Calling Ilhoon

New School

Ilhoon’s POV:

 At 4:57pm…


I forgot that it was our day off, so after the Manager-hyung’s left I just sat in the lounge area and decided to check my popularity statics, watch some of our performances and watch TV.

Suddenly my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out and it says unknown number. I guess it’s Minhyuk-hyung because I told him to call me at 5.


“Ilhoon-ah! How did you get into my phone?!”

“It was unlocked… you should really put a password on it if you don’t want people to go through your phone you know…”

“Oh… That’s right, but I don’t mind if you go through my phone cause I don’t have anything to hide from you… Anyway why did you want me to call you?”

“Um… Oh Yeah! I have some news that you may or may not like… we can talk when we’re eating dinner. Do you want to order delivery or do you want to go somewhere?”

“I don’t care…”

“Ok, We’re going to eat out then… Be ready in one hour… I’ll take you out to dinner… we aren’t going anywhere fancy so you don’t have to dress up”

“Ok… I guess I’ll see you in one hour…”

“Yup! I have to go bye!”


Minhyuk’s POV:

After I hang up, I throw my phone on my bed and check the clock. It says 5:17 pm. I decide that I should just get ready and watch TV.

I walk towards the bathroom, open the door and walk in. I remove my clothes, turn on the water and step in.

After I finished washing, I step out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist and another towel in my hands to dry my hair. I walk towards my dresser and open it to find clothing to wear. I change into a blue dress shirt, a greenish-blue sweater and white pants.

When I’m done changing I walk into the bathroom again and grab my hair dryer and dry my hair, brush it out and walk out. I turn around to check the clock again and it says 5:46pm. I grab my phone off my bed and dial Ilhoon.


“Ilhoon-ah! Where do you want to meet up?”

“Um.. do you mind coming to the front of the Cube Studio?”

“Ok… Sure. I’ll call you when I get there.”

“Okay! Bye!”

After I hang up I grab a pair of black converse and put them on. I grab my keys and walk out.

I walk through the hallway, walk onto the sidewalk and reach the cube studio ten mins later. I pull out my phone and call Ilhoon again.


“Hey Ilhoon-ah!”

“Are you here?”


“I’ll come down now…”

“Ok. See you in a few minutes.”

“Ok… Bye”

I hang up and put my phone into my pocket and I decide to lean against the studio door while I wait.


To Be Continued…

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Phoenix358 #1
Chapter 3: Hehehehehehehehehe! This story is really good. (I haven't been finding many minhoon fanfics TT_TT)
Chapter 54: Omg I thot I won't be able to read sooooo many chps. In one day BT I did XD man it was sooooo fantastic looooved it~~~
Chapter 54: The story is good!
I wish you best luck for the future.
Chapter 53: Ahh cant wait for next chapter!!
Chapter 51: Ack!! Cliffhanger! !☆
Chapter 48: Yess you should add them it was a great great idea
Chapter 48: nooooo plz no exo couples stick with btob abd bap thankssssss
Chapter 47: Cute~ waiting for next update ☆
Chapter 45: Good job the you Daehyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But poor Peniel cause Sungjae is still on Ilhoon.
Looking forward to your next update!!!!!!!