What does Minhyuk want to say?

New School

Ilhoon’s POV:

“I’m sorry hyung… I guess I wasn’t thinking straight…” I say while I rub the back of my neck while looking at the ground. When I don’t get a response from Minhyuk-hyung. I look up to see him still surprised at me.

“I’m sorry… I wasn’t –“ I was cut off when Minhyuks-hyung’s hand grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down into another kiss. The only thing that was different this time was, instead of me leading the kiss and being gentle, he was leading the kiss this time and being a little rough.

When I come back to reality to still find hyung kissing me and his lips feeling so good and warm against mine I decide to deepen the kiss even more.

I reach for his waist again and pull him closer. I feel him wrap his arms around my neck. Thankfully it’s dark out and we are behind the cube studio so no one see’s us. Although I wouldn’t care if they did.

Suddenly I feel one of Minhyuk-hyung’s hands reach up to tug on my hair. After that I feel his other hand slide down my back and start to go under my sweater. I can feel my sweater starting to lift.

Well, this escalated quickly…

I pull away first and look down at Minhyuk-hyung, who’s still in my arms.

What he says next just left me surprised and frozen with joy…


Minhyuk’s POV:

After Ilhoon pulled away… I kind of wanted to whimper from the loss of his lips on mine. I wanted them on mine again so I could feel the heat of them.

“I’m sorry hyung… I guess I wasn’t thinking straight…” I hear Ilhoon say while he’s staring at the ground and rubbing the back of his neck. When I finally decide that I can’t take it anymore and I need to have his lips on mine again. I look around and find that somehow we’re behind the cube studio and no one could see us.

I look back at him and he raises his head to look at me in the eyes.

“I’m sorry… I wasn’t –“ I cut him off by grabbing the back of his neck, pulling him down and pressing our lips together again. For a while he just stands there with no reaction.

Suddenly he starts to kiss back and I can feel him deepening the kiss. I feel him wrap his arms around my waist again and pulling me closer.

I take that advantage and reach one hand up to tug on his hair. I let my other hand slide down his back and I tuck my hand inside of his sweater and start to lift it.

Ilhoon suddenly pulls away and stares down at me. I figure out that this is the perfect time to tell him what I wanted to say…


To be continued…


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Phoenix358 #1
Chapter 3: Hehehehehehehehehe! This story is really good. (I haven't been finding many minhoon fanfics TT_TT)
Chapter 54: Omg I thot I won't be able to read sooooo many chps. In one day BT I did XD man it was sooooo fantastic looooved it~~~
Chapter 54: The story is good!
I wish you best luck for the future.
Chapter 53: Ahh cant wait for next chapter!!
Chapter 51: Ack!! Cliffhanger! !☆
Chapter 48: Yess you should add them it was a great great idea
Chapter 48: nooooo plz no exo couples stick with btob abd bap thankssssss
Chapter 47: Cute~ waiting for next update ☆
Chapter 45: Good job the you Daehyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But poor Peniel cause Sungjae is still on Ilhoon.
Looking forward to your next update!!!!!!!