Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”

Yoochun’s phone alarm rang off. He slowly opened his eyes, reached for his phone on the night table.

“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”

He looked at the time, it’s 4am, it’s a tad early than any other jogger, but Yoochun makes sure there are less people around when he goes out to jog, he doesn’t want the attention early in the morning.

He now thought, ‘Ugh… Time for a jog and head on to work.’

He rolled himself out of bed and went straight to his bathroom, he looked onto a mirror and gave himself a big smile, even though his face is all so puffy and swollen from the sleep he had. “Good morning Micky.” He greeted himself. He did his business and washed his face to decrease the swell on his face. He jumped onto his green and black tracksuit over a black beanie ready for his daily morning jog.

Though he doesn’t like going to the gym and lift some weights, he makes sure he jogs every morning. He took his iPod, a bottle of Gatorade from the fridge and headed onto the door, then, he headed onto the door and plugged his earphones onto his ears and played his jogging playlist.


He went out of the apartment and went into a nearby park and began his stretching. After a good body stretch, he began to stroll around the park, after a few minutes of strolling, he began brisk walking and then it turned to a jog around the neighbourhood. After a good hour of jogging he came back to his starting point where he left his towel and the bottle of Gatorade. He was catching his breath from the jog. Grabbed the towel and wiped the sweat off. He drank the Gatorade and sat down on a bench for a while, King Sun isn’t out yet, and darkness still enveloped everything.

He looked at his watch, it’s just 5.20am. He sat there, rested for a while, and then he remembered, ‘I need to get me some breakfast before work.’ So he walked to a nearby 24 hour McDonald’s.


When Yoochun got inside, there’s only one counter open and 2 people are ahead of him. He made sure he zipped his tracksuit up to his chin and secured his beanie on his head, to make his sort of “disguise”. When it is his turn to the counter, he got himself a Sausage McMuffin with egg, 2 hashbrowns, an orange juice and coffee. As he waited for the cashier to comeback with his breakfast, he stretched his arms out, yawned, and turned around, as he turned; he accidentally hit someone on the head. He did not know someone was behind him, standing next in line.


Startled, he said, “Oooh. I’m Sorry.” He bowed down immediately to a full 90 degree bow. He is about to get up when he noticed the person in front of him, she wore a blue baseball cap, a pair of pink earphones on her ears, a black cardigan over a white uniform. She’s touching her head from the impact she received. He glanced up, and saw the person nursing her head.


She looked down on the person who hit her, bowing at her, their eyes met. His eyes looked like it is to pop out of his face. She looked like a deer that saw a pair of headlights in front of her, stupefied; she removed her earphones from her ears.





“Sir, here’s your order.”The guy behind the counter reported. Yoochun bolted up and whispered again, “I’m Sorry.”

He turned around his attention to the cashier. “That would be 7.00 sir.” Yoochun reached for his pocket for his wallet. He had a little heart attack when he felt that it’s not there. He quickly checked the pockets in front of his suit, no wallet. He looked at his back pockets, still no wallet. His face grew hotter from the embarrassment. The cashier looked at him with curiosity. “Oooh. I’m sorry. I think I forgot my wallet at home.” Yoochun declared. 




hey! guys!!! another update! yey! what do you think???

well.. yeah. i'm back from the province. 4 days with no internet and computer. hahaha! i had an attack of boredomiosis. lol. ~i just made that up... 

so yeah. here's something that really happened to me. hahahaha!!! :D this really is embarrassing. i feel for yoochun in this chapter. so yeah. here it is. :D hope you all like it!!!


since it's my 15th chapter... 

i'd like to say THANK YOU to all of my subscribers, namely, miko12, eenihsheart, rawkabette, sabohee,  cassieforlife,ColorfulWorldNB, jenface, CassiopieaLove, gabie_16, and dorkyyydummy!!!!!! for reading this and supporting me!!! ~happy!!!  super thanks!!! I'd give you all my big hugs!!! see you next update!!!

Please READ, COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE!!!!!! ILY all!!!! :D


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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/