Welcome to Canada, Eh!

Unrelenting Fortitude

The weeks continued to slowly pass by as Jeri, Jun, Harii and Setiawan recorded their music videos. They finally managed to finish the on-set recording, and now they were preparing to fly to Canada for their outdoor filming. Having never been to North America, the group was highly excited. Naturally, when Henry heard that they were going to Canada, he started babbling on about all of the places they had to go and see. Jeri wanted to buy the poor boy an ice cream cone or something when she told him she wouldn't be able to see the things he was talking about, making him pout in a cuteness level that rivaled Sungmin's.


The four were back in their dorms packing up their bags when Jun's voice sounded from beside her.


"Harii, why are you packing a winter jacket...?" Jun asked, confused.


"Canada's really cold isn't it?" the Korean boy questioned.


"Not in the middle of June," Setiawan stated with a laugh.


Jeri and Jun joined him as Harii's face turned slightly pink from embarrassment.


They finished packing their bags and made their way down to the van. They threw their stuff in and piled into the back, giving an excited cheer as they began driving.


"I'm going to feel so awkward when we get there," Harii muttered from the back seat.


"Why are you gonna feel awkward?" Jun questioned with a laugh.


"Because you guys can all speak and understand English, but I can't," he replied with a pout.


"You were teaching you English as trainees for a year, how can you still not understand it?" Jeri laughed, not believing her ears.


"He has a memory like a sieve," Jun chuckled, earning a glare from the Korean man.


"If it's any consolation Harii, English isn’t my strong point either," Setiawan claimed. "We can be awkward together."


Harii laughed and high-fived the older man as Jun and Jeri rolled their eyes.


"You do realize that we're going to be depending on you two in order to not get lost or embarrass ourselves..." Setiawan said, giving them a look.


"Don't worry, we'll make sure you ask where the bathroom is instead of "that’s a plant"," Jeri laughed.


The two men rolled their eyes as the van came to a stop in front of the airport. Naturally, the place was swarming with their Korean fans who were holding up posters, pictures and banners with confessions of love scrawled all over them. They got their bags and pulled them into the airport, the security guards and members of their team creating a barrier between the four idols and all of the reaching arms.


"You guys walk right in, we'll handle the bags," Seomun stated, pushing them towards the glass doors leading to the waiting area.


The four nodded and allowed themselves to be lead away by the security guards. Once they were on the other side of the doors, all of the fans pushed themselves against the glass, some even trying to wrench the doors open.


"Dude," Jun began, nudging Harii in the side. "Fan-service."


Harii laughed and they both looked to Setiawan. The man rolled his eyes but smiled, the two boys giving a whoop of glee. They walked forwards and began dancing, making the fans go insane and make Jeri laugh.


"You guys are going to get the security guards killed you know," she stated.


"They're meaty, they can handle it," Jun retorted with a grin as he stopped dancing.


Jeri rolled her eyes as the two did a dramatic bow to their fans, making the screaming get louder, and walked over to sit around the girl and their leader, waiting for the plane. A couple minutes later, Seomun came into the waiting room through a back door and walked up to them.


"The plane will be leaving here in about half an hour," he said, checking his watch.


"What's the zone difference between Canada and South Korea?" Jun asked, leaning back in his seat.


"They're thirteen hours behind us," he replied.


"Thirteen?!" They shrieked.


"Oh my god I'm going to die," Jeri groaned, sinking in her seat.


"Well, if you think about it, we're technically going back in time," Setiawan said.


"Screw time travel! Two words: Canadian. Bacon," Jun said, twisting around in his seat.


"So you overheard Henry talking to me huh?" Jeri laughed.


Jun simply grinned making the others laugh and Jeri pat her brother's head.


'Attention please. Flight 207 to Canada is now boarding. If you would please make your way to the entrance now, that's Flight 207 to Canada. Thank you'


"Well, here we go," Setiawan grunted, standing from his chair.


