The Writing On My Hand

This is SHINeeROX80. It's been two months. You guys most likely forgot about this story.


Oh my glob, even though my obsession with SHINee has lessened, and my character in this story is unrealistic, I can STILL CONTINUUEEE.


Faia's POV

Okay. After leaving the hospital and returning to my room, I have a few things on my mind here.

1. Taemin. For good reasons.

2. Jae. For even better reasons.

3. Christmas Winter Dance.


Oh .

To organize my thoughts I showed the dance to the back of my mind and centered my thoughts and Jae and Taemin.

Okay. I accidentally kissed Taemin. I'm not sure why that makes me guilty, but it does.

It was unexpected. Pleasant at first, but unexpected. But what made it unpleasant was the way Taemin reacted to it. He jerked back as if I were, I don't know, a pile of vomit. His lips on mine didn't make my heart flutter like the way I thought it would. They had no feelings of 'like' to it. It was a big sign. A big glaring sign that says 'Faia, a future with Lee Taemin is quite impossible.' With tiny print at the bottom, 'The possibility never existed.' And even tinier print that said, 'oh faia y u so st00pid.'

I groaned. I needed to tell someone, to tell Jae.


But why would Jae care?



Why would she care? She's dating Minho. The whole world thinks and knows so. So why do I feel like I have to tell her?

Okay. Jae also was holding Taemin's hand. Does she like him? But she's dating Minho.

I'm so confused.

Friends tell each other things. This thing might be in the category to be told to friends.

I gulped, leaning back on my comforter. I stared at the ceiling. What are the things I need to do?

1. Tell Jae about the kiss.

2... Tell Jae


Okay, that's it, I'm calling Jae.


Jae's POV

Oh my god. I'm so tired after the ordeal, of , just, EVERYTHING. I rolled around on my bed. Then, the kiss came into my mind. a-ING-gain.



I need to forget about that, I guess.

Oh butts. Then even better, my phone rang! WOW SO AWESOME RIGHT TOTALLY.

I groaned and rolled over to grab at my phone. I lifted it above my face to see who it was. It was Faia.


Did I not just say I need to forget about that? My eyelids lowered a bit as I pressed the green 'pick up' button and put the cellular device against my ear.

"Hi." I mumbled.

"Hey. Uh, can I talk to you about something? I really need to get it out, you know?" Faia's voice replied. I closed my eyes, exasperated. I did NOT want to listen to Faia tell me about her kiss and then gush about it. I was silent for a few minutes. I wanted to FORGET about that experience. It brought a heavy weight on my heart.

It made me sad.

"Um, Jae, are you there?" Faia spoke again. I grunted an unintelligble 'yea.' My other hand went to my forehead as I waited for the agony to start.

"It's just, something happened with me and Taemin at the hospital."

"Okay. What happened?" Look, I'm a professional at acting. There was silence.

"Um, I accidentally, uh..." I guess it's hard for her to say?

"You accidentally what?"

"Okay, IACCIDENTALLYKISSEDTAEMIN." She rushed. Whoop-dee-doo. Nice to know. Can I hang up and move on?

"Oh." What else was I to say? The little pins she just stabbed into my heart reduced my vocabulary to that 'oh.'

"And... I guess... he's... not the one for me."






"Uh, I didn't quite catch that, Faia." I muttered, sitting up as I felt my body temperature raise itself by ninety million degrees.

"Eh, um, I said, that I don't think he's the one for me." She repeated.

I think my heart stopped for a second. What? WHAT?

"Uh, one more time?" I think my voice was trembling.

"Jae, are you deaf? I said he's not the one for me." She spoke as clearly as mud. My brain could not comprehend. Was something going right for me.

"What?" I think I was going hysterical. Or something of the sort. I may possibly have been shaking.

"Jae, I'm not going for Taemin."

"Please say that again. Say it again." My hand rose to my lips. I could feel the edges of my mouth lifting.

"Oh my god. Jae." Now she sounded clearly annoyed. "I. Am. NOT. Going. For TAEMIN."

Something just clicked. Finally. The hand holding the phone fell down and landed in the pillows. I was quiet for a few minutes.

"Jae? Jae? Hello?" Faia, still even more pissed off, was speaking through her phone. I, however, was not listening. I fell back down on the bed. My finger found the 'hang up' button.

And I was elated. Breathless. My heart pounded and I could feel it everywhere in my body. I leaped from my loft bed and stared at myself in the mirror. Cheeks pink and flushed, eyes unfamiliarly bright, face too happy. I have never seen myself like this before. I felt like a feather, almost. I smoothed my hair back. I've never felt like this before.Ever. My hand reached for neck, and I felt the round cookie necklace. Falling onto my desk chair and eyes locked with the mirror, I began to clutch the pendant.

I had a chance.


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Chapter 48: This ..... AWESOME STORY BTW1
Lexarvy #2
Chapter 54: HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG did NOT expect that XD But it's a great ending nonetheless :P
This is great. I love how mary sue it all is because it's just the right amount of mary sue and craziness. Besides, you write really well, so it's not that obvious. I can't wait to read the rest of this.
omg, thank god... i wass gonna hit something!
omg i was already ready to beat you up hahahaha XD
good joke XD