Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


Minhee, still in the shower when someone rang the doorbell of her apartment. Good thing she is finished with her shower, so she put on a blue bath robe and another towel on her shoulders. ‘I wonder who it is. At this late of an hour…’ she thought. As her long black hair dripping wet over her back and shoulders.

She went to the door and opened it wide. And to her horror, Park Yoochun was at the door. Minhee stood there stupefied with her eyes as big as headlights, she thought, ‘CRAP!!!!! IT’S HIM!!!! SHOOT! WHAT DO I DO?!’ Yoochun on the other hand, was also at awe, he also stared at the sight that he saw, a fresh from the shower Minhee with nothing on but a towel and a blue bathrobe. Minhee started to look panicked, Yoochun noticed then he quickly said, “I’ll come again later, Minhee.” He was about to turn round and walk away when Minhee said, “Wait.” Yoochun stopped his step. “You’re already here… so please come in. Have a seat and please feel at home.”  She smiled at him awkwardly and directed him inside her living room, he got in and sat on the sofa, and she turned the TV on and put it on MTV. “Mr. Park, oh, Yoochun, I’ll just uhmmm… wear something decent...” she gave a weak smile. She quickly went into her room and gave a big sigh. She thought while dressing up, ‘My God!!! It’s been what almost 24 hours that we have met each other and we managed to see each other post bathing!!! What was that?!’


In the living room… Yoochun is super red, thinking and smiling at himself … ‘God!!! Wow! Just wow! Calm down Micky, calm down… breathe, breathe… I did not expect to see her like that… Whoo! Breathe dude, breathe.’ After chanting up and calming down, he sat comfortably. After a few minutes, Minhee came out of her room wearing a pink hoodie and Doraemon pajamas with her wet hair in a messy bun. She smiled at him immediately, and sat on another sofa beside Yoochun. She said, “Sorry about that… I just took a shower. Uhhhh.. so what brought you here?” she smiled sweetly… On the other hand, Yoochun just sat there staring… again, just like the in the hospital. He thought, ‘She’s better off wearing this than that of her hospital uniform. She looks younger, like a highschooler.’  Minhee repeated her question. And this time, Yoochun is now alert, “Ahhh this…” he handed a tub of ice cream, Choco chip cookie dough.

“Ooohh!!!”Minhee exclaimed and gave a big excited smile.

“I forgot to give you this. I put it in my freezer, and when you left, I saw it.”He explained.

“Ahhhhhhh… thank you!”

“Yeah… ahhh that’s it, so I guess I’ll go…”Yoochun said about to stand up.

“Huh? You’ll go already?”‘Why am I stalling him?!’ she thought.

“Yeah, I still have stuff to do in my apartment.”

“Wait! At least share my ice cream with me…” she smiled at him. ‘Really? I’m trying to stop him from fixing up his crib? WTH am I doing?’ she thought again.

“With all the hassle that I put you up today… at least share my ice cream with me…”She continued.

“Oh, I guess Ice cream will be great!”He said in reply.

“Come on...”Minhee gestured Yoochun to follow her.


Minhee stood up and went to the kitchen, they both have the same kind of apartment with a built in island in the middle of the kitchen. She took out teaspoons, an icecream cup and a scooper. She served the icecream, and sat across the table from him.


“Choco Chip cookie dough… yum.”He gave a big smile.

“It’s my favourite.”Minhee said as she took a spoon full.


As they both savoured the ice cream, they can hear the music from the TV in the living room, ~Hollow Years by Dream Theatre~ is playing on MTV…

Minhee blurted out, “I love this song.” As she began to hum along and eat the ice cream. Yoochun was at awe, “You like this kind of music?” he asked.  “Uhuh.” She said as she scooped another spoonful. ‘I didn’t think she has this taste in music… I love Dream theatre…’ Yoochun thought. And he began, “So what other types of music do you like Minhee, other than Prog Metal?” She cutely placed her spoon on her lips as she thought. He smiled at the sight, he thought she’s cute. “Well, I don’t really just turn into one genre of music… when I hear something that I like, and then I like it… nothing specific…”  and then the chorus of the song came… they both blurted out and sang along the chorus.


Once the stone
You're crawling under
Is lifted off your shoulders
Once the cloud that's raining
Over your head disappears
The noise that you'll hear
Is the crashing down of hollow years”


They both laughed at each other, and turned a lighter hue of red. Yoochun said, “You don’t seem to look like you’re listening to this genre…” he smiled. Minhee replied,

“Well, I knew Dream Theatre because of my brothers. They used to play this over and over and over until I came to like it as well… plus it’s really good music.”She shrugged her shoulders. “I agree with you… to that… ice cream.” They both scooped icecream from their own cups.

Then Minhee thought… ‘We liked the same song and band!!! OMO!!!! O_O! and I like your music too… I’ve been having it in my iPod for the passed couple of months…’ she smiled and blushed…

Yoochun noticed, “Hey… why are you smiling?”

