Dinner Date

Unrelenting Fortitude


"Soooo, you never told us how your date went yesterday~~" Harii grinned, leaning on the back of the loveseat, jaw on his palm.


"Date!? What date!?" Jun's voice hollered from the kitchen, followed by a loud 'clang'


"It wasn't a date, I just hung out with the guys for a bit," she replied with a laugh, running a hand through her hair.


"Jeri, a bit, is a couple hours, not three-quarters of the day," Setiawan stated with a raised eyebrow. “That coupled with the fact that you came home and all but died in your room suggests it was more than just a normal outing.”


"Why do you guys even care if I was out? Not like it's any of your business…" Jeri questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Besides, it was just the guys from Super Junior."

“That doesn’t make it any better!” Jun barked, finally emerging from the kitchen with a frying pan in his hand. “They didn’t touch you did they?!”

“Psh, like they’d touch me; they’re scared of spiders,” Jeri snorted, rolling her eyes and returning her eyes to the TV.

“Harii’s scared of mice,” Setiawan chuckled, the Korean’s cheeks darkening slightly from embarrassment.

“Stuart Little!” Jun whispered into the smaller man’s ear.

Harii gave a loud shriek and spun around, pulling his slipper off of his foot and throwing it in the younger’s direction. Jun however, still wielding his frying pan, swung it like a bat, the slipper bouncing off and sailing back over the loveseat and hitting Jeri in the back of the head.


The three men burst into a round of laughter as Jeri rubbed the back of her head and glared over at her brother.

“No dating until you’re thirty! Or I’ll use the other slipper too!” Jun half laughed and half warned, shaking the frying pan in his sister’s direction.

“Jeez, yes dad…”

“Alright you four, time to go,” Seomun called out, fixing his jacket and heading towards the foyer of the apartment.

The four idols nodded and packed their go-bags, following their manager out of their apartment and waiting in the lobby as he brought the car around to the front doors.

"Shotgun!" Harii cheered, dashing to the van.


"Not if I get there first!" Jun challenged, running after him.


"You two are acting like you're in preschool, get back here!" Jeri laughed, watching the two run.


"I wonder what their reaction will be when they realize that the passenger seat is covered in equipment..." Setiawan said, looking down at Jeri with a smirk.


Just as the words left his mouth, the disappointed 'aww's from Jun and Harii could be heard as they opened the door, making Setiawan and Jeri laugh. They all climbed into the van and set off for the SM headquarters.


"Now, you guys must work hard as you'll begin filming for your return album soon, alright?" Seomun claimed from the driver's seat.


"Yes hyung," The men agreed while Jeri remained silent.


"So how much do we have to do today? Do we have anything other than practice?" Setiawan asked.


"I do~" Harii called from the backseat. "I'm going on Happy Together aaaatttttttt..."


He paused and gained a thoughtful look making the others laugh.


"It's at five Harii," The manager reminded with a sigh.


"I knew that!" the Korean whined, pouting.


"I'm sure you did-would you STOP kicking my seat!!" Jeri snapped, turning in her seat to glare back at her brother.


The boy gave her a grin and waved at her, but her glare stayed.


"No fighting in the car you two," Seomun scolded, sounding like he was talking to a pair of three year olds.


"He/she started it!" Both of them whined in unison, pointing to each other.


"And people have actually asked you two if you're related?" Setiawan asked, raising an eyebrow at their behaviour.


"Yeah, but I keep telling them she's adopted," Jun replied, thumbing towards his sister.


Jeri retaliated by taking off her shoe and smacking him with it, making the boy yelp as he tried to block the onslaught. Setiawan and Harii simply laughed as the siblings fought with each other, having gotten used to it by now.


"Alright, alright, enough!" Seomun growled, looking at them from the rearview mirror.


Jun and Jeri stopped and slumped in their seat with a pout, making Harii laugh again and Setiawan reach over and ruffle the girl's hair, making her glare up at him.

Soon enough the van pulled up to the large building, the four quickly clamoring out and through the front doors before any of the waiting fans could reach out and grab a stray sleeve. They made their way to their usual practise room, Seomun claiming that he had some things to take care of and insisted the go on ahead.

