Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


Minhee on the other hand watched the whole scene in front of her.

“Huh?”the cashier looked at Yoochun worriedly.

“Uuuuhh… I forgot my wallet.”Yoochun repeated as he held his nape and eventually scratched his head.

“What do you intend to do sir?”the guy behind the counter asked Yoochun. Yoochun thought fast, he said, “Will you keep this aside for a while? And I’ll go back home to fetch my wallet.”

“But sir, your food will be no good if you’ll have it later.”

“But do I have a choice if I don’t have my wallet with me?”Yoochun said, a little irritated with the other guy.


Minhee came forward, touched Yoochun’s shoulder and smiled at the cashier and then she turned to Yoochun. “Hey… Yoochun, Why don’t I pay for the breakfast? And he’s right; if you go back home for your wallet your hot food will be a waste.”

Yoochun felt embarrassed, “But... that’s very embarrassing. Plus a lady pays for my meal?” he replied Minhee.

“”It’s totally fine with me. I insist to pay for it.” She assured him.

“BUT—“he protested. She looked at Yoochun, sternly. He paused. He got the message, he needs to stop protesting or he’ll get daggers from her eyes. Minhee now turned to the guy behind the counter, “I’ll pay for these, and can I get another of this Sausage McMuffin with egg, one medium fries, one orange juice, and hot chocolate.” She smiled at the cashier. “Sure Ma’am.” The guy said as he turned around for her order.


Yoochun on the other hand really felt awkward about his situation. He leaned down a bit and whispered to Minhee, “Uhhh… Minhee, this is really awkward for me… I’ll pay you tonight ok?”

“It’s ok… you really don’t have to bother. It’s just breakfast.”She shrugged him off.

“No. I insist. This is embarrassing enough. Please let me pay you.”He bowed a little.  The cashier came back with the food on hand, She focused on the other guy, “Ma’am, that would be 13.50.” he said as he placed the food on the same tray as Yoochun’s food. She paid her fees and thanked the cashier and walked off the counter.


Yoochun grabbed the tray and followed Minhee. She chose a seat near the kitchen door at the back of the fast food chain, taking into consideration that she’s with a celebrity, to avoid people recognizing the person she is with. They both sat down, awkward silence enveloped the surroundings. Then, she broke the ice.

“Let’s eat?”

 “Sure.”He grabbed a sandwich and handed it to Minhee.

“Thank you for saving my again.”Yoochun said. Minhee just smiled at him sweetly. “I really have to pay you for this.” He continued.

“You don’t really have to, you know.”She protested.

“But I have to… that’s so ungentlemanly. Plus letting a lady pay for our food is so unforgivable, it makes me shrink like a grain of rice or something. That’s one of the big no-no’s in the ‘MEN’S CODE OF CONDUCT BOOK’”  Yoochun explained. Minhee chuckled.

“Men and their egos.”She said as he bit from his sandwich, he chuckled at her last comment, as she took a sip from her OJ.

“I’m just curious,”she began, she took a deep breath. “Why are you guys so obsessed with paying stuff for girls? Even the 1/8 of a GUY Yongha is he wants to pay for everything whenever we are together? That’s just sometimes infuriating! Women are independent, we have our own money, and we can pay as well. It’s not really against the law or you’ll get imprisoned if you let a woman pay right?”  Minhee ranted and tried to catch her breath.


Yoochun just sat there listened and his mouth flung open with Minhee’s out of the blue monologue/ rant. He was clearly impressed at how she managed to say all that with just one single breath.  O_O ßYoochun’s face.

“Uhhh…”Yoochun hesistated to say something. “A-are you done?”  he smiled at Minhee. Minhee on the other hand, blushed at his question, she somewhat realized she nagged at him so early in the morning. The only thing she can do is to smile and nod at him as response to his question. He cleared his throat and explained in a low tone.

“Uhh… well, I think, we are just being a gentleman.  Uhuh… right we’re just being a gentleman. And I think this is just showing respect for the lady. And we really try to impress the opposite .”

“Impress?”she repeated. Yoochun blused at her question.

“Uhhh… yeah. Impress.”He nodded and said awkwardly, and tried to hide his smile by drinking his OJ. Minhee felt Yoochun’s awkwardness and did not pursue with her question. 