"Goodbye my lovely darlings! I shan't be gone for long!" Jun cried, blowing kisses to the still screaming fans.


"C'mon Studly," Jeri laughed, pulling him away by the collar of his shirt.


The group and the other members of their team boarded the plane, threw their bags into the small compartments, and sat down.


"Mind your foot brat," Jun said, squeezing by her to sit in his seat.


Harii sat next to the window with Jun in the middle and Jeri on the aisle while Setiawan sat behind them with Seomun and one of their makeup girls.


The plane was soon in the air and Harii began reading his book, Jun slipped in his music, Setiawan started talking to Seomun about their schedules in Canada, and Jeri zoned out into her own world.




"Brat, time to get up."


Jeri groaned and her eyes blinked open to see everyone putting their seat belts back on as the plane descended.


"Are we there already?" she mumbled.


"Already?" Harii laughed. "You've been sleeping for nearly ten hours."


"Well clearly it wasn’t a deep sleep if she woke up that easily," Jun chuckled, buckling his disorientated sister's seat belt for her.


The plane landed in the airport and Harii's face was glued to the window.


"It's so... green," he said, sounding utterly fascinated.


"What did you expect it to be? White?" Setiawan laughed, watching the younger man.


Harii didn't reply, still staring out the window.


The plane rolled to a stop and everyone got up to get their things. They carried their bags off of the plane and followed their manager to the baggage area.


"Wow, word travels fast," Jun claimed, nodding off to the side.


The others followed his gaze and noticed a swarm of people on the other side of the gate with flags and banners written in sloppy Korean.


"Does that one flag say 'Potatoes'?" Jeri asked, trying not to laugh.


"Yes. Yes it does," Harii replied with a laugh.


The four burst out laughing as their gazes drifted over some of the other banners, a fair few of them spelt wrong so that none of it made sense. Jeri quickly pulled out her phone and snapped pictures of the fans as well as their signs.


"Alright guys. You ready?" Seomun asked, walking over with their luggage and handing it to them.


"To get mobbed by fans in a completely different country? Absolutely!" Jun chirped with a grin.


The others rolled their eyes and began walking towards the gates, the fans beginning their screaming as they got closer. The security guards came over and created another barricade for the four idols, but compared to the fans in Seoul, the fans in Canada were a tiny bit more tame. TINY bit.


"OHMYGODJUN!! HAVE MY BABIES!!!" one girl screamed, waving a flag frantically.


"Sorry sweet-heart, that's not anatomically possible, but thanks for the offer," he replied in English back.


The girls all screamed at his Irish accent and some of them even fainting into their friends' arms.


"What just happened?" Harii asked Jeri, not having any idea what anyone was saying.


"Don't worry about it honey," Jeri replied, patting his cheek as the continued walking.


They finally managed to get out of the airport and into the waiting bus. Jun sat by the window and slid it open enough so that he could talk to them.


"You guys are really excited aren't you?" he called with a grin.




"How excited are you that we're here?"


"SO EXCITED I'M GOING TO DIE!!" One of the girls screamed at the top of her lungs.


Jeri began laughing as she sat in the chair in front of him and turned around to look at her brother.


"You do know that you're going to shatter every single one of their hearts right...?" she questioned.


Jun simply shrugged and continued waving as Harii and Setiawan sat beside the siblings, also waving out the window when some of the girls started chanting their names.


"Alright. Jun, window down," Seomun called from the front.


"Aww! But my lovely ladies," He tried to protest.


Rather than letting it turn into an argument, Setiawan reached over the brunette and slid the window down without a word, making Jun pout and cross his arms.


The bus began moving and pulled into the Canadian traffic. As they were driving, they noticed some of the fans following the bus in cars, one girl even hanging herself out of a window and trying to touch the bus.


"She's going to get herself killed!" Jeri cried, watching the girl in horror.


