The Heart's Best Mistake


“Ooooh.” Jimin whistled, Harin rushed to her friend.

“Too slow.” Yoongi murmured, just as Jin pulled back from the ert. He walked towards Mona.

“Let’s go.” He said, Mona nodded, she looked round her, people were staring at Jisook and herself.

“Don’t worry, I’ll have someone clean this up. All blame will be on him.” Harin rushed, Jin took her hand and started to pull her.

Then Mona was tugged back when a firm grip was planted around her free wrist.

Jin halted and glanced back.




Marti met eyes with Mark.

“Are you okay?” He asked lowly, his voice deeper than usual.

Yeah.” She nodded, Mark’s eyes went to Jin briefly then he let go of her.

Then she started walking again, her brows furrowed before she and Jin stepped out of the hall.

“Did we just have a brief glimpse of the future?” Harin paused, Jungkook looked at her oddly.

“What?” Namjoon asked as they followed the two.

“Jin and Mark. Competing for her. Tug of war.” Harin nodded.

“You’re making it sound so dramatic, H.” Taehyung mused.

“I think it will be.” Hoseok nodded just as they reached the elevator. Then they paused as four men dressed in black exited the vehicle.

They saw Mona halt.

“Samonim(madam),” One of them greeted her.

“Oh, hi.” Mona blurted, then the four men bowed at her before quickly walking towards the hall they just left.

“You know them?” Jin asked.

“I do…those guys, mister Liang and..” Martina mumbled.

“Which company?” Harin asked.

“No, they’re Mark’s security detail. Mister Liang’s a retired judo master and he was in the police force back in Hong Kong.” She shrugged as they entered the elevator.

Namjoon and Hoseok exchanged looks.

“In other words, Mark Tuan’s goons.” Jimin nodded to himself.

“Those guys will probably put Jisook in a sack or something.” Namjoon murmured.

“That..doesn’t scare you?” Harin paused.

“That’s just Mark.” Yoongi shrugged.



“Let’s go, beef! Pork! Chicken!” Taehyung was humming as he grilled the meat, he had tossed away his tuxedo jacket and untucked his shirt.

“He’s always so happy when food’s around.” Jungkook shook his head, the group was at the Kims’ residence, particularly at the garden to enjoy barbeque and beer.

“Here’s to our Monanana entering the corporate world.” Namjoon raised his bottled, Marti grinned and raised her glass of grape juice.

“That and to having Jin oppa back. Hopefully,” Mona faced him.

“He’s staying and wont be flying around anytime soon.” She finished, they cheered.

Hoseok chuckled before passing the plates to everyone.

“I am staying.” Jin shrugged coolly as he picked up a few pieces of meat and dropped them on Mona’s plate.

“What?” Harin halted.

“For a few weeks? Is it one of those long breaks again, hyung?” Taehyung asked.

“No. I told Yoongi earlier, I though you guys already know.” Jin looked up from his plate.

“What do we know?” Mona blinked.

“I submitted my resignation letter and abeoji had tasked me to take his position.”

“Finally, less pressure on me.” Taehyung exhaled, Marti laughed.

“Good for you, hyung.” Namjoon grinned and slapped his arm.

“We should be welcoming him to the harsh corporate world too!” Mona grinned, Jin just snorted and pinched her cheek.

“I’m no newbie, Martina.”



Mona watched as the guys battled over the basketball, she looked around and found Jin sitting on one of the lounge chairs.

“Oppa.” She hummed before joining him on the seat, Jin smiled and scooted over.

“Tired?” Jin asked.

“No. I’m just happy you quit your job at your company.” She blinked but nodded.

“And I applied for another job at the same company?” Jin continued, she laughed.

“Hmm that pretty much sums up our lives.” She finished, he grinned and playfully leaned against her.

“Is it difficult? Being back here?” He asked quietly.

“It is, oppa. But, I have to deal with the BOD tomorrow, they’re kind of unsure of me.”

“Why? Because you’re divorced? Come on, Nanaboo, that’s an old story.”

She flinched at her childhood pet name.

“Nanaboo, can you not? Still, it’s something they feel~”

“It’s not like you and Mark separated in bad terms, right? I mean you never fought or something.”

“We actually got along well, I think people forget that.” Mona was absentmindedly tugging on the sleeves of his shirt.

“Got? Are you not in good terms now?” Jin sat up, leaving his arm on her lap.

“We’re okay. Like, you know..a bit..this and that.”

“What?” Jin blinked.

“I thought things between us were over but now that I came back, we discovered a few issues. We have properties we haven’t settled.”

“That should be easy, Nan~M.” He shrugged.

“That and he just told me he loves me. Nothing difficult there, right, Kim Seokjin?” She added.

Jin paused, he pulled his arm away and faced him.

“He said that?” He asked.

“Yeah. So, it’s not easy, oppa. Especially, both of us being in the same circle in society plus all the eyes on us?”

Jin glanced at her, his forehead creased.

“So it’s not his feelings that bother you? But~”

“Noona!” Jungkook was running towards them.

Martina stood up, Jin’s brows met.

“You have early class, I know. Sorry, oppa, I think we have to go.” Mona turned to him again, Jin just nodded.

Marti grinned before briefly leaning over to hug him.

“I did miss you.” She mused before following Jungkook to his car.



Mark drummed his fingers on the table.

He was too slow.

One of her friends managed to get to her first.

His thoughts went back to the scene last night, Martina’s panicked face flashed in his mind again.

“Kim Seokjin.” He said, he remembered the male. He was at their wedding, one of Mona’s close friends.

“Sir?” His secretary was standing by the door. He looked up.


Mark,” Joey sidestepped the male, Mark nodded for his secretary to leave.

I got a call from dad, he asked me to tell you to not be so…

Is this about that ert I sent to jail?” Mark asked.

Nai nai hear about it, she was okay. Dad’s a little worried, you know how rumors start.” Joey shrugged and sat down.

I didn’t like the way he treated T.” Mark replied evenly.

But, ge,” Joey faced his older brother.

“Tell me, you and Mona jie, what..is she to you?”

She’s my best mistake.



And I regret letting her slip away.




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Chapter 42: I am really a er for a good MarkXOC story
Chapter 16: This is really one misunderstanding after another
Chapter 42: This is another story that I wish that has a second book.
Chapter 9: A must read story. People should read more of your stories
Chapter 42: Can't help myself re reading all your completed works...
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 42: Just rereading this story authornim. I just realized that I have read the second BTS and GOT 7 stories from you.
That is how good you are in writing, that you can turn someone like me to read stories that does not have my biases.

Thanks authornim, I love reading your stories.
waee09 #7
Chapter 42: Definitely one of my personal favsss!!
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 42: Wow authornim Daebak!
Klynie #10
Chapter 42: is it just me or i can't re-read it and the site continues saying an error has occured hnshsj