Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


Minhee opened her eyes, it was near noon. She’s feeling much better now; her head is not much of a train wreck now. She checked her phone, and saw a text message from Yongha.


                “Sis!!! I heard from Big Mama, that you called in sick… I’m coming over for your lunch ok?! Wait for me!!! You’ve got some talking to do… I think I know why you’re sick.”


After reading Yongha’s message, Minhee took the tympanic thermometer, and checked her temp. It read, 37.4 degrees Celsius, (99. 32 degrees Fahrenheit). Her temperature improved, no more fever. She went to her bathroom and took a quick warm shower, to freshen up. She went out of her room to fetch herself something to drink. Minhee walked over her kitchen island and she saw a note and a cup and saucer with a teabag inside.


“Dear Minhee,


                Hi!!! I hope you’re feeling better. Drink this tea that I prepared for you. I already heated up water, I’ve placed it in the thermos beside the stove. You should hydrate. ~I know you know this already, but, I just wanted to remind you. ^^keke Plus, tea will help you relax.

                I’ll check up on you later OK? See you!!! Be well!!! ^^




Minhee couldn’t help herself to stop from smiling like an idiot. ‘He’s just so thoughtful.’ Minhee thought.  She took in his advice of drinking some hot tea. She smiled all through her cup. Soon, her hand phone rang; a message from Yongha came in:


                “Sis, I’ll be there in a few, let’s eat lunch together.^^ Big Mama made you some hot soup and I bought some kimbap and jjajangmyeon.” -Yongha


Minhee waited for Yongha’s arrival. After a few minutes he arrived and he touched Minhee’s cheeks and forehead to see if she’s better. Yongha showed Minhee the bag of food  and Minhee began to walk towards the kitchen for the plates and stuff.  He stopped her halfway, he held her arm and said, “You… Sit down. Rest. I’ll fix up the table.”He used his authoritative voice as if they are in the Hospital and giving out an order. Minhee flinched, she hated it when Yongha uses his Doctor vibe around her when they are not in the hospital. All she could do is to carry out the doctor’s order, to sit; rest, wait, and watch the girly-man doctor fix the table. When he was done, he called her out.


“Sis, food’s ready!!”He singsonged like what his mom used to.

“OK!!!”she came over the dining table and they began to eat.


During lunch, they talked about random stuff in the hospital and how are her brothers, and all. Minhee, happily talking and eating lunch with Yongha, her hand phone rang…

*Mission by JYJ*

Minhee looked at the screen, her tired face lit up, and a tinge of pink came across her face. Yongha saw this, as he was looking at Minhee when the call came. Minhee excused herself from the dining table and went to the side of the table, not completely leaving Yongha alone, she spoke in a low voice as she answered the receiver, but clearly, she was glowing and all smiles, all throughout the conversation she is having on the phone. Yongha just observed her actions, she’s fidgeting, twirling her hair and all giggly. He knew who his best friend is talking to. As soon as she finished the call, she came back on the table, smile evident all through her face.


“I know who that is…”He teased.

“Who you think it is? Dr. Gu?”She asked playfully.

“I can see it all over your face.”

“If you know who it was… then give it a try. Who is it?”she confidently asked, her voice still sounded hoarse.

Yongha grinned, and looked at Minhee playfully. “I’m not saying.”He again teased.

“What!? You’re just saying that coz you don’t really know who that was on the phone.”She protested.

“I know who that is…”he confirmed.

“Then who is it my dear brother?”She challenged him.

“It’s Park Yoochun.”Minhee’s jaws dropped to the table, she clearly felt the gush of blood all over her face. “It shows…”Yongha said, “Really? It shows? How did you know?” she asked him with full of curiosity, as she touched it, to diminish her blushing face. “Coz I know you too well. You’re like that when you like someone.”

“You like Park Yoochun.”he confirmed. Then, he reached for her forehead and felt her temperature.“No… my mistake, you don’t like the person who just called, you already love that person.”Yongha stated. Minhee’s eyes grew as big as saucers and again her jaws flew open.  “How did you know?”Minhee began.

“Coz, you get sick out of the blue, an unexpected fever. And you’re as strong as a Bull; you don’t get sick all of a sudden. And you didn’t even showed signs of cold yesterday. You’re perfectly healthy. And, you are like this when you fall in love. You are like this when you realize that you already are in love.”


Minhee just took in everything that he said. Every word Yongha uttered… it’s true. She get’s a fever when she realizes she’s already in love with someone. It’s true; she has already fallen for Yoochun.


Yoochun, Jaejoong and Junsu sat together at the cafeteria of their building, they got tired of foods from restaurants, so they all decided to eat in the cafeteria. Also, Jaejoong pointed out, that the cafeteria food is cheap, he’s feeling a bit stingy lately, and who knows why, and the other guys are just too tired from practice to think where to eat lunch. They all sat in the table, then Yoochun began typing on his phone.

“Dude, ever since you met Nurse Minhee, you’ve been like that, and you don’t really interact with us during lunch or during your free time. All you do is type, type, type on your phone. ”Junsu pouted.   Yoochun just continued typing into oblivion, ignoring Junsu’s remarks. Junsu huffed, and puffed, and lightly smacked Yoochun’s shoulder. Yoochun sprung from his seat with Junsu’s sudden contact to him.

“God! Junsu! Why did you have to do that?! I’m gonna get a heart attack if you do that again!”Yoochun screamed as he clutched his phone to his chest, and gave Junsu a death glare. Junsu flinched at the sight of his friend.

Yoochun noticed Junsu flinched, “Sorry dude.”He said as he placed a hand on Junsu’s shoulder as he continued, “I’ve been worried since this morning. And I’m checking online on how to make chicken rice porridge. You know how I in the kitchen.”

“What? Worried about what? And why do you have to make chicken porridge? Are you sick? And you want to eat porridge?”Junsu came closer to Yoochun and cupped his face, and checked him out. “You’re not even sick. You’re colder than me…”Junsu said as he placed a hand on his own forehead.“Then, why do you need to have chicken rice porridge?” Junsu asked as he tilted his head to the sides in confusion.

Yoochun sighed, “Coz, Nurse Minhee is sick today. And I’m worried. She can’t even stand up this morning…” Yoochun replied.

“So, you want to make her something to eat?”Junsu asked. Yoochun nodded.


JAejoong has been listening to their conversation the whole time, had a big glittering eyes when Junsu said, that Yoochun will cook something. Jaejoong jumped to Yoochun and Junsu… “Hey… You guys gonna cook something? I’m in… Gaaaaahhh. I’m feeling like I need to break loose from the stress, I need to space out… I need the kitchen, and I need someone who will eat my cooking.” Yoochun’s eyes widened. ‘I’m Saved!!!!!’ He thanked the Lord above.

                “Really? You’ll cook for Minhee?!”He asked to confirm Jaejoong’s proposal. Jaejoong nodded. Yoochun’s arms flew around Jaejoong and gave him a tight hug,“Dude!!! You don’t really know how you saved me!!!!!!!! I love you for this!!!!”

                “Hey! You guys are going to make dinner without me?”Junsu screamed.

                “You can come too Su-su…”Yoochun cooed.  



Hey guys!!!!!  quick update! yey!!!!!!!! 

tell me what you think about this!!! ok?! i really  need some feedback re this. 

are guys still there??? are you all well?? are you getting tired of this? T-T

don't forget to leave a comment ok?! thanks for all youre support!!! i love you guys!!! cookies for everybody!!!! 

~ok i'm gonna go now... i still have to watch Miss Ripley on dramacrazy.. haha! ~addict much. 

see you guys!!! til my next update!!!! ciao!!!!


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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/