Chapter 7

All started from a simple bump

Chapter 7

A week passed. Xuan and kai dance practice went well.. let’s just say it went more than good, they got even closer with each other.


The first day of learning the dance steps. Awkward like mad. They got the move correct but there is something missing, the key point, feeling. Hours pass, greg still wasn’t satisfied. No matter how much they practice, its no use because the steps are absolutely fine , or rather more than fine, its fantastic!

All the other 11 members could only loiter around, using jealousy to feed them full. How they wish they were kai.

After countless of hours, greg gave up and wrap up the practice. He left without saying bye, feeling guilty both xuan and kai decided to just continue practicing, in hope that somehow they would get their feeling.

“erm.. do you want anything to eat?”

“kai sunbae, it’s fine, I’m not hungry”

“Drop the formalities, just call me kai oppa, you sure?”

“Sur…” At that time, xuan stomach started growling.

“Maybe not?”

They both laughed. Kai went to his bag and brought out a lunchbox packed by non other than D.O!


“How about you kai oppa?”

The way she said oppa make kai blushed, thousands of people could call him oppa but only xuan could make him fluttered or blushed.

“It’s fine”

“Ani, its not! Lets eat together! Jebal!”

Kai just could not resist xuan pleading eyes and just simply nodded.

The small break part become a ice breaking part. They fed each other, talk about random things. By the time an hour passed, they knew each other like the back of their hand. Because its too late, they decided to call it a day.

“dumbie, need me to send you back to your dorm?”

“gwenchana jjong oppa, byul unnie is still in the agency!”

“keurae? Then good bye! Have a good rest! Remember 2m at this practice room!”

“Arraso! Byee!”


Nobody would ever believe how could things change in just one night! Well because the next day, when they show Greg and other exo members, it was perfect! The way they look into each other eyes, the way they pour their feelings to the dance, was more than perfect!

But at the same time, there were a few people having other thoughts..

Just yesterday they were so awkward, but today the way they act its like they know each other since they are born. Kim jong in just how did you do that?!

Just wait till my turn hyung. Don’t forget she’s me and lay hyung back-up dancer

They say language isn’t a barrier, I guess so. I thought being the only one knowing both English and Chinese would be an advantage

Kai pov

Mission accomplished! Asa! I finally got to know her more! And im proud that I gather enough courage to start the conversation!

But I can’t help to want to protect her more after listening to her story. It took me days to finally persuade her to tell me her deepest secret. Behind the smiling and laughing her, theres this big scar. How I wish I could make that scar disappear.

I don’t know why but everytime we have skinship, even if it’s the simplest, fingers brushed pass each other, my heart would beat dam hard and unknowingly I would blush..

Is this what they call love?

I guess so because…

I love you xuan

But do you love me back?

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Chapter 45: THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST READS EVER! MY TOP 10!! Pleased keep making stories as lonngggggg and as gooodddd as this one!! I SUPPORT YOU AS A FAN! FIGHTINGG!!
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 45: The BEST story ever read!!!! It's so good!!!
The relationship between Xuan and Kai, is too good to be true in reality... I guess we must all keep dreaming ^^

Good job authornim!!! ^^ <3
Deffany #3
Chapter 45: The best fanfic I ever read !!! Love u so much dear author kkkk^^
Akfanpop #4
Chapter 23: Aww i feel bad for luhan:(
kimirina #5
Chapter 45: Finally finished reading! Author-nim Jjang!
If the saesang fans really become like that it will be so awesome for the idols... :)
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 44: now whenever i see what has been updated i look to see if this has been updated and when i see the completed sign i remember
and i dont like it
this story was so cool
and great
and your amazing Autor-nim
Buingdomdom #7
Chapter 44: I cried when the story ended :') Your story is awesome auhor-nim!
Chapter 44: OMO!!! This is hella cool!!! BEST STORY TOO!! I LOVE THE ENDING, and about the seasang fans, that is hella true.. They can be scary as hell.... They would do everything just to crush the girl/boy who "steals" their "oppa/Noona"
Tessatc #9
Chapter 43: Hi I totally love ur storyline. Pls update soon!
omfhunhan #10
Chapter 44: this story has ended
and im not ashamed to say i cried over the fact that it has ended and how it ended
i really love this story Author-nim
and i will start to support your other stories caus this was just THAT great