Yoochun remembered what he did last night; he kissed Minhee on her cheeks. He took his coffee and felt his face got hotter so he sipped his coffee. He tried to clear his throat, then he began. “Minhee… what time is the beginning of your shift?”

“Uhhh… 7am… but I have to be in by 6.30 for the endorsements…”He looked at his watch, it’s 5.50am. “Uhh… if you like, can I accompany you to the hospital?” He said hesitantly, a little flushed. She stopped what she’s doing; her eyes grew big and looked at him shocked.

“Are you serious?”She said in shock. He looked at her and nodded.

“It’s also the least I can do, you paid for breakfast, at least let me walk you to the hospital, its just 2 blocks away.”He explained.

“But what if someone sees us? Like your fans? They might think something is up with us…”she said worriedly.

“It’s too early. And I just moved in here a few days ago remember… I haven’t updated our fanbase about my where abouts, they still know, I live with mom and Yoowhan. Sooo… can I walk you to work?”

“Uhhh Ok… if you want.”She said nervously.


They continued with their breakfast, until everything is finished. Minhee got up and said, “I’ll just buy a couple more of coffee for work.” She walked to the counter. When she left for a while, Yoochun cleaned up their table and headed to the trash bin. He went to Minhee’s side as she ordered 4 more of coffee. When the coffee arrived, Yoochun took the coffee holder and lead Minhee out of the establishment, being the gentleman he is.


As they are walking to the hospital, Yoochun said, “Uhhh... Minhee, about last night, I’m really sorry I acted like that.” He said blushing looking straight on the road. Minhee just looked at him and smiled, she felt her heart race at the thought of the kiss. Though it’s like a puppy love kiss, it still made her heart race like a galloping horse.

“It’s so unlike me…”He said. “I’ve never done something like that before.” He continued. Minhee just listened to him, taking in everything that he is saying to her, his voice so deep and soothing that she could listen to it the whole day and not grow tired of it.

“I really feel bad, I’m now thinking that it’s like, I abused you. I kissed you without your consent.”Now he’s babbling.

“Wait. Abused? No it’s not.”Minhee said. She stopped on her tracks. “I’m OK Yoochun…” she laughed. “I don’t feel abused.” She laughed harder. “You really are funny.” Yoochun stood there perplexed, and laughed.


They both continued to walk towards the hospital. They stopped by the gate.

“So… we are here.” Yoochun said.

“Yeah. We are here. So.. I guess I have to go…”she looked at her watch its 6.25am. “It’s almost 6.30.”

“Ok… I gotta go too…”Yoochun said as he handed the coffee to her.

“Bye.”She said and just like that, she walked towards the gate, she glanced at him a little, then she skipped back to him and she kissed his left cheek and ran off again, and  screamed, “BYE!!!! Pay me later!!!!”, now she really went inside.

That left Yoochun dumbstruck, his feet glued to the ground. All he can do is to touch his cheeks and smile. He walked back to his apartment all so smiling and happy. He thought, ‘It’s just the beginning of my day… but it felt like it’s already complete.” 



HEY! HEY! HEY!!!!!!!!

Another update!!!!! YEEY!!!!! 

sooooooooo.... what do you think??? like? not like? gimme your comments!!! ayt?! [hey! i'm rhyming!? weird... ]

well, what happened to micky is the exact opposite of what happened to me, at mcdonald's. hahahah!!!  T_T 

soooo yeah! this is it! hope you like it!!! enjoy!!! i'm gonna update soon!!! ok?! 

i really really really really really loooooove reading your comments! it gives me the boost up when i see you comment... :D ~before, when i read some of the authors here on AFF... i find it funny that they say they live off of your comments, but now i understand. i really live off of them... so KEEP'M COMING!!!! :D 

i wanna give a shout out to my new subscribers ydnasunako and chermneszxc... welcome!!!!! :D can't wait to see your comments!!!! thank you thank you thank you!!! for you all subscribed!!!! also... my unsubscribed reader... selliryn!!! thank you for reading and commenting!!! i really appreciate it!!! also silent readers... lemme know that you're reading this!!! give me a shout out! ayt?! 



'til my next update!!!!




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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/