
The Writing On My Hand

Jae's POV


“Hm… She’s right.” I looked to the speaker. Jonghyun.

“The teacher isn’t there anyway, so it doesn’t matter.” Key argued. “Besides, she could have a slight concussion. You saw her hit her head.”

“…Just deal with it. All five of us are going. IT’s our fault anyway.” Onew told us. Well, there goes my attempt at not looking like a maniacal fan.

“Fine.” I crossed my own arms, still bouncing about inside my head. I also have this… talent to not blush. Oh yeahhh. I went back to ‘not caring,’ focusing on that plan seriously. I stopped talking until I got to the nurse, bandaged my bloody forehead, and confirmed no concussions, only headaches. I kept my expression bored and/or blank and walked slowly back to the classroom, after thanking and apologizing again to all of them rather stiffly. I took a place in the corner to read my book as the SHINee people were immersed in the same sea of fans before.


Taemin’s POV


She thought she could make it to the nurse on her own.

Stupidly strong girl. She falls too many times…

She wasn’t sitting in her desk anymore, and I glimpsed her in a corner as several people shoved pens and notebooks in my face to sign. With a cheerful face I scribbled my signatures on all of them, glad that the bell rung soon. As our group got together in the hallway, I couldn’t find her anymore.

“What do you think of that girl?” I asked my hyungs.

“She seems nice… at least she’s not spazzing out all over us.” Minho replied matter-of-factly.

“Yea. The only one I’ve seen not crazy about us.” Jonghyun added, though a bit glumly. HAH. I wasn’t the only one feeling a little ticked that she didn’t care if we were famous or whatnot… and I still have to see what’s on her hand.

“She’s always writing on herself.” Key commented.

“Yea.” I nodded to him. She WAS.

“I wonder what she’s writing.” Onew said thoughtfully. I’ll just tell them what I might have glanced on her hand before… and that I might have seen it wrong… or… nah. I want to figure it out on my own.

I must seem very nosy.

But I really reeaaallly want to confirm what I sawww.

I bit my lip, deciding. It would probably be kind of mean-ish to grab her wrist and read her hand… without her permission… IT’S SO TEMPTING. D:

Well, I am Lee Taemin, the (slightly) mischievous, playful guy. I can do it. YEA.

Well anyway, as it turns out, that girl has the same schedule as us, and each class has the only empty seats around her. I swear, is she like a disease to the rest of the students? Kind of mean… Is she lonely at all?



Energized by vigor, I pledged to be her friend and eradicate all her loneliness and fill her with the knowledge of SHINee!

First I have to read her hand.

Nothing interesting happened in History or Science, so we went to lunch. I bet she sits alone, too. She was a ahead of us in the lunch line, and I watched her sit along a huge table in the corner. NO WAIT.


No… the lonely girl accepted the other girl’s company, and then the other girl went on the lunchline. No one else went to her table, though. Our group got our food and looked around. Others hastily tried to make room at their crowded tables, but I led our five to the lonely girl’s table; the only table with enough room for us, plus that other random girl. The lonely girl looked up at us.

“Why are you sitting here?” She asked, wiped with a napkin.

“Erm… We wanna be your friend!” I wanted to be a nice as possible. She looked surprised.


“You looked like you needed some friends!” I smiled cheerfully.

“I HAVE a friend… she’s on the lunch line.” She continued.

“Well, we’re gonna sit here! There’s no other table big enough for us five.” Jonghyun piped up.

“Suit yourselves.” The girl shooked her head and went to eating her bibimbap. We sat down. The girl was next to the wall, and then I was next to her, and then Minho next to me. Onew, Jonghyun andKey were sitting across from us.

“Jaeeeeee! They don’t have anymore cooki- OH MY ING GOD.” The girl who went to the lonely girl (who must be called Jae) before stopped. Everyone in the lunchroom turned to stare. A lunch aid scolded her for profanity, and gave her a warning slip of paper.

“Yes, Hana, I know. Come sit next to me.” She shoved Minho and me over a bit, scooched over herself and let Hana sit next to the wall. So I was still next to Jae. Why doesn’t Hana look overjoyed?

“Jae! You KNOW I hate k-pop. WHY DID YOU BRING THEM HERE?!” Oh… I see. She must be the reason why Jae doesn’t care about us! Hana is loud. WAIT. SHE HATES KPOP?! I felt like falling off the seat, but I steadied myself.

“They came here of their own accord.” Jae ate a mouthful of the bibimbap.

“I can’t believe it.” Hana shook her head, disgusted, beginning on her kimchi. Hana has left an awkward silence hanging over the lunch table.

“Give them a chance, Hana. It’s not like they’re stuck-up snobs or anything. They’re pretty nice.” Jae patted HAna’s shoulder. OMG SHE COMPLIMENTED US.

“Fine…” Hana continued to eat her kimchi. I looked down at my sandwich and banana milk lunch, deciding it would be smart to eat.

“So… why do you guys want to sit here?” Hana looked at us.

“Only table big enough.” Jonghyun mumbled through his mouthful.

“Jae looked lonely.” Minho added, chomping on pasta. I nodded to him and sipped some milk.

“I see.” Hana went back to eating, and we all had an awkward silence settling over us.

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Chapter 48: This ..... AWESOME STORY BTW1
Lexarvy #2
Chapter 54: HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG did NOT expect that XD But it's a great ending nonetheless :P
This is great. I love how mary sue it all is because it's just the right amount of mary sue and craziness. Besides, you write really well, so it's not that obvious. I can't wait to read the rest of this.
omg, thank god... i wass gonna hit something!
omg i was already ready to beat you up hahahaha XD
good joke XD