she opened the book a note slipped out.


I know it’s quite late. You asked for a proper wedding gift quite long ago, and it took me a lot of time to find something for you. Knowing you, you would want something that actually meant something. To be honest though, you’re probably the only girl who thinks a diamond isn’t enough. Relax, I’m joking.

Anyway, I hope you like this one, little rainbow.

No matter what happens, I’ll always be here for you.

Oh, and advance happy birthday, Marteena.




“Marteena?” Her lips quirked up, then she felt something attached to the card she flipped it around and grinned.

It was another diamond ring, it was smaller than the previous one. She estimated it was somewhere between two point 5 to three carats.

Very funny, rich boy.” She rolled her eyes and set the ring aside and opened the book.

Then she gasped, it was a coffee table book filled with black and white photos of her. Some were from their wedding but mostly it had candid photos of her taken during their trips, at their old school and at their home. There were old and new photos of her too.

“He always had that Leica with him.” She mused as she browsed through the pages, occasionally of photo of them or with their friends would appear.

Did I finally make you feel sentimental?” A deep voice made her look up, she grinned before pushing herself off the floor.

Thank you. I love it.” She chuckled before jumping in his arms, he chuckled and hugged her back.

Which one? The ring? Oh, I see it tossed on the floor though. I’m guessing it’s the book?” He mused as he set her down.

Both, but I’m a bit biased towards the book.” She grinned, Mark nodded and picked up the card. He pulled the ring out and slid it down her finger.

“I had them set it differently so it wouldn’t like an engagement ring or something. Is it okay?” He hesitantly asked, M grew amused as he noticed how worried he was.

It’s beautiful, Mark. Fix that frown.” She grinned, Mark scrunched his nose at her.

Uhmm, I heard~..saw Hyemin and her son downstairs.” She started, she noticed how Mark pulled away from her and lay flat on the bed.

That…I don’t know what to do about.” He honestly replied. She smiled and put the book down.


“We just did. What she said…She said things that could change a lot of my decisions, T.”

She paused and nodded.

I don’t want to think about it now. Come.” He patted on the empty space beside him.

Odd, you usually deal with things quickly. So not you.” She as she plopped beside him, Mark grunted and just pulled her towards his chest.

Mona’s brows met just as his arms encircled her waist.

She’s back, Mark. She’s back.

Not today.” He murmured before closing his eyes.



I don’t like her. She’s in the way.” Harin said as they walked in the house. Yoongi was walking behind them, Jackson smirked.

It’s not like we can do anything about it. This is going to be all Mark.

I do not like her.” Harin repeated, BamBam chuckled.

“We know, Harin. Just don’t kill her, okay? She has a son, babe.” Yoongi sighed.

“H?” M was going down the grand staircase, clad in a loose grey crop top, black Nike leggings.

M’s figure against Hyemin’s though. M wins.. big time.” Jackson mused, BamBam and Youngjae just bopped him in the head before they went to the living room.

So glad you’re here!” Mona sighed as she hugged her two friends.

Yoongi grinned and pulled back just as Mark walked towards them.

“Harin, Yoongi.” He greeted them, his eyes went to Marti’s bare waist. He exhaled.

“T, we’re going out grab something at the market.” He said.

“I know, let’s go, I’ll drive.” She nodded and dangled the car key in front of him.

Yoongi saw Hyemin and her son appear from the study.

Harin saw how Mark’s eyes went to them, his brows met briefly.

“I’ll go get you a hoodie.” Mark stated before heading back upstairs. Marti nodded and looked at Hyemin.

“Hyemin, hi.” She swallowed, Yoongi was already pulling Harin away before she could speak.

“It’s good to see you, Mona.” Hyemin smiled, M looked at the toddler.

“How are you?” M asked.

“I actually came by..hoping I could speak with Mark..but he kind of just walked out on me.” Hyemin sighed.

Marti nodded and looked away.

“Hi. What’s your name, cutie?” Marti knelt down to meet his gaze.

The young boy smiled at her, his dimples showing.

“Minsoo.” He said, before Marti could reply, Mark was arrived with one of his hoodies in hand.

Put this on, I’ll go get the car.” Mark handed her the hoodie.

Actually, Mark,” She caught his arm.

I can go alone, so you two can talk.” She continued, she saw Mark’s brows meet briefly.

He gently pulled her aside.

I’m not letting you drive alone, T. This isn’t the city~

I know, and it’s fine. It’s just a few minutes away, Mark, you two need to talk. I’ll call you if something comes up, ‘kay?” She placed her hand on his chest, Mark exhaled.

No, I’ll call you.” He said, he kissed the side of her head before letting her go.

Hyemin’s brows met as she watched two.

Then Mona nodded and slowly walked towards the front door.

Mark sighed and faced his old friend again.



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Chapter 42: I am really a er for a good MarkXOC story
Chapter 16: This is really one misunderstanding after another
Chapter 42: This is another story that I wish that has a second book.
Chapter 9: A must read story. People should read more of your stories
Chapter 42: Can't help myself re reading all your completed works...
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 42: Just rereading this story authornim. I just realized that I have read the second BTS and GOT 7 stories from you.
That is how good you are in writing, that you can turn someone like me to read stories that does not have my biases.

Thanks authornim, I love reading your stories.
waee09 #7
Chapter 42: Definitely one of my personal favsss!!
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 42: Wow authornim Daebak!
Klynie #10
Chapter 42: is it just me or i can't re-read it and the site continues saying an error has occured hnshsj