
The Writing On My Hand

Jae’s POV

The doorbell rang and my mom called me downstairs to get it.

Oh man… Taemin!


Too happy on my birthday to be upset about anything, I bounded down the stairs like a dog, eager, excited. BIRRRTTTHHHDDDAAAAYYY PAHTEEE!

With one other friend, but it’s better than none.

I almost flung the door open, but I composed myself, looking at my reflection of this mirror conveniently placed on the wall.

It’s TAEMIN, so yeah. I opened the door and the smile lit my face.

He was holding a cap and sunglasses in one hand, his disguise, I assume, and he held up a tiny and cute-looking wrapped box in the other. “Taemin!”

“Happy Birthday!” Oh my god… present… from friend… EVEN HANA DIDN’T WRAP HER PRESENTS AND MAKE THEM PRETTY. OH MY GOD… FIRST PRESENT… FROM A GUY! (insert mental squeal here)

“Thankyouthankyouthankyou!”I flung my arms around him suddenly, unaware of my actions, when I paused.

Excuse meee.

What am I doing? I’m hugging… Taemin. I’m hugging… Lee Taemin from SHINee.

This is embarrassing. He hugged me back… and we’re friends… and friend hugging should be OK… I don’t know why I felt so hot and embarrassed inside. I removed my head from the tiny nest of his sweatshirt on his shoulder and laughed it off. He laughed a bit too.

“SONG JAE. IS THAT LEE TAEMIN AT THE DOOR? THE IDOL?” I hear Mom yell from the kitchen.

“MAYBE.” I called back.

“OH MY GOD.” She replied.


“YEAH.” Lovely conversations I have with Mommy.

“Uh…” Mom poked her head from the kitchen. “Welcome Taemin! Thanks for bringing my sweetheart a present. Go on, make yourself at home. Why don’t you two go up to her room and I’ll bring some… tea or milk or whatever you want.” She welcomed him, sounding awkward from surprise. I wouldn’t blame her.

“Um, juice would be nice.” Taemin told her, scratching his head a bit.

“Ok.” She went back into the kitchen.

“…eh-heh… follow me upstairs.” I lead him up the stairs and paused at my door…

… A guy… in my room… never happened before…




“NO!” Taemin and I both yelled. We looked at each other

“ARE YOU SSUUUURRE?!” She drawled out the word.

“POSITIVE!” I pushed Taemin into the room to escape my mother’s voice. Oh man… I have never been this embarrassed before. I closed the door and faced it, head down. “Sorry about that… my mom freaks out over any kind of boy I know…” I explained weakly.

“I see…” He coughed. I turned around to face him. “So… uh… nice room you got here…”

“Thanks.” I replied.

“Here, open it.” He pushed the gift towards me and I took it, not sure what I’d find. It’s such a tiny box…

DAT MUST BE DAH KEEYOOTEST SET OF NECKLACES I HAVE EVAR SEEEN. My entire face lit up. Cookie and milk… so cutee… >//<

Taemin picked up the cookie one, and suddenly leaning forward, put the necklace around my neck. Omo… his chest… it was in my face. Taemin had trouble doing the clasp, but I was sort of frozen right there. “Wait a second, I got i-“

The door flew open, slammed the wall with a huge force making Taemin topple over.

“Darlings, I’ve got your juic- Omo, am I interrupting something?”

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Chapter 48: This ..... AWESOME STORY BTW1
Lexarvy #2
Chapter 54: HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG did NOT expect that XD But it's a great ending nonetheless :P
This is great. I love how mary sue it all is because it's just the right amount of mary sue and craziness. Besides, you write really well, so it's not that obvious. I can't wait to read the rest of this.
omg, thank god... i wass gonna hit something!
omg i was already ready to beat you up hahahaha XD
good joke XD