the end ers

The Writing On My Hand

"Awwww." Jung commented from the side. 

I curled my fingers into the fabric of his shirt. Mm yes, this Taemin smell was pretty darn good. 

To my left I heard some noise and I glanced to see what had happened. Key had somehow managed to set up a large camera and grow a large cherry blossom tree behind us, despite the fact that it was in the fall. Withdrawing from the hug, I felt pretty damn victorious. Here it was, the moment that happened in every shoujo manga in existence. Taemin was smiling right down at me. The cherry blossom petals were swirling by romantically. The camera was set, our friends were watching.


We leaned in.




"Hold it right there!" Suddenly a loud shriek pierced the romantic lovey-dovey atmosphere. Damn. Both Taemin and I glanced up and were greeted with the lovely sight of the soles of high-heeled boots. Doing the smart thing, we leaped apart and out of the way. Creamy long legs followed the badass looking high heels.  The feet came down into the road with a large impat, sending cracks throughout the whole neighborhood. In fact, they had made a giant crater and thrown both Taemin and I back several feet.. Key's camera was absolutely wrecked. The owner of those long legs had long, wavy blond hair and really red lipstick. I felt like I knew her.

"It is I, Roxanna! That character the author had thrown in just to make girls who wore makeup, were busty and attractive look like es! For a ing April Fools Day joke (chapter 47!!!)! YOU FAKE FEMINIST !" She yelled, looking up at the sky, presumably to the so-called author she had just addressed.

"!" A godly voice replied. "I know, I ed up big time when I had written you in. I'm sorry. I was dumb and young and was in my special snowflake phase where I thought girls who didn't wear makeup and didn't care about fashion were superior to girls that did!" I looked up in confusion, wondering where the voice had come from. "But it's okay! I'll fix this!" It announced, and then promptly disappeared.

"You ing better!" Roxanna punched the ground, before standing up to her full height, voluptuous body clear against the sunset that had randomly appeared. A few moments passed as I stared, transfixed at this ridiculously attractive girl. Said girl then looked at me, who was currently lying on the ground awkwardly, and then walked towards me. She extended her hand and grabbed my arm, pulling me up from the crater and into her arms.

"I... when the author had just chucked me into this story to serve as an antagonist to you... I couldn't help but fall for you..." Her voice was like butter, sliding into my ears. I blinked, suddenly very puzzled.

"What." was the only response I had. Taemin stood dumbfounded on the side.

But then I stared into her eyes, which were framed with beautiful eyelashes. All the love I had for Taemin suddenly melted away.

I was born anew. I slid my hands into the girl's hair, cupping her head and pulling it towards me. 

"I love you." I whispered just before our lips met. Somewhere, Key was slamming his already-broken camera set into the ground, screeching angrily. During this hot, unpredicted make-out session, Taemin's heart had snapped in two and he was soon comforted by both Faia and Jung who offered a steamy . 

This girl Roxanna was the best thing that ever happened me. Thank you, author, for introducing her into my life. Thank you so much. That night we had hot lesbian . Faia and Jung had gotten together, and SHINee arrived to the Christmas Dance with none other than themselves, and were then almost assaulted by the student body. To deflect them, they began to dance with the camera crew.

Later on in life Roxanna and I had gotten married and moved to France where we owned a cute little malamute dog and soon became world-renowned hairdressers. 

The end might have been sudden. It might have been unexpected.

I don't know about you, readers, but I'm satisfied with it.

(the word 'fin' in fancy font)


i did it 

i did it

i finished this godforsaken pile of story

i hate the person i was when i started it

but at least now i can admire this beautiful ending

sorry i didnt follow through with my plan and went on like 10 different year long hiatuses during the writing of this story

thank u all for ur feedback and for subscribing! the ride was really unnecessarily long and bumpy but it's finally done FINALLY omfg



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Chapter 48: This ..... AWESOME STORY BTW1
Lexarvy #2
Chapter 54: HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG did NOT expect that XD But it's a great ending nonetheless :P
This is great. I love how mary sue it all is because it's just the right amount of mary sue and craziness. Besides, you write really well, so it's not that obvious. I can't wait to read the rest of this.
omg, thank god... i wass gonna hit something!
omg i was already ready to beat you up hahahaha XD
good joke XD