“huh?!”she kind of panicked. “Why are you smiling?” he asked again as he thought, ‘She’s smiling! She’s blushing!!! Why!? She’s driving me crazy? Smiling without a reason…’

She blushed more, and gave in… “Well, isn’t it funny, you asked me about the music that I like… then I thought, I like YOUR music… remember I said I don’t care for what genre, and other specifics, but when I hear good music, I know good music. And I find your music good.”

Yoochun turned red… BIGTIME ‘She likes my music!!!!!’ HE thought.  He gave Minhee a smile. ’Wow! That was uber cute.’ She thought, feeling giddy inside.  And then he asked, “Really?! Which songs do you like best from us?”

“Well, I like Chajatta, it always put me to smile when I hear the song… and also, Fallen Leaves. Fallen Leaves for me feel like I was in a game like Final Fantasy or something.”

He smiled again… ‘She actually knows the songs!’ he thought. ‘Crap he’s giving me this uber cute to death smile again.’ She thought.

Then Minhee said, “Hey! Stop smiling…” she gave a faint smile.

Huh?! Why not smile?” he asked curiously.

“I can’t stop fan girling!!!”she suddenly blurted out and turned as red as apples.

“Did I just say that out loud?”she continued.

“Yep. You just screamed it out.”He nodded and smiled that uber cute to death smile again.

“Well, that was awkward…”she said out loud again, and sighed. ‘This guy smiles too much!’

“Uhuh… that was awkward.”She’s really cute looking embarrassed.’

“Did I say that out loud again?”she inquired, and turned into a deeper shade of red.

“Yep. I can pretty much hear it.”


Minhee to cool down took a scoop of ice cream on the tub and shoved it in . She thought to herself, ‘Why is it so hot in here? I’m eating a friggin’ ice cream and still it’s so hot!?’  She took a deep breath and shoved another in . Yoochun just smiled and looked at her as she ate up almost the whole tub. ‘She is incredibly cute. Gaaaahh!!! What the heck! I need to lighten up her mood… I need to say something… something that will not make her feel awkward.’ Yoochun spoke in his thoughts.


“So,“ He began. “You said earlier, you had brothers. Where are they?”

“Uh my brothers? They’re abroad. They are nurses too.” She said.

Uhhh… so how many brothers do you have?”

“I have 2 elder brothers. We’re only 3.”

“Ohhh. So you’re the baby of the family!”he exclaimed.

“Pretty much…”She smiled as she scooped another ice cream. 

“Do you miss them?”

“Yeah. I do.” She smiled faintly as she thought of her brothers and Yoochun saw the sadness in her eyes, he felt blue. And he thought, ‘Bad idea dude. But at least she’s not as red as a tomato.’

Minhee stood up and went through the fridge, she took a pitcher of water and took some glasses and placed it on the table, and she served water and sat down again. Then she began,

“We’ve been talking all about me… sooo, what about you? What’s your score?”she asked Yoochun. Yoochun drank water. He smiled. “Ask away.” He said confidently.

She smirked. “Let’s start with music… since we started with music… What’s your favourite kind of music? Aside from the ones that you made. I’m speaking other artists here.”

“First. You sound like a reporter.”He joked. She chuckled.

“As you already know. I love Dream Theatre. Prog metal is the best.”     

“What else?”she inquired more.

“Hmmm… I like classical, Bach and Beethoven. I listen to it when I want to sleep. And from time to time, I listen to pop, R&B, Lady Gaga is good... Any other questions?”he gave a smirk.


“Hobbies?”She cutely smiled as she leaned her elbows to the table.

“I love composing music, reading, singing of course, eating, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping… did I say sleeping?” he joked again.

“You made it clear that you love to sleep.”She scoffed back.

“I only sleep when I am finished with work and when I’m free.”

“You’re pretty much a work-a-holic. Make sure to get at least 8 hours of ZZZZ’s. and eat right.”

“You bet I am, luckily, now, I’m on my leave. To move and fix my stuff.”

“Uhhhh.. about that, do you need some help fixing things up?”she asked. ‘Okay??? I’m now offering my help in fixing his house. Odd Minhee, ODD.’

“Err. I’m pretty much done with everything; I’m just waiting for my piano to be delivered.”


As time went by, both of them still chatted and chatted about things they like and dislikes. It was 12mn when Yoochun bade Minhee good night. He thought as he walked down the hall, “That was better than of a first date.” He smiled at himself with the thought of Minhee.


On the other hand, Minhee thought, “Hey… That felt great! Speaking with him… he’s kinda normal, not that arrogant type, that I always think of when I think of IDOLS. He’s a good guy… and I think I will have spaghetti for dinner tomorrow. ‘ she smiled as she went into her bedroom and slept. 



heeeeeey guys!!!!!! here's chapter 8!!! its uber long!!! i hope you all like it!!!! :D it's a late update... i've been quite busy lately. 



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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/