“Should we just run through everything?” Harii asked, beginning his stretches once all of their things were placed against the far wall.

Setiawan nodded. “Run through each song and then revisit things that we need to work on.”

“Like choreography?” Jeri hinted, giving their leader a look.

Setiawan sighed as Jun and Harii snickered, the blond looking down at their youngest member.

“I’m aware that I have two left feet Jeri, you don’t have to rub it in,” he pouted.

“If rubbing is what is needed then I will rub vigorously!” Jeri barked back, pointing her finger into the blond’s face. “You dance like you’re chicken footed-”

The three men suddenly burst out laughing, Jun slapping his hand over his face; more than likely from embarrassment.

“It’s not chicken footed it’s pigeon toed!” Jun laughed, tears welling up in his eyes.

“Whatever!” Jeri huffed, stomping her foot. “My point still stands; I will drill this dance into your head until you do it in your sleep!”

“Vigorous branch-dancing in his sleep; I’ll have to find where he hides his camera,” Harii laughed, covering his mouth with his knuckles to try and hide his grin.

Setiawan simply rolled his eyes, far used to the younger members teasing him about his dancing “prowess”.

The group ran through the songs for Stand-By, Jeri telling Jun and Harii to get off the floor so that she could “tutor” their leader one on one.


Jun and Harii burst into a fit of laughter as Jeri wagged her finger in the leader’s face, Setiawan simply rolling his eyes but nodding along as she scolded him once again.

“We thought we’d pop in and say hello, but maybe we should come in later…”

Jun and Harii both turned towards the door to see Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Kibum and Kyuhyun.

“Nah, you guys are safe, as long as you don’t try to dance,” Jun laughed.

“As long as you don’t mess up while dancing,” Harii corrected.

“Smiles, help me!!” Jeri half whined half barked.

Eunhyuk jumped slightly at being addressed and did a mock salute before walking over to the girl and the blond.

“So what brings you guys over? I highly doubt with your busy schedule it was for a simple hello,” Harii laughed, giving them a sympathetic look.

“If it’s because Yesung-hyung wants me to turtle-sit again, tell him my refusal to ever do so again still stands,” Jun huffed, crossing his arms over his chest with a defiant pout.

“Jun it peed on you once,” Harii groaned, clearly having heard the story enough times.

“Once is enough.”

“We were actually planning on heading out to that new restaurant that opened up not too far from headquarters for dinner, did you guys want to join us?” Leeteuk laughed.

“Issues splitting the bill again huh?” Jun snickered.

Leeteuk’s smile fell slightly and gave a small sigh as Kibum laughed and patted the older man on the back.

“I’m all for it, but I think we’ll be here for a while; we need to try and squeeze as much practise in as we can before our concert,” Harii claimed.

“Oh that’s right, aren’t you guys getting ready for your first concert in Japan?” Siwon asked.

“Yeah, I think we’re all a bit jaded and we want to do our best but-where is he going?” Jun spoke, watching as Kyuhyun crept around them towards where Jeri and Eunhyuk were trying to coach Setiawan through a difficult part of Stand-By’s choreography.

His question was answered when he snuck up behind Jeri and slammed his hands down on the girl’s shoulders, Jeri not even flinching as she turned to give him a quizzical look.


“What the heck do I have to do to scare you!?” Kyuhyun pouted.

Jeri face flattened for a moment before her usual grin returned to her features, pushing her fellow maknae away from her by the shoulder before turning back to yelling at Tambourine’s leader for doing the wrong footwork.

“I understand wanting to get in a little more practise,” Siwon hummed with a nod.

“We were thinking about heading over a little after 8,” Kibum added, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

“What time is it now?” Harii asked outloud, looking for the clock in the practise room.

“Freckle past a hair,” Jun hummed, looking at his wrist.

Harii rolled his eyes as the other men simply chuckled, used to Jun’s quick answers and wit.

“Provided we’re not dragging poor Setty-hyung’s corpse there, I think we could manage getting there at eight,” Harii smiled with a nod.

