The Heart's Best Mistake


4 months later




Mark was in the middle of a meeting when his phone buzzed, he glanced at the screen, Liang was calling him.

He chose to ignore the call and gestured for the director to continue talking, then his secretary discreetly approached him and placed another phone beside him.

Help. I’m kinda lost.  – T

Mark paused, he picked up the phone and inconspicuously typed a reply.

Aren’t you with Liang? You’re supposed to be with Liang.

Martina’s reply came a few seconds later, it was three knife emojis and a picture of where she was.

Mark’s lips quirked up.

Be there in five. Stay put.

“I think a short break will do as well, as for your suggestions Director Zheng, I will put it into consideration and if it goes well the board can vote on it.” Mark stood up from his seat and left the room.



T was leaning against her Mercedes Benz E-Class coupe as she watched the street around her, everyone was busy walking and talking on their phones.

“When I said stay put, I meant stay inside the car.”

She glanced behind her, Mark was making his way towards her, she smiled sheepishly.

T.” He sighed as he neared her, she saw Liang and Lee standing a few meters away from them.

I wanted to roam around a bit, you know, explore.” She raised her shoulders, Mark just shook his head.

Liang can drive you around, he’s assigned to you. He was worried when you suddenly disappeared.” Mark said softly, Martina sent Liang a look, the older male just grinned at her.

He called you twenty times?

Maybe fifteen?” Mark smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

But, if you wanted to roam around you could have just called me.

It’s just that you’re busy and I suddenly have time to spare today.” She nodded, Mark smiled and just opened the door for her.

Okay, we can go roam around today.

But that meeting~

Nah, I suddenly have time to spare today.” He teased before gently pushing her to the seat.




I just don’t understand,” Marti said, she was lounging on the leather couch inside Mark’s office, she had taken off her thigh high boots and had her legs crossed underneath the Hermes blanket.

Me too. You said you wanted to roam around.” Mark pointed out as he browsed through the papers on his table.

Chanyeol oppa’s rumored to be dating this female idol again. His life must be hard.” She sighed.

T, we can actually go where you want to, work can wait.” Mark looked at her, she made a face and put the iPad down.

I know.” She met his gaze.

Then, why? You like being stuck in my office?” He chuckled, she shook her head.

We haven’t seen each other a lot for the past three days, I’ve been hopping from city to city. You’ve been..doing president duties. It felt like everything was just too fast.” She stood up and walked to him.

It felt like nothing was stable enough for me to hold on to.” She stated as she sat on his lap. Mark’s brows met briefly.

That’s why I went out for a drive alone, I just didn’t expect I’d get lost.” She added quietly, Mark chuckled, she just mumbled before wrapping her arms around his neck.

I just wanted to hang out with you, just for a bit.” She nodded.

Hmmm, I like it when you’re being clingy, it’s cute.” He chuckled and rubbed her back.

Yeah that and my parents are in town. Do you think we can hide here until tomorrow?

Mark laughed.

They’re going to pressure us into marrying again, I don’t like it. I like how things are now.” She said.

So, you’re never going to marry me again?” Mark asked with a smile.

I didn’t say that. But~

Mark leaned over to get something from his desk drawer

I know, you don’t have to keep on explaining, I love you, T.” He said as he unclasped the bracelet from the case and put it around her wrist.

I actually got this a few years back, right before you dropped that divorce bomb on me.

Martina looked at the white gold chain and it’s multiple charms.

One charm for every time I realize you were trouble because I didn’t want our marriage to end.” He mused before capturing her lips with his.

“Yeah, that one of my biggest fails, but I love you too.” She mused before cupping his cheeks. Then the doors suddenly opened, Martina tensed.

You two! Are you teenagers? Sneaking around like this, what a sight!” Nai Nai was standing by the doors, Mark gave his grandmother a toothy grin.

Hi, nai nai.” Martina gave her a small wave.

Dinner at home later, you two better be there. And I’m waiting for my great grandkids too, you better work on it too.” Then she left the room.

Mona winced, Mark just chuckled.

Well, here’s to us, T.” He said as she stood up and grabbed her shoes.

I think it’s time to tell everybody.” She said as she struggled with her left boot, Mark smiled as he knelt down and helped her zip up.

“Really?He was practically beaming at her.


I’m going to be a father.” He whispered to himself before kissing her forehead.

Let’s go.” Mark took her hand and helped her stand.


I love you, Martina Jeon.” Mark smiled as they exited his office, T just winked back at him.



THE END!! (6/27/16)




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Chapter 42: I am really a er for a good MarkXOC story
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zangsia1 #6
Chapter 42: Just rereading this story authornim. I just realized that I have read the second BTS and GOT 7 stories from you.
That is how good you are in writing, that you can turn someone like me to read stories that does not have my biases.

Thanks authornim, I love reading your stories.
waee09 #7
Chapter 42: Definitely one of my personal favsss!!
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 42: Wow authornim Daebak!
Klynie #10
Chapter 42: is it just me or i can't re-read it and the site continues saying an error has occured hnshsj