Jun quickly pulled up the window and stuck his head out. "Honey, go back into the car; I wouldn't be able to stand it if you got hurt because of us," he said as calmly as he could.


"More like hurt herself because of her stupidity," Jeri grumbled as Setiawan and Harii just watched in confusion.


The girl squealed in glee but was pulled back into the van by whoever else was in it with her. Jun pulled the window down and gave his sister a baffled look.


"Jesus Christ, that's just sad," he said, looking back at the van again.


"You guys are cruel you know that?" Harii said with a pout. "You start talking and we have no idea what you're saying."


"Sorry, Harii, just dealing with a suicidal fan-girl," Jeri apologized, rubbing his shoulder.


Harii raised his eyebrow at her words but didn't bother to question it.


The bus continued down the road, Jeri watching a sign saying "WELCOME TO UCLUELET" pass by.


After a couple minutes, the four were absolutely baffled by the scenery.


"Those trees are huge!" Jeri gasped, not even able to see their tops from her spot in the bus.


"And the air is so fresh," Jun added, having left his window open enough for a nice breeze to waft through the bus.


"Where exactly are we going?" Setiawan called up to the front.


"We're going to our hotel first, then we're going to go out to the Temperate rain forests that are a little west of them. Vancouver's well known for it," their manager called back.


"Rain forest? I didn't know Canada had rain forests," Jeri said, sounding shocked.


"Wait, does that mean we'll be filming with trees?" Jun asked.


"Yeahhhh..." Jeri replied, not very fond of where this was going.


"Duuude, one word." He paused and gave Harii a grin, the Korean having turned in his seat to look at the younger man. "Wood."


The three groaned in distaste and Setiawan shoved Jun into the window as he laughed.


"Jun, I don't even have anything in my stomach and you make me wanna hurl," Jeri stated, scrunching her nose at her brother.


"You love me," he cooed, reaching forward to ruffle her hair.


"Somebody has to," she muttered back with a pout.


Harii and Setiawan burst out laughing as Jun furiously kicked her chair, nearly sending her out of it and onto the floor.


"Now, now children, play nicely," Setiawan laughed, smacking Jun's leg so that he stopped.


Jun pouted and crossed his arms as Jeri turned in her chair and glared at him, him simply sticking his tongue out at her with a smirk.


The rest of the bus ride was spent looking out the window at the scenery as it passed by and talking about what they thought they'd end up doing for filming.


"One of us is probably going to do some running through the woods," Setiawan stated, reclined in his chair.


"Murphy's law says it's Jeri," Jun claimed in a sing-song voice.


"Why me?" she asked.


"Malahide Park." was his only response.


"OK, no! We are not getting into this!!" Jeri barked, spinning around in her chair.


Jun didn't reply, simply smirking at his sister's reaction while Harii and Setiawan simply looked on with raised eyebrows.


"Hey! Is that it?" Harii asked, bolting up in his chair and looking out the window.


The others looked out as well and could make out the faint sight of a large log house nestled back in the trees.


"Wow, we're hitting it old school huh?" Jun questioned, sticking his elbow out the window and watching the forest with fascination.


The bus came to a stop and the group got off, hiking their bags over their shoulders. Walking down the beach a bit, they came to a part in the threes where a group of log houses were lined in the trees.


They followed Seomun up to one of them and as the manager walked up to the front desk, the four looked around the lobby.


"It really looks like a log house doesn't it..." Jeri said.


"Maybe it's just the registration house, I honestly don't think they'd make us live in a tree," Setiawan claimed, hiking his bag higher over her shoulder.


"Guys," Seomun called, waving them over.


They followed him out of the building and walked up a small hill to another log cabin that looked like it could be three floors.


Seomun opened the door, allowing the four to enter first and their jaws dropped, Harii grinning in approval.


"This is so cute~!" he cooed, throwing his bag onto the couch with a grin.


"It's nicer than our dorm are you kidding me," Jeri retorted, poking her head around the corner and walking into the small kitchen.


