Chapter 21

All started from a simple bump

Long Chapter ahead! 


After the showcase ended, at the backstage, the other SM sunbaes went to congratulate the girls for their successful debut and also the usual, praise them etc.

Using the laptop xuan brought, the girls went to search for some response on their showcase and were relieved that most of the people were so call on their side? Whereas there would of course be a small bunch of antis, which didn’t bother the girls at all.

“How’s your waist?”

“You scared me!”

“hehe, mianhe!”

“Better, thanks to someone!”

“Remember to take this to china, it will come in handy”

“what’s that?” Xuan open the small little pouch kai gave only to see; medical patches, ointment and painkillers.

“Gomawo, oppa”

“Ya! Why are you crying?!”

“Because of you!”

“what did I do?!”

“Why do oppa even bother to do so much thing for me? What’s the reason? The reason for caring me so much? Tell me”

“xuan.. i…i..”


“aish hyung what a perfect timing you had..” Kai mumbled

“Uhhh.. I will tell you someday okay? Buh bye! Hwaiting for Beijing showcase!” Kai immediately said and escaped.

He wanted to confess saying that he was doing all this because he likes her, no scratch that, he loves her but he just couldn’t say it out, its stuck in his throat.

In the opposite side, xuan was anticipating kai response, she wanted to find out the real reason for kai never ending caring that was far more than just sunbae-hoobae or brother-sister. Whatever reason she thought, she just couldn’t find out the answer to that and also the answer to why her hearts beats unconsciously for Kai.

Simple because she didn’t thought of the reason that She loves him, he loves her.

Xuan really is a fool.


The next day, early morning the girls prepare to go to the airport.

‘ What are you wearing?’ Kai texted xuan



‘I’m just joking oppa! Wae?’

‘Go to the front of your dorm door, there’s a bag there’


Xuan went out and there really was a bag, she look at what was inside and was shocked to see that there was actually a set of clothes prepare inside.

She smiled knowing that it was her jjong oppa who help her choose.

And she didn’t know that kai was actually peeking through the peek hole in his dorm, anticipating your response.

“Ahem, kim jong in, what are you doing?”


“YA! WHAT BWO?! Is this how you talk to your hyung?!”

“Mianhe kyungsoo hyung”

“ Nah it’s fine just telling you to go help Tao pack, he’s whining for you to help him”

“Where’s kris hyung?”

“Hiding in the toilet”

“Aish! Then why me?!”




“Don’t try to use your aegyo on me, it only works on kris hyung”

“Tsk fine! Bad bad kim jong in!”

“What’s with everybody calling my full name?!”

“Come to think of it, everybody keeps calling you kim jong in eh? But I prefer kkamjjong”



‘Gomawo jjong oppa! I really like the outfit you prepare for me!’

‘No big deal! Have you changed into the clothes?’

‘ani, going to’

‘ppali! Take a picture for me in those clothes!’

‘I don’t want to meronggg~’

‘please? T.T’


‘as a thank you for those medicine?’

‘aish fine! Wait for a while’

Xuan changed into the outfit kai prepare for her and took a full body shot and send to kai.

Upon receiving the photo, kai was all smiley, and the hyungs were looking at him like some idiot, staring at his phone, smiling like a pedo.

“earth to jong in?”


“Stop staring at your phone and smile so creepily!”

“I’m not!”

“You are”



“aish both of you stop it and eat your food before kyungsoo flare up again’




EXO-M would be going with the girls but just different timing, At the airport, it was filled with fans sending the girls off to Beijing, the girls were shocked at the amount of fans, who wouldn’t?

It was a nice experience for them, they were all blur, don’t know what to do at the airport. Except for xuan because being the forever never ending caring kai, he explained so in details of what’s was going to happen and so many times that xuan could even memorise without even trying to.


In the afternoon, the rehearsal started. Kris and Lay would be the emcee and the whole of exo m would be there too. During the rehearsal, everything was going fine until the martial arts part.

Because the special place for her to perform the martial arts was slippery, and she thought it was fine since she only had a little difficulty but then when she was trying to do the flips, because of the slippery floor, she lost her footing and landed hard on the stairs, her waist hitting on the staircase, right where her injury was.

Everybody froze, the impact was so hard and xuan literally just freeze there, back hurting too much to even breathe.

“Gwenchana?!” The managers, her unnies and exo m dash to her after recovering from the shock.

Not wanting to worry them xuan force a smile and said “I’m fine”.

They wanted her to rest, to not perform because even a little kid also know that given her condition, she wouldn’t be able to withstand anymore. But being the stubborn xuan, she don’t wan to.

“I will continue with the rehearsal, this stage is different, if I Don’t rehearse then how am I supposed to perform during the actual one. I can’t just back up now because of a small accidental like this, I know myself the best, I can withstand it”


“Just let her”


“Haneul ah!”

“I’m the leader, just let her be”


“xuan-ah no matter what we say, you aren’t going to change your decision right?”

Xuan nod her head.

“Then we will support you”

“gomawo unnie”

“It’s nothing, come on let’s get you backstage for some medical aid”

Once backstage, xuan took out the little pouch kai gave her and swallowed the painkiller and with her unnie help, they helped her apply the ointment and put the medical pouch.

The moment xuan took out the pouch, Luhan knew it was from kai, he saw kai having this little pouch before and the thought of it make him heartbroken.

From the start, he knew everyone was right that kai and xuan were a perfect match, but he just wouldn’t face the facts, he wants to escape the reality , he don’t want to lose xuan away, he was scared, scared of losing again, not losing to his brother but losing the chance of capturing someone he cherish so much, xuan changed him, she make him forget his past, she make him able to live on, she make him happy, she make him smile like no one could and she was his everything but sadly,

He was not her everything,

His brother was her everything,

And all he could do was watch,

Watch from afar

And wish them happiness…


Sorry for the less updates, i hope this chapter will make up for it!

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Chapter 45: THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST READS EVER! MY TOP 10!! Pleased keep making stories as lonngggggg and as gooodddd as this one!! I SUPPORT YOU AS A FAN! FIGHTINGG!!
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 45: The BEST story ever read!!!! It's so good!!!
The relationship between Xuan and Kai, is too good to be true in reality... I guess we must all keep dreaming ^^

Good job authornim!!! ^^ <3
Deffany #3
Chapter 45: The best fanfic I ever read !!! Love u so much dear author kkkk^^
Akfanpop #4
Chapter 23: Aww i feel bad for luhan:(
kimirina #5
Chapter 45: Finally finished reading! Author-nim Jjang!
If the saesang fans really become like that it will be so awesome for the idols... :)
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 44: now whenever i see what has been updated i look to see if this has been updated and when i see the completed sign i remember
and i dont like it
this story was so cool
and great
and your amazing Autor-nim
Buingdomdom #7
Chapter 44: I cried when the story ended :') Your story is awesome auhor-nim!
Chapter 44: OMO!!! This is hella cool!!! BEST STORY TOO!! I LOVE THE ENDING, and about the seasang fans, that is hella true.. They can be scary as hell.... They would do everything just to crush the girl/boy who "steals" their "oppa/Noona"
Tessatc #9
Chapter 43: Hi I totally love ur storyline. Pls update soon!
omfhunhan #10
Chapter 44: this story has ended
and im not ashamed to say i cried over the fact that it has ended and how it ended
i really love this story Author-nim
and i will start to support your other stories caus this was just THAT great