Chapter 23

All started from a simple bump

Thanks to kai words, xuan was able to last till the end of showcase and the press conference after the showcase. But by the time everything finish and she arrived at the doorstep of the waiting room, she just collapsed.


Everyone was shocked. Kai was just inside the waiting room when he heard the noise, he immediately went out and was more than just shock to see xuan lying on the ground.

“Noona, get me my disguise quick!”

“Manager hyung, get the van to the entrance as fast as possible”

Kai immediately said, he wore his disguise in seconds and carried xuan bridal style and dash out to the entrance and to the van, nobody bother about the fans outside who will stunned at the sight.

Imagine your favorite idol just suddenly got carried out by someone and was unconscious, pretty scary right?

Once they arrived at the nearest hospital, kai continue carrying xuan to the A&E, the managers talk with the receptionist there about who there were etc and the receptionist quickly asked them to go to a certain room.

Luckily, xuan only fainted because of exhaustment. IV drip will be fine.

“Anyway noona what did the doctor say to you?”

“He say that he himself was shocked at how she was able to last for so long. The impact wasn’t that big but for her, a 16 years old girl who weight like only 43 or maybe even less, it’s big. But then thanks to the immediate assistance it wasn’t that serious”

“The reporters sure are fast”

Straight away after the sight of xuan getting carried to the van and the destination was the hospital, articles was out, many people were talking about it, not just in China, and the reporters were fast enough to gather outside the hospital.

“Don’t they have any heart?!”

“It’s a freaking hospital here!”

“Woah the internet is pretty much chaotic too”

“Aren’t they too exaggerating?”

“Blame the person who build the stage!”


“Yixing oppa, you don’t know?!’

“I forgot?”



Kris who seriously can’t stand the sight of all the reporters trying to fish out information from the mangers and the managers who were trying their very best to ask them to leave anymore, make his way down outside.

“Kris! What are you doing here?”

“Manager hyung, they are too much”

“I can’t do much”

“But I can”


--In chinese—

“Don’t you reporters have any heart? You guys are making a whole noise outside a hospital, HOSPITAL, where people are supposed to get rest, and you guys want to know about xuan condition right? I will tell you. She injured herself during rehearsal but she still want to continue performing, not because the company force her to or what so ever, she did it because she didn’t want to disappoint the public, the fans. And now she’s in the hospital receiving treatment and instead of asking for concern or what so ever, you reporters come to the hospital create a mess and asked question like, did the company force her too? Is her health stable? Is she very ill? Now you guys know the answer would you kindly leave? If not I don’t mind personally inviting everyone here to the police station or court. “

Every movement stop, everyone was shocked to hear the famous exo member, exo m leader, kris, to  make such a speech.His words slowly shoot the reporters awake and slowly they left, bowing in apologies.

“Thanks kris”

“Hyung its okay!”


Even if I know you like kai,

 even if I know I can’t get you,

 I will still continue protecting you like this,

and make sure you don’t get hurt.

Because when you love someone,

you only want them to be happy

even if you have to make the sacrifice…

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Chapter 45: THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST READS EVER! MY TOP 10!! Pleased keep making stories as lonngggggg and as gooodddd as this one!! I SUPPORT YOU AS A FAN! FIGHTINGG!!
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 45: The BEST story ever read!!!! It's so good!!!
The relationship between Xuan and Kai, is too good to be true in reality... I guess we must all keep dreaming ^^

Good job authornim!!! ^^ <3
Deffany #3
Chapter 45: The best fanfic I ever read !!! Love u so much dear author kkkk^^
Akfanpop #4
Chapter 23: Aww i feel bad for luhan:(
kimirina #5
Chapter 45: Finally finished reading! Author-nim Jjang!
If the saesang fans really become like that it will be so awesome for the idols... :)
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 44: now whenever i see what has been updated i look to see if this has been updated and when i see the completed sign i remember
and i dont like it
this story was so cool
and great
and your amazing Autor-nim
Buingdomdom #7
Chapter 44: I cried when the story ended :') Your story is awesome auhor-nim!
Chapter 44: OMO!!! This is hella cool!!! BEST STORY TOO!! I LOVE THE ENDING, and about the seasang fans, that is hella true.. They can be scary as hell.... They would do everything just to crush the girl/boy who "steals" their "oppa/Noona"
Tessatc #9
Chapter 43: Hi I totally love ur storyline. Pls update soon!
omfhunhan #10
Chapter 44: this story has ended
and im not ashamed to say i cried over the fact that it has ended and how it ended
i really love this story Author-nim
and i will start to support your other stories caus this was just THAT great