Chapter 42

All started from a simple bump

Just like that the both of them could be able to go on date publicly without any scandal. It was like a blessing in disguise, fans now, not just exo or the girls fan, all realize that their idols are also humans they can do what they like to do. More idols revealed that they are in a relationship and the number of saesaengs decrease.

The better news? Both of them get to stare in a Hollywood movie together as both the male and female lead! The director saw the performances they had together during exo first concert and he was too addicted to the item. Why? Because the director could see from their eyes that they aren’t just dancing for the sake of dancing, and he went on to research more and to his delight, both of them are now an official couple and he was more than happy that even after so long, the passion and fire in both of their eyes is still around. Thus he contacted SM and of course who would say no! It’s a big project!

As soon as news was released, it attract many attention, everyone was curious what kind of spark would occur between the two under the famous Hollywood director. Of course xuan and kai was more than excited to be able to be casted in a Hollywood movie and what’s more? With each other together!

For the rest of nearly a month after the confirmation of the actors and actresses, dance practice kick off! Every day without fail, both kai and xuan would be in the practice room, after schedule, before schedule, every break time they would not waste the time and practice. Because it’s not just one dance, it’s a lot of them and most of them require difficult techniques.

But for kai, there’s one extra job, he need to learn to pronounce all the English words correctly. But of course xuan was there for him to help him and he had kris! It shocked everyone including the director himself how accurate kai pronunciation was! After a month, filming kick off.

They went around the world to film the scenes, day and night, when you are sleeping, they are working, when you are eating, they are working. It was hard and exhausting but both of them endure it, both of them didn’t slack in any of the dance, no matter how tired they are, because once the music start, tiredness disappear, passion arouse.

But thanks to this project, their relationship went even better, they were always there for each other, to encourage, to help. The scenes which had only both of them can be taken care of in one take, they communicate through heart, when one accidentally didn’t follow the script, the other would cover up and make sure in the end, the idea behind those sentences would be convey.

After a long nearly 2 months, everything was finish! Editing, movie poster shooting, everything was done! All left was for the movie to start showing! Due to high demand, it would air in Europe and Asia! According to the language the movie was adjusted, in Korean, there would be a Korean version specially make. But the other country that doesn’t know English, subtitles could only be added.

They attended the special premier of the movie in Europe first and met with big stars of course! The movie received great applause for the great and unique plot and dance and of course kai and xuan acting!

Both of them were of course relieved that their movie went well and no matter how many times they had watch the movie already they just can’t get tired of it.

“How was it filming with your real life girl/boyfriend?” During the korea presscon, one of the reporters asked.

“It was of course good, being able to film with my girlfriend, it make everything easier and more comfortable.” Kai said.

“It was pretty good considering that there was always someone there to help me in everything” Xuan said.

“Was there any special episodes behind the scenes?”

“There was one scene which we had to have a heated kiss and well that was pretty embarrassed” Kai blushed while saying earning laughter from everyone.

“Xuan your comment on that scene?”

“NE?!… it was pretty awkward after the scene”

The press con continue with questions that was smooth enough for them to answer , well except the last one.

“How about a kiss here?”

“NE?!” Both of them exclaimed.

“kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” The reporters all cheered.

Having no other choice, kai took the first move and turn xuan head and quickly plant a short but sweet kiss.

The moment after it happen, both of them couldn’t look up. They may had kiss many times before but this time it was in front of the reporters, who won’t get embarrassed?

And of course they were doom when they reach their dorms.








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Chapter 45: THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST READS EVER! MY TOP 10!! Pleased keep making stories as lonngggggg and as gooodddd as this one!! I SUPPORT YOU AS A FAN! FIGHTINGG!!
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 45: The BEST story ever read!!!! It's so good!!!
The relationship between Xuan and Kai, is too good to be true in reality... I guess we must all keep dreaming ^^

Good job authornim!!! ^^ <3
Deffany #3
Chapter 45: The best fanfic I ever read !!! Love u so much dear author kkkk^^
Akfanpop #4
Chapter 23: Aww i feel bad for luhan:(
kimirina #5
Chapter 45: Finally finished reading! Author-nim Jjang!
If the saesang fans really become like that it will be so awesome for the idols... :)
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 44: now whenever i see what has been updated i look to see if this has been updated and when i see the completed sign i remember
and i dont like it
this story was so cool
and great
and your amazing Autor-nim
Buingdomdom #7
Chapter 44: I cried when the story ended :') Your story is awesome auhor-nim!
Chapter 44: OMO!!! This is hella cool!!! BEST STORY TOO!! I LOVE THE ENDING, and about the seasang fans, that is hella true.. They can be scary as hell.... They would do everything just to crush the girl/boy who "steals" their "oppa/Noona"
Tessatc #9
Chapter 43: Hi I totally love ur storyline. Pls update soon!
omfhunhan #10
Chapter 44: this story has ended
and im not ashamed to say i cried over the fact that it has ended and how it ended
i really love this story Author-nim
and i will start to support your other stories caus this was just THAT great