Chapter 25

All started from a simple bump

It was a sweet moment for them, the kiss but both had the same thoughts.

So what does it means now?

What are they now?



Kai still thinks that xuan doesn’t like him but he was all wrong because the kiss make xuan confirmed her feelings for kai.

The moment their lips touch, she knew that she love kai, she can’t live without him and that kai stole her heart.

All the things that kai did for her, all those scarifies he did, touch her.

She felt stupid for not realizing earlier that those weird feelings she have when she was with kai was because she love him.

And she was more than stupid now to not realize that kai love her too.

They didn’t avoid each other, but they didn’t bring up the topic of the kiss they had.


For fear they would lost the other.

It’s sometimes better to remain as best buddy forever than confessing and losing the other forever.


They continue with their own lives, their normal pack schedule. But once in awhile they would hang out together not outside but maybe in the company, in the dance studio.

Of course they will upset that they couldn’t hang out outside and enjoy the scenery.

Kai was more than upset, he still can’t forget xuan being sad because she can’t tour around korea, he wanted so badly to take her out around Korea but he can’t, which frustrated him.

They act like a couple but they aren’t one which make everyone around them frustrated too. Its obvious that they both love each other but the both of them just can’t see that fact.

Sharing the same food, using the same utensils.

Leaning onto each other when tired.

Having late night chats no matter how tired they are because hearing the other voice make their tiredness go away.

Always finding excuses to escape to find the other

Sharing problems with the other

Oh how they wish they weren’t idols,

How they wish they could just go out without any fears,

Go enjoy the scenery together

Eat out together instead of relying on takeout

Play at the arcade together

Watch movie at the cinema

Go shopping together

And many more

But they had to accept the fact that they can’t, it’s impossible.





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Chapter 45: THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST READS EVER! MY TOP 10!! Pleased keep making stories as lonngggggg and as gooodddd as this one!! I SUPPORT YOU AS A FAN! FIGHTINGG!!
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 45: The BEST story ever read!!!! It's so good!!!
The relationship between Xuan and Kai, is too good to be true in reality... I guess we must all keep dreaming ^^

Good job authornim!!! ^^ <3
Deffany #3
Chapter 45: The best fanfic I ever read !!! Love u so much dear author kkkk^^
Akfanpop #4
Chapter 23: Aww i feel bad for luhan:(
kimirina #5
Chapter 45: Finally finished reading! Author-nim Jjang!
If the saesang fans really become like that it will be so awesome for the idols... :)
omfhunhan #6
Chapter 44: now whenever i see what has been updated i look to see if this has been updated and when i see the completed sign i remember
and i dont like it
this story was so cool
and great
and your amazing Autor-nim
Buingdomdom #7
Chapter 44: I cried when the story ended :') Your story is awesome auhor-nim!
Chapter 44: OMO!!! This is hella cool!!! BEST STORY TOO!! I LOVE THE ENDING, and about the seasang fans, that is hella true.. They can be scary as hell.... They would do everything just to crush the girl/boy who "steals" their "oppa/Noona"
Tessatc #9
Chapter 43: Hi I totally love ur storyline. Pls update soon!
omfhunhan #10
Chapter 44: this story has ended
and im not ashamed to say i cried over the fact that it has ended and how it ended
i really love this story Author-nim
and i will start to support your other stories caus this was just THAT great