The Heart's Best Mistake



Mark was staring at her as she pulled back; she dropped her hands to her sides and took one step back.

Oh god.” Martina finally noticed the amount of people in the lobby.

First day of work?” She blinked at Mark, his lips quirked before taking her hand and started pulling her towards the elevators.

Mark, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were~

It’s fine, T. You’re here.” He said softly, the doors opened and they got inside.

I just got here last night from Seoul.

I thought you were in LA.” Mark paused, she shook her head.

It’s a long story actually. Mark, I~

We can talk in my office.” Mark said as they got out of the machine, Marti nodded and started to follow him.

Mona? My sweet child!” A feminine voice made them halt.

“Nai nai.” Mona balked, Mark started to grin at her.



I think she just locked us in.” Mark said as he tried to turn the doorknob again.

T glanced at him, she was seated on the long conference table.

I don’t understand, T. Clearly, before I left for Taipei, you were in LA.” Mark spoke as he walked towards her.

I flew back on the second day there,” She looked away, Mark nodded and stood in front of her, he took her hand in his and noticed the small scratch on her wrist. He looked at her questioningly.

I slipped in the bathroom last night.” She explained hastily, Mark nodded.

LA never freaked me out that much.” She shook her head.

What happened?” Mark asked.

What happened? Mark, I..I~” She exhaled.

I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have gone with Jin. But being there just made me realize that I can’t not be with you. And it’s stupid of me because I did say I just wanted to be friends, but I need you.

Mark met her gaze steadily.

And I’m not going to let Hyemin bother me again.

T, we just~

I know, Jackson sent me a three page email explaining why you two are here.” She nodded, Mark smiled before pressing his forehead against hers.

And, I love you, Mark Yi En Tuan. As crazy as it sounds, will you take me back?” She asked quietly.

We’ll be alright, T.” Mark nodded before capturing her lips with his. Martina just smiled against his lips before placing her palms against his chest.

And I love you too, I always have.” He murmured.



There’s a catch, T.” Mark spoke as they stepped out of the building, the Tuan elder had finally opened the doors and ordered them to roam around the city and talk.

Catch?” She asked, Mark took her hand in his as they crossed the street.

I kind of took dad’s offer.

You’re president now?

Sort of.” He nodded, Mona grinned.

How is that a bad thing? You’re frowning as if~

It means, I have to stay here.

I know.” She nodded along and looked around them. Then she paused and stared at him.

Don’t you want me here?

Mark shook his head and gave her hand a squeeze.

Remember when we ate those steamed buns with the red bean~

T, I wont be in Seoul as much.” Mark sighed, Marti faced him, clearly she was still in search for food.

Mark, I can stay here if I want to. Being vice president entitles me to be assigned anywhere. Plus, my brother’s technically done with school now. Now about those steamed buns-

Still, Seoul~

I can take a short break, I think I just started a rumor. And it’s not going to look good.” She flinched.

Why?” Mark asked as they entered the shopping mall.

Mark, Jeon Group’s private jet landed in Seoul at ten in the morning, then a TGC plane flew out twenty minutes later. Then people saw me rushing to a private plane around ten forty.

Whoa, that fast?” Mark was surprised, she huffed.

You’re not getting my point, I was~

Mark stopped her with a deep kiss that made her sigh.

I don’t care about rumors, T. We’re going to be alright.

Yeah sure, as long as I don’t ask why I saw Hyemin boarding that plane.

Mark halted, his brows met briefly.

T, she was~

I’m joking, I know why she went with you. Jackson’s email, remember?”  She chuckled, then she saw it.

The red bean buns she was craving for.

Mark, can we~

Yeah.” Mark nodded and took her with him towards the stall, he bought a box of six buns for them. Mona made her way towards the food court, then she paused. There were two men dressed in black suits walking behind her.

Hi, ma’am.” Liang greeted her with a warm smile.

I didn’t see you guys.” She blinked.

Please, sit down.” The other male pulled the chair for her, she just nodded hesitantly.

Here.” Mark appeared in front of her, she picked up one of the buns and tore a piece.

Has Liang been following us?

Yeah, since I’m here, I have to have bodyguards.” Mark sighed, she grinned.

So, now that we’re back together, does that mean I have them back too?” Mona glanced at Mark’s guards.

Take it or leave it.” He grinned at her, she scrunched her nose.

I’ll leave it.” Mona shrugged and stood up, Mark chuckled and caught her arm.

No, you cant.” Mark mused, she made a face and gave a smile at Liang again.

If you really want to stay, welcome to Taiwan, T. But staying here, means that your routine will change. I mean, I can’t have you roaming around alone, driving~”

“I know, Mark.” She said as she chewed.

“I don’t want you to sacrifice so much for me.” Mark said, he was frowning.

I am staying with you.” She met his gaze evenly, Mark’s lips quirked up and just reached to brush the hair away from her face.


Thank you, T.



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Chapter 42: I am really a er for a good MarkXOC story
Chapter 16: This is really one misunderstanding after another
Chapter 42: This is another story that I wish that has a second book.
Chapter 9: A must read story. People should read more of your stories
Chapter 42: Can't help myself re reading all your completed works...
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 42: Just rereading this story authornim. I just realized that I have read the second BTS and GOT 7 stories from you.
That is how good you are in writing, that you can turn someone like me to read stories that does not have my biases.

Thanks authornim, I love reading your stories.
waee09 #7
Chapter 42: Definitely one of my personal favsss!!
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 42: Wow authornim Daebak!
Klynie #10
Chapter 42: is it just me or i can't re-read it and the site continues saying an error has occured hnshsj