Hearing Minhyuk Sing

New School

No One’s POV:

You have to sing for me” Ilhoon says with a smirk.

But, I’m not a good singer…” Minhyuk replies.

I still want to hear you sing for me… I’m going to sing for you so you should sing for me too”

“Ilhoon-ah, you’re in a band. You rap or sing for a living and you do it all the time. I don’t sing for people… My parents haven’t even heard me sing before… if I do sing for someone, then that means that they’re really special.”

“Hyung… are you telling me that I’m not special?” Ilhoon says putting his hand on his chest and pretending to be offended.

Minhyuk pulls Ilhoon down for a kiss. When they break apart Minhyuk looks at Ilhoon straight in the eyes and says…

“Of course your special.”

“Then that gives you a reason to sing for me!” Ilhoon says smiling.

“Fine… Why not.” Minhyuk says.

Ilhoon smiles and takes Minhyuk’s hand and drags him into one of the recording rooms.

“Hyung, What do you want to sing?” Ilhoon asks Minhyuk when they’re both in the room.

“Um… I think that you should sing first.” Minhyuk says nervously. Minhyuk has never sang in front of someone before. This would be the first time someone would hear him sing on purpose and not by accident.

Ilhoon stares at Minhyuk for a while and reaches to grab the headphones that are on the music stand in front of them.

“Sure… Why not.” Ilhoon says handing one of the headphones to Minhyuk.

After Ilhoon watches Minhyuk put on the headphones, Ilhoon puts on his own headphones before he reaches over again to turn on the microphone. Once the Mic is on he looks through the songs the machine has to find one that he knows.

Once Ilhoon finds one he looks back at Minhyuk for a quick glance and presses the button to turn on the music.

Ilhoon Sang: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrqshRe-GVs

When Ilhoon’s singing Minhyuk watches Ilhoon in amazement especially when Ilhoon starts to rap.

I never knew that Ilhoon was this good of a rapper and a singer…” Minhyuk thought while Ilhoon was singing.

When Ilhoon finishes he turns to face Minhyuk and see’s him staring at Ilhoon with wide eyes and his mouth open a little.

“Wow” is all Minhyuk manages to say before Ilhoon smiles and grabs Minhyuk and switches places with him.

“Your turn” Ilhoon says smiling pointing to the Mic.

“Um… Ok” Minhyuk says nervously turning away from Ilhoon to choose a song.

Once Minhyuk chose a song and the music started playing he closes his eyes and starts singing.

Minhyuk Sang: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW0ULhbzYGg

When Minhyuk finishes he turns to Ilhoon and see’s him taking off his headphones with wide eyes. Minhyuk does the same and rests the headphones on the stand in front of them.

“So… How was I?” Minhyuk asks Ilhoon nervously.

“That’s not a true question is it?” Ilhoon replies after he places his headphones on the stand.

“You were amazing.” Ilhoon says pulling Minhyuk in closer for another kiss.

The kiss gets more passionate and when Ilhoon pulls away to take a breath Minhyuk pushes Ilhoon against the wall and starts , , and biting on his neck.

Ilhoon closes his eyes and lets out a moan. Minhyuk slowly reaches down and grabs Ilhoon through his jeans. Ilhoon’s eyes fly open and pushes Minhyuk away.

“Sorry” Ilhoon manages to get out trying to catch his breath. Ilhoon then turn to face the door. He closes it and locks it.

“Where were we?”


To be continued…

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Phoenix358 #1
Chapter 3: Hehehehehehehehehe! This story is really good. (I haven't been finding many minhoon fanfics TT_TT)
Chapter 54: Omg I thot I won't be able to read sooooo many chps. In one day BT I did XD man it was sooooo fantastic looooved it~~~
Chapter 54: The story is good!
I wish you best luck for the future.
Chapter 53: Ahh cant wait for next chapter!!
Chapter 51: Ack!! Cliffhanger! !☆
Chapter 48: Yess you should add them it was a great great idea
Chapter 48: nooooo plz no exo couples stick with btob abd bap thankssssss
Chapter 47: Cute~ waiting for next update ☆
Chapter 45: Good job the you Daehyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But poor Peniel cause Sungjae is still on Ilhoon.
Looking forward to your next update!!!!!!!