“Alright, well text if there’s a change in plans,” Leeteuk bid, raising his hand in farewell. “Kyuhyun-ah, Eunhyuk-ah, let’s head back~”

“Noooo! George let me keep Smiles; I’ll never get Setiawan ready without him!” Jeri cried dramatically, latching onto Eunhyuk’s arm as the dancer laughed.

“Have some faith Jeri-ah! You are Tambourine’s lead dancer, if you cannot help your team members with the move then no-one can!” he beamed. “Fighting!”

Jeri continued to pout, but soon sighed and released him arm with a nod.

Kyuhyun ruffled her hair as he and Eunhyuk walked away, Jeri letting out a distressed growl and swatting his hand away, glaring after him as he grinned and walked out of the room with the other SuJu members.

When the door closed behind them, Jeri swung back around and gave their blond leader a firm look.

“Ten bucks says Jeri begs for mercy in one hour,” Jun snickered, leaning over to whisper closer to Harii’s ear.


Jun didn’t reply, simply grinning and offering his hand to shake, Harii returning his grin and shaking his hand.


“I said I’m sorry…” Setiawan sighed, crouched down next to Jeri who was imitating the dead-man’s float.

Harii grumbled and pulled out his wallet as the younger man snickered, his hand extended as he watched his sister muttering into the floorboards. Jun eagerly took the money form the lead singer and stuffed it into his pocket before clapping his hands and walking over to the other two.

“Well, not that I don’t enjoy watching Jeri admit defeat, but we’ve been invited out to dinner and I think it would be rude not to arrive,” he beamed. “That means get up so I can eat, check?”

Jeri groaned as her brother toed her in the leg before finally lifting her head with a defeated look.

By the time she finally pulled herself to her feet, Setiawan, Jun and Harii had already packed all of their things into their bags and were heading for the door. Quickly packing her own bag and dashing after them, Jeri was just about to round the corner while muttering under her breath when she collided with what felt like a wall.

“Jeez, I figured you missed me but I didn’t think it was that much,” Henry laughed, steadying the girl before she fell to the ground.

“I missed you becoming a brick; what have you been feeding him??” Jeri groaned, holding her nose while looking up at the man beside him.

“Nothing out of the normal, though he has been cutting back on the lychee berries recently-”

“Because she said I was starting to look like one!” Henry whined, pointing his finger at Jeri.

“I said your cheeks were starting to look like those japanese rice balls, not your entire being; stop being such a drama queen Pancake,” Jeri laughed.

Henry puffed out his cheeks in mild irritation causing Zhou Mi to snicker and poke them, the younger boy swatting his hand away as Jeri laughed.

“Are you and the other going to come to the restaurant with us?” Zhou Mi asked, finally halting his teasing towards the younger boy.

Jeri nodded. “I don’t see a problem with it, we can just tell our manager to pay for our portion; he owes us because he lost a bet.”

Zhou Mi laughed and motioned for the girl to lead the way, Jeri doing so with the man behind her, Henry giving a yelp before dashing after them.

The trio met up with Jun, Harii and Setiawan who had stopped to wait in the lobby for their youngest member. Together the six made their way to the restaurant, their manager driving them when Tambourine’s members demanded he tag along.

“There you guys are! We thought you’d all gotten lost!” Heechul huffed, being one of the first to notice their entrance.

“Sorry hyung, Jeri was having a breakdown,” Harii chuckled as he and the others made their way to the vacant seats.

“I was not having a breakdown!” Jeri barked, glaring after him.

“Was she on the floor again?” Ryeowook gawked.

“What did you guys do this time?” Hangeng laughed.

“Hyung can’t dance,” Jun snickered, taking a seat on Eunhyuk’s right side.

Setiawan sighed as the table erupted into a small round of laughter and sat across from Harii as the Korean sat beside Jun, Jeri sitting on his right side with Kyuhyun on her right.

Dinner was filled with idle chatter for a few minutes until a few servers came out with menus. The idols and managers decided to try and keep the tab small, though with the amount of rumbling stomachs there were, Jeri had her doubts it was possible.

