It's been 3 months

I just know that you are my ahne and I'm your namphyon

At Mom's House

Jaejoong,Kiko and Mom was inside the house,preparing for the act when.....


Kiko goes to the door and opens the door to find everyone from Seoul.

Jiyong:Kiko?! What are you doing here?

Jaejoong walks to the door and Jiyong's smile turns into a frown.

Jiyong:YA What the hell are you doing here?

Taeyang:Hyung why are you so rude?

Jiyong:Oh let me introduce this man then. Everybody he is....Jaejoong!

Everyone angrily looks at him.

Bom:Ooooooh so he is Jaejoong!

Seungri:Couple seperater eh!

Kiko:Well Jiyong your mom is inside the bedroom and is very ill.

Jiyong:Oh right Mom!

Jiyong runs to Mom's room.

TOP:Aisshhhhh do we have to pick up everyone's luggage?

CL:Rat pick up my luggage too!

Seungri:YA?! No way!

CL:Changri and I will go to the garden so hurry!

CL takes Changri away from Seungri and walks to the garden.


Bom,Sohee and Minzy walks away,leaving all their luggages to the boys.

Taeyang:YA SOHEE!


Taeyang: I ain't picking up your things!

Sohee:Well too bad you better!

Sohee runs away.

TOP:Well Taeyang you better start picking up the luggages indeed and start with mine!

TOP was almost walk away when Taeyang stops him.

Taeyang:Oh No you don't hyung! You better pick up your and Bom noona's luggage. I'm only picking up mine and Sohee's luggages!

Seungri:Yeah I'm only picking up CL and my luggage!

Daesung:Well too bad for you all since I only have 1 luggage which both fit my and Minzy's clothes in here.

TOP:(Evil Smile)Well why didn't you say so Daesung! (Gives Daesung a huge luggage)Start with this luggage!

Jaejoong:Can I help you?

TOP:Sure carry these luggages! (Gives Jaejoong two luggages)

Jaejoong:Uhmm....they seem heavy.

TOP:They sure are!

Jaejoong:What is in this luggage may I ask?

TOP:Bom's pregnancy stuff.

Jaejoong:In the whole suitcase?!

TOP:Correction! In the whole 2 suitcase!


TOP:Hey I don't even know what the woman wants so I shoved everything we had,relating to pregnancy,in the two suitcases.

Taeyang:How can you not know?

TOP:You wanna handle that woman?

Taeyang:On the second thought I think I am alright.I'm handling a monster as well.

Seungri:Sohee? She is like the nicest one out of all of them.

Taeyang:*Laughs* Nicest?!

TOP:Way easier to handle than Bom!

Taeyang:That I agree but she is just so stubborn sometimes.

Daesung:Well hyungs and Seungri you guys seem busy talking so before I leave I just want to say I already picked my and Minzy's room and I am not picking up your things so bye!

Daesung runs off.

All:YA GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At Mom's room

Everyone is inside the room while mom is lying down on the bed,looking very sick.Kiko puts on a cold towel on her forehead while Jaejoong places a jug of water on the desk.

Jiyong:(Angry tone)Careful Jaejoong!

Mom:Jiyong don't be mean to him.

Jiyong:Mom why don't you take care of yourself? I have always told you to watch less TV and exercise more but you just have to be lazy don't you?

Mom:Well I can't help it.

TOP:Like mother like daughter then.


TOP:(Smiles)Just joking honey! Saranghae!

Bom:(Rolls her eyes)Whatever Tabi.

Suddenly they hear someone banging on the door and ringing the door bell quickly.

Kiko:I'll get it.

At the door

Kiko walks to the door and opens the door to see Dara,whose facial expression suddenly changed when she saw the sight of Kiko.Anger filled inside her and her hands turned into fists.

Dara:What the hell are you doing here?

Kiko:Your umma seems extremely sick and wishes to see you right now.

Dara: I'll deal with you later but right now umma is more important.

At Mom's room

Jiyong:Mom I told you so many times you have to eat healthy food too!

Mom:*Fake coughs* Jiyong.

Jiyong takes a glass of water and quickly gives his mom water to drink.His mom drinks the water and then she suddenly smiles when she sees the arrival of Dara.


Everybody turns around to see Dara standing there.Jiyong turns around and is surprised to see Dara.All those hurtful memories came back but that was not the only thing that surprised him.

Minzy:Unnie you're......


