
Fighting Gravity
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Haeri’s P.O.V


I groggily blinked my eyes, trying to open it completely but in the end, failed. The one thing I could feel when I woke up was pricking pain in my feet. It must be the heels, I hissed while trying to sit up. When I was trying to complete the mission, I could feel cold wind immediately brushed my bare arms. That’s when I realize I haven’t changed my dress last night. When we were finally home, I spontaneously threw the killing on my feet and went straight to bed. I haven’t even detached Kai’s jacket which protected me from the abusing temperature last night.

“Now it smell like me and I smell like him. Ugh.” I soughed sluggishly. Although Kai’s scent which was the mixture of expensive Giorgio Armani's Black Code and natural scent of a man maybe pretty nice,  but I didn’t like it on my body. I really felt like one of those -deprived bimbo that wanted to have a good night with him.

Realizing that I needed to be in school for last than half an hour, I quickly stripped my way to the bathroom. I took a quick bath after cleaning my last night make up, regretting the fact that I forgot to wipe it clean before taking a sleep. I must looked hideous by now, I grouched.

Choosing a simple peach colored sweater and a skinny creme colored pants, I sprinted inside of the car with Kai’s jacket on my grasp and my bag on the other side. I chose to eat the toast as a breakfast on car, living the fact that I was running late. And the fact that my first lesson today was considered important and the professor was someone everyone didn’t want to mess with was not helping at all.

When the car finally halted in front of school’s gate, I ran for my life to went inside, and due to much luck, I accidentally bumped into someone. Kai’s jacket flew out of my grasp. Luckily, I was just thrown a few steps back, not to fall hard on the ground.

“Hey. What’s with the hurry?”

I looked up, only to find Baekhyun softly smiled while bending down to take the thrown jacket on the floor. I immediately regained my compose and smiled to receive the jacket. “Sorry, I’m so damn late. I’ll see you at lunch!” I sent him a harried smile before continue sprinting to my appointed class. I could feel that I was looking like a total idiot to everybody, but I couldn’t care less. At least I cared about my study and that’s what important.

Baekhyun was smiling his way until I disappeared from his visual, before a thought crossed his mind. His eyebrows slowly forrowed. “That jacket is men’s, and I think I’ve seen it before. Where was it?” He guessed to himself, trying to dig deep inside his memories.


After a long lesson finally reached to an end, I walked out of the class with a tired smile. That’s when I saw Chora waiting in front of my class. When she could feel my presence, she frantically held her head up and smiled wide. “Hey girl! Having a great morning?” She insensitively squealed, a wide smile was plastered on her face.. I shot her a glare before sighing.

“I was damn tired, Cho. The party last night was so damn long.” I tiredly rubbed my eyes. But, then I remembered a name. Luhan.I coud immediately feel a churn on my stomach when his name walked through my mind. I really wanted to share this with someone soon before I exploded. Should I tell her about it? Can I actually tell her?

“Guess who did I hooked up with last night!”

I mentally slapped my face. Whoa, gladly I haven’t blurted out everything. I guessed I just have to wait to tell her about him, I noted inside my mind. I was trying to be patient to listen to her story about the mysterious charming guy and how great he was in bed. I rolled my eyes, strengthen myself to listen to the revolting story.  Contradicted from me, Chora once in a while hooked up with a guy when she felt fatigued or .

“No details!” I quickly cut her story when I felt she was getting too deep explaining what happened. She grinned thoughtfully and slapped my shoulder while chuckling slyly.

“I still couldn’t get it how can you still be a .” Chora blurted without any thinking. I rolled my eyes at her remark. I knew that one of the thing that turned into such a person was her divorced parents who were into cheating too much. She felt betrayed, and her escape was night club and one night stands. I couldn’t stress enough that she should stop. But, I never talked her out of it anymore when she once cried while hitting herself, screaming and blaming how her parents could do such things. I was scared that she might do it again without anyone consent. Now, I was just praying for one man to walk inside her life and make everything better.

“By the way, whose jacket is that? That seems expensive.” Chora interruped my thought as I looked into the jacket on my left wrist.

“Yeah, this is Kai’s." I answered calmly. I could hear incoherent ramble of Chora, her eyes were bulging out of it's socket.

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minahbubblez #1
Chapter 44: Seriously author - nim, I just want them to be together in the end.. Happily ever after
itstwelvies #2
Zahraliebi #3
Chapter 43: No, i dont have any idea what had going on, i'll know of you update new chapters kkkk
jessi828 #4
Chapter 43: no matter what just keep updating im still crazy for this story...and i wish that it completed soon (ofcourse its ur decision what u do but still)...
itstwelvies #5
Zahraliebi #7
Chapter 42: What is the new page? Any link? Its not the update, right? Its just teaser
itstwelvies #8
Chapter 42: was so happy bcs u updated but damn that was so short T.T
Zahraliebi #9
Chapter 41: I miss this story :(
jessi828 #10
Chapter 41: Update soon authornim....:( :)