The rumours

Their Story

'Big Bang & Girls Generation's members were spotted at Japan's cafe! -Possible filming?'

'Staffs of "We Got Married" were spotted too -Possible new couple?'

'If Soshibang (Term of Big Bang & Girls Generation) is the new couple of "We Got Married", which couple to drop out?'

'It'll be cool, because we get to see Kings and Queens of K-Pop together on a show!! -Random citizen.'

'No no no! I'll not accept this new "couple", I don't think Big Bang image suit our 9 angels. -Random citizen 2'

'Haha, I'm sad to see 1 couple to depart soon, I love 3 of the current couples! Well, I'm excited to see this new couple though, if the rumours are true. -Random citizen 3'


As expected, the rumours started to spread like wild fire although it was midnight when they filmed. Most of the responses are positive, however there a many negatives too. Today morning, many protesters gathered around MBC Building in Korea, asking them to clarify these rumours, they are even threatening to burn down the building IF these rumours are true. It is pretty much the same as G-Dragon's and Jessica's rumours back then, but worse. MBC, obviously gave no comment (What do you expect!) and left no choice but to call the police to ease the situation outside the building. MBC also held an emergency meeting, about approving DaeFany couple on screen. These are the few comments from the angry protesters.

'I totally disagree with this new "couple" because I feel it isn't right! How does Korea's biggest brats and bad boys deserves our angels (Girls Generation)?'

'Big Bang are too good for these plastic girls!'

'Big Bang and Girls Generation aren't compatible for each other! It's like Satan and God are partnering up!'


As expected, Big Bang are quite known as bad boys in Korea, meanwhile Girls Generation are known as angels. Big Bang got into too many bad scandals, and Big Bang are having bad lifestyle (Clubbing almost every night, always G-Dragon and Seungri only though, the remaining members go once in a while.) As for Girls Generation did not got into many bad scandals, that is why they're considered as angels.



It is already 15 minutes pass 11 in the morning, and Tiffany has not wake up yet. It is due to yesterday's exciting concert, and then Tiffany has to film "We Got Married" in the early morning, in a Amusement park. However, she is waken up by a text.

From: Daesungie <3

To: My Mooshroom <3

'Wakey wakey up~~~!!!!!!!! It's almost 11:30 a.m. and you're still sleeping! If you don't reply me in 2 minutes, I'll spam you~!!


Anyway, have you checked the latest gossip in Korea? I guess you haven't sicne you were a sleeping beauty, haha. Well, go check it out now! You're gonna be disappointed. Why are you still here, SHOOO!

Why are you still here, go check it out nowww!'


Tiffany chuckles at Daesung's cute text. Of course, she is still mad at Daesungie, so she decides to "play hard to get" with Daesung. 

'You think spamming me will make me reply you? Not that easy Daesungie.' Tiffany thinks. Well, Tiffany is curious of what Daesung is saying about the gossip, instead of surfing the Internet, Tiffany asks her other members who are at the hall, slacking.

'Hey girls, have you guys checked the latest gossips?' Tiffany shouts as she is the loudest member. Everyone looks at Tiffany, with a depressed expression.

'What's the matter? Is it our scandal? Which member? Is it big?'

'You better check it out for yourself Fany-unnie,' Yoona says

'Aishh, just say i-'

'Tiff, I'll follow you into the room.' Jessica cuts her sentence. Jessica heads into the bedroom with Tiffany, which is surfing the net through her phone.

'Have you found it?' Jessica asks in English while sitting down on the bed.

'I guess so.'

'You okay?'

'HAHAHAHAHAHA, you guys are actually worried about me?'

'Well, technically yes? You aren't sad or anything?'

'Not really.'


'I actually saw this coming.'


'Well, what do you expect? My hubby was in a car accident scandal which had a victim, and me who didn't get into any big scandals, you think there won't be protests? Plus, we are idols right? Some of the fans will of course disagree because we're their a figure to them.'

'Hmm,that is true. But my hubby is worse okay?! He's a problematic brat which I fell in love withhhh~~~~'

'Urghh~~!!!' Tiffany is curling her fingers.

'Ignore that sentence. Well, I'm glad that you're okay, we were actually worried.'

'Nahh, it's okay.'

'Well, if you've anything, just get me! I'll always be with you, we're the deadly duos for life right!'

'Yeah, for life!'

*Beep* *Beep*

'Ahh, it must be your hubby!' Jessica says while exiting the room.

'I'll leave you alone here..' Jessica leaves the room. Tiffany checks her text, it is none other than Daesung, and she received another text from another guy too.

To: Daesungie <3

From: My Mooshroom <3

'I've warned you! MooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMuacks!MooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMuacks!MooshroomMooshroomMooshroomMooshroom


Have you seen the gossip yet?'


Once again, Tiffany chuckles. It seems like Daesung is falling into her "Playing hard to get" game as she ignores that text again.

Tiffany is not worried about the fans view, and it is obvious that Daesung is okay with this reaction of the fans as this is considered mild for him. Now, what is the decision of MBC? Will they abolish the plan for DaeFany? Or risk their building and air "DaeFany" couple? Check it out soon! Oh wait, the text from the other guy is a mystery!!! Blek :P


Back today with an update. Sorry if I didn't update frequently like last month, still having set backs from the staring of the month, from the lost. I'll try to get back on schedule next month. My heart is still happy for that interaction at MAMA 2013 T.T I'm soooooo touched!

Is anyone curious about MBC's decision and the another guy's text? and/or Are you excited for next chapter? Please do comment in the comment section below! Well, LolipopXpert signing off, hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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Chapter 88: daefanny.... i miss them so much. pls don't discontinue
DaeFanySoshibang #2
Chapter 88: I finished it without even notice. Wahh, I finished it just a few days since I started to read. T_T pls upload more..pls!!! T_T
DaeFanySoshibang #3
Chapter 11: LolipopXpert, u're the best. I can't wait for the update...T_T
Checkmate92 #4
Chapter 88: =) I cant wait for the update =( I'm sad about Jessica
please update !!
cloudragon #6
Chapter 87: eommo i'm so thankful that you are back!*cries
i just started reading this ff today, and i couldn't stop reading, so without knowing i already finish it. you don't know how shocked i was when i read your announcement! but now you're here...that's the most important thing.
however, that daeyeon flashback is genius! to give some space, maybe another pair shots? i miss them..
however, thank you for coming back and i wish that ideas would keep flowing to you! fighting!^^
Chapter 87: Waaaaaaah! Welcome back!!!!! And OMG. What an unexpected DaeYeon flashback! Hahahaha! Thank you for coming back and continue your fic. T__T
TwistedIceQueen #8
Chapter 87: I have no idea where you're going with this anymore.
minhnam #9
Chapter 87: yeaaay u finally decided tu continue :) awsome chapter btw !!!
looolll #10
Chapter 87: Thanks for the chapter