The copious amounts of plates were delivered to the tables and everyone dug in, exchanging idle chatter here and there, though Jeri nearly lost her appetite when Jun insisted on throwing uncooked beans at Yesung, the older man’s hair so well permed that he didn’t notice the numerous sprouts nestled in his locks. Heechul ended up ratting Jun out, causing the older vocalist to yell at Jun about wasting perfectly good food, pull them out of his hair and eat them.

"Dude, I'm stuffed," Jun sighed happily, finally leaning back in his chair.


"Yeah, and I'm broke," Seomun sighed, looking at the many assortment of empty dishes on the table in front of the four. "Can you guys dance or sing or something to reduce the cost?"


"Sorry, no can do; I'm too full," Harii mumbled, his head on the table between two plates.


"You guys are such pigs," Jeri claimed looking at the three. "You should get up and dance just to burn off the thousands of carbs you just inhaled."


"That means you have to dance with us," Setiawan stated with a raised eyebrow.


"I'm fine with that; I didn't stuff my face like you guys did," she shot back.


The men groaned and Harii lifted his napkin and waved it around, a white flag of surrender, making Jeri roll her eyes.


A short squeal made the group turn to see a small group of teenage girls around the corner from their table.


"Can we help you ladies?" Seomun asked politely.


One of the girls shuffled forward with a slight pink tinge on her cheeks.


"C-c-can I have your autograph?!" she exclaimed, ing a pen and pad of paper forward and dipping into a bow.


"P-pardon?" Jeri stammered, the pen stopping only inches from her nose.


"Could you give me your autograph?" the girl asked again, her face going more pink.


"U-umm, sure..." she replied, taking the pen and paper, making the girl squeal in happiness.


Jeri signed it carefully and handed the items back to the girl, her hugging them to her chest with glee.


"Thank you so much, you're like, my hero!" she exclaimed with a smile.


"Um... thanks," Jeri replied, still not quite sure this was really happening.


The girl gave a bow and ran off with her friends. Jeri simply sat there with a bemused look on her face.

"And you said you didn't have any fans," Jun laughed, watching his sister's face change to one of pure glee.

Hey guys, managed to update RIGHT on time this time!

Thank you for subscribing and following along with me as I attempt to bring you an even greater experience with Jeri and the gang~!

Thank you to all subscribers as well as silent readers, and a special thanks to arandomperson and iheartbts for upvoting~!

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Thank you!
11/17/16 Working on the next chapter right now guys, hopefuly it'll be finished and ready for tomorrow~


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2003 streak #1
Chapter 49: OMG! Such a cute chapter. hehe XD always love Hannie x Jeri moments ♥ can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon.
Xxdreamergirl #2
Chapter 49: This chapter was so cute >.<!! I love to see Hannie and Jeri together ^^
2003 streak #3
Chapter 48: Such a cute and adorable chapter! always love the interaction between Jeri and Hangeng ♥
can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon.

PS for some odd reason, I didn't watch it either, even though I was back home in India at that time. I remember only watching the MTV award just for him.
2003 streak #4
Chapter 47: Aww... why do you have to make me fall in love with Jun and Jeri, again and again? they're so cute!
And nice chapter as usual... can't wait to read more.
PS since this is SM Town Live, will I be seeing a cameo of the TVXQ boys anywhere? hahaha XD I'm just being curious...
2003 streak #5
Chapter 46: Love this chapter. And I love your last para a lot. can't wait to read more ^^
Arashi93 #6
Chapter 46: Love it still :) thank you for updating :D
2003 streak #7
Chapter 45: Awww~ Hannieeeeeeeeee ♥
Nice chapter ^^ can't wait to read the next one. hehe

PS what's Hangeng up to recently?
2003 streak #8
Chapter 44: hehe since I caught onto your last update just a day before, I was surprised for a moment to see a new update today. oh, coming to the story, is it weird if I miss Harii? though I should remember who is going to get mauled from 15A1, I still don't. anyway, can't wait to read more.
2003 streak #9
Chapter 43: Wow! this chapter was so cute. wonder what's the story with their mother. can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon.
Arashi93 #10
Chapter 43: So damn cute :D love this :)