Bom:Oh My God!!!! Dara-ah I'm pregnant too!!!

Bom walks to Dara and gives her a hug.

TOP:Careful Bommie!

Jiyong:Not too tight Noona!

Everyone looks at Jiyong and is amazed with his caring comment.They all knew that Jiyong still loved Dara even through they had seperated.Dara wasn't sure what to say.She was still angry at Jiyong but she knew she couldn't be away from him.She wished they never seperated but it was hard to forget the pain and unhappiness Jiyong caused.


CL:Unnie we missed you!

Minzy:Saranghae Dara unnie!

Sohee: I can't believe Dara unnie is pregnant as well.

Mom:What do you mean you can't believe? Don't you all live together? Jiyong don't you live with Dara? How could you hide this big news to me? Why didn't anybody tell me about Dara being pregnant?

No one really wanted to tell mom that Daragon had seperated since they didn't wanted to cause stress to her health.

Dara:Umma I wanted to keep this as a secret to you since I wanted to give you a surprise and tell you face to face!

Mom:Aigoooo you didn't have to do this! Jiyong bring her here!


Mom:Help her walk here! She's pregnant so you have to take extra care of her.

Jiyong:Mom she can do that herself.

Jiyong really wanted to help her but he knew Dara wouldn't take his help not after that incident where he threw Dara out of the house. If he could,he would give her a tight hug and kiss her passionately again but it was just that he didn't have enough courage to face Dara again.

Dara:Umma I can walk by myself.

Mom:NO! Jiyong listen to me and help her walk here! Hold her hand and help her walk here.

Dara:Umma there is no need for that.

Mom:Jiyong GO!

Jiyong walks up to Dara.Dara doesn't face him and looks on the floor.She knew if she faced him she would cry again but she,somehow,managed to keep her tears inside.Jiyong holds her hands tightly and helps her walk.He gestures her to sit next to his mom on her bed.

Dara:Thank you.

Mom:Why are you two so formal with each other?

Jiyong:Oooh we just like being polite at times.

Mom:Dara how many months has your pregnancy been?

Dara:3 months Umma!

Dara emphasized 3 months since it was 3 months Daragon had seperated from each other. Everybody else angrily looks at Jiyong.


Everybody angrily looks at Jiyong and the words ''You are so dead'' were written on their faces especially on the girls. Everybody were angry they were 3 months away from their precious princess Dara.


Author=AYO! Author-Nim here! Here is another update and I hope you all liked it! Sorry for not updating since school can be really stressful and since it is my final year before I go to college=DOUBLE PRESSURE :/ but I will try to update more now since it is XMAS HOLIDAY! Daragon's finally gonna meet each other! What will their reaction be? TaeHee seems distant but don't worry more TaeHee story coming up! Bommie is 8 months pregnant so OMG she is soon gonna give birth! Baby Changri get well soon and Seungri appa seems to be really taking care of his son!

Please do comment and tell me how you found this chapter.

Any requests you have about any of the couples please do tell me and I will fulfill your requests :)  

Until Next Time Bye Bye Now!!!

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Chapter 28: Omgggg I remember this story reading it when I first came here, I came back after 2 years and I remembered this being one of my favorite 2NE1BANG fics... AHHH IM REREADING THIS RIGHT NOW AT 2:40 IN THE MORNING AND ITS STILL SO CUTE :)))
Chapter 9: Re read this story again,, yet it still awesome... It's worth ... Hehhehe...
Chapter 202: Well it quite embarrassing, but it worth for your love Mandu.. Kekeke. Hit your head bae. how dare you delivered the vows even thought you heart at Mandu.. Nappeun namja...
natyx10 #4
Chapter 200: well that was unexpected
Chapter 200: I'm hurt... Huhuhu... Bad ahhhh... Wae....
Chapter 198: Love your stories that are sooo interesting it captures the attention of me as a bookworm...I hope you enjoy reading and writing this story and I hope to see more of ur stories next time unttil then...
Chapter 198: noooooo! don't end it yet!
natyx10 #9
Chapter 197: Uh oh...more drama...AUTHORNIM I THOUGHT U WOULD BE NICE TO ME AND MY HEART!!! But i know this story will NOT end very badly where everyone is crying over something serious like a dead body WHICH BETTER NOT HAPPEN!! Ok deep breaths....ohh okay i'm fine...
Chapter 197: bae,,,,,,,,,,, ,, just leave that girl ..she will never understand you..come to me update chingu yaa...