"It's so open back here!" she called with a grin of her own. "And there's a downstairs too!"


"A downstairs to where?" Jun laughed, placing his bag behind the chair and watching her as she went down the stairs.


After a couple seconds she came back up and shrugged. "I couldn't find the light switch..."


Jun and the others chuckled and followed Setiawan as he made his way up to the seconds level.


"There's another kitchen up here??" Harii laughed.


"And a nice living room that looks out to the forest too," Setiawan added, placing his bag down.


Jeri snuck around the men and poked her head around the corner.


"Are you kidding me!?" she barked. "There is a jacuzzi tub in here!!"


Jun laughed and pulled her out of the bathroom as the explored the rest of the floor. The first room they came to was a small bedroom with a double bed and two side tables, another one just across the hall. A little further down the hall was a larger bedroom with a queen sized bed, fireplace, small couch and dresser and a door to a small balcony.


"Jeez, all of the beds are too small for Gantu," Jeri laughed, looking up at the blond.


"I'll go sleep outside with my brethren," he chuckled, motioning to the trees outside the window making the others laugh.


"Wait! What time is it!?" Jun called out, looking at a small pamphlet that had been placed on the dresser.


"8 a.m., why?" Setiawan replied, looking at the clock.


"The continental breakfast is open!!" he hollered, dashing out the door.


"Jun!!" Jeri called, running to the door to try and stop him.


"I'M COMING MY BELOVED BACON!!!" Jun's voice cried as he ran down the stairs.

"Welcome to Canada," Setiawan laughed.

Hopefully these three chapters make up for my inability to commit to you guys T^T sorry again for the long wait everyone, I'll try my best not to let it happen again!

Thank you for subscribing and following along with me as I attempt to bring you an even greater experience with Jeri and the gang~! Also guys, I'm not sure if you've seen it or not, but be sure to give me feedback on what I posted for the first "chapter", if you guys aren't interested then tell me and I won't do it, but I don't know how to interpret silence XD

Thank you to all subscribers as well as silent readers, and a special thanks to arandomperson and iheartbts for upvoting~!

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11/17/16 Working on the next chapter right now guys, hopefuly it'll be finished and ready for tomorrow~


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2003 streak #1
Chapter 49: OMG! Such a cute chapter. hehe XD always love Hannie x Jeri moments ♥ can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon.
Xxdreamergirl #2
Chapter 49: This chapter was so cute >.<!! I love to see Hannie and Jeri together ^^
2003 streak #3
Chapter 48: Such a cute and adorable chapter! always love the interaction between Jeri and Hangeng ♥
can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon.

PS for some odd reason, I didn't watch it either, even though I was back home in India at that time. I remember only watching the MTV award just for him.
2003 streak #4
Chapter 47: Aww... why do you have to make me fall in love with Jun and Jeri, again and again? they're so cute!
And nice chapter as usual... can't wait to read more.
PS since this is SM Town Live, will I be seeing a cameo of the TVXQ boys anywhere? hahaha XD I'm just being curious...
2003 streak #5
Chapter 46: Love this chapter. And I love your last para a lot. can't wait to read more ^^
Arashi93 #6
Chapter 46: Love it still :) thank you for updating :D
2003 streak #7
Chapter 45: Awww~ Hannieeeeeeeeee ♥
Nice chapter ^^ can't wait to read the next one. hehe

PS what's Hangeng up to recently?
2003 streak #8
Chapter 44: hehe since I caught onto your last update just a day before, I was surprised for a moment to see a new update today. oh, coming to the story, is it weird if I miss Harii? though I should remember who is going to get mauled from 15A1, I still don't. anyway, can't wait to read more.
2003 streak #9
Chapter 43: Wow! this chapter was so cute. wonder what's the story with their mother. can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon.
Arashi93 #10
Chapter 43: So damn cute :D love this :)