Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


It was lunch time when Yoochun got a call from the Moving Company. His piano will be delivered at around 4pm. He continued his day still fixing his new apartment and ran a few errands. He got home before it is 3.15 pm. He sat on his couch and turned the TV on and waited for the Moving Company to arrive. Then he thought, ‘Is Minhee home? She got home around this time yesterday.’ He smiled at the thought. And then his door bell rang, “The Movers are here.” he said to himself. He answered the door and greeted the man.

“Sir Park Yoochun?”


“Your Piano is still in the truck will you want to see it first before we carry it up here?”the man said.

“Yeah, sure.”


Yoochun followed the guy down the stairs. Outside he saw a big truck; he went to the rear of the vehicle to see his piano… the sight made him smile. Then he said, “Sir, You can take it up please.” As 6 guys went inside the truck Yoochun just watched them unload his piano… as he was looking around, from afar he saw a couple, walking towards him carrying groceries. He thought, ‘Hmmmmm… they look familiar.’


Minhee and YongHa are walking down Minhee’s street, YongHa carrying the bags of groceries, same with Minhee just walking along side him as they are chatting happily. As they came closer to the apartment complex they saw a bit of a commotion of getting something out of a truck that was super big that you need 6 guys to get it out of the vehicle. They continued to chat and walk.


Yoochun already squinted as he is eager to see the couple. They came closer as they walk towards him; they look like a cute couple he thought. Then to his dismay, he saw Minhee along with Dr. Gu, his attending physician at the ER. His heart skipped a beat, and felt a sting on his chest at the sight. He thought, ‘He’s her BOYFRIEND.’ He frowned and turned back to his piano being scooted out of the truck.


As Minhee and Yongha came closer to the apartment complex, Minhee saw Yoochun directing the Moving Company. She shrugged her elbows to Yongha, “Hey!!!! He’s right there!!!!” she said feeling giddy and her face starting to blush. They walked closer, and then Yongha called out, “Mr. Park!!!”

Yoochun turned to the call and gave a wave and said, “Oh Hi!!! Dr. Gu! Nice to see you again! You too Minhee.” He said still feeling the sting on his chest. Yongha put down a bag of groceries to the floor and held out his hand for a handshake which Yoochun returned. They shook hands.

“So you have your piano delivered today.”Yongha said.

“Yeah.”Yoochun partly smiled. Then the guy from the moving company said, “Mr. Park, we’ll carry it up to your apartment.”

“Yes, please. Thank you! The door is already open, you can get inside. It’s 203.”He reminded the man.

Then he turned to Yongha and Minhee, “I think I have to direct them in getting the piano up. Help with the groceries?” He asked and took a bag from Minhee and smiled and gestured them to follow him in the lobby. Minhee said, “Oh, Thanks.” She blushed as usual and eyed for Yongha. Minhee feeling giddy and her smile up to her ears. Yongha just smiled and felt happy for his friend.

They went down the hall for the elevator. When they reached the 2nd floor, the piano is still being carried out from the stairs; it will not fit the elevator because of its size. Yoochun turned to Minhee and Yongha, then he handed the bag of groceries he was carrying back to Minhee, “Here’s your grocery back. Gotta go and assist the guys with the piano.” He smiled faintly at her and turned around.

“Oh, thanks Yoochun…”Yoochun took a few steps away from Yongha and Minhee then…

“Hey, Mr. Park.” Yongha called out. Yoochun turned to them again.

“We’re having spaghetti and meatballs tonight. Care to join us?” Yongha continued.

“Errrm… Nah, I’ll pass on this one. I still have to fix my house… Maybe next time.”Yoochun said thinking that he’ll just be the third wheel to the couple, and he thinks that would be awkward.

“No. I insist. Please join us.”Minhee said. “It’d be great to have your company. Plus that recipe I could teach you…” she smiled at him, which Yoochun thought is really endearing which he couldn’t resist the invite.

“Well, I’ll come by after fixing the piano. Thank you for the invite.”He waved them goodbye and went to the stairs and waited for the piano to come up.


On the other hand, Minhee and Yongha went inside her house and unloaded the groceries. And then  Yongha said, “Well he’s easy to invite… teach? Recipe? Hmmm… good idea.” Minhee just smiled.


After an hour, the doorbell rang. Minhee answered the door, it was Yoochun, holding a pen and a notebook. “Hey! Come on in! Have a seat and feel at home. You really are serious about that recipe, you really brought yourself a notebook.” Minhee thought, ‘Awww he really is soooo adorkable.’

“Hi. Yeah… hahah… I’m dead serious about learning a few recipes, coz; I really don’t know anything to cook decently. And oh yeah Thanks for inviting me for dinner.”

“That’s no problem, you can come by anytime!”she said sweetly to him. Which he thought, ‘Well that was weird, she’s practically inviting me to come over again where here, she has her boyfriend hanging out.’ He sat on the couch with confusion as Yongha came out of the kitchen and greeted Yoochun. “Hey Mr. Park! Good to have you here.” Yongha again shook his hands. Yoochun stood up and said, “Call me Yoochun, Mr. Park is just…. Hmmmm. Makes me feel old.”

Yongha laughed. “I agree, call me Yongha.” They both sat down on the comfy couch. There was an awkward silence since they sat down. No one spoke. They were the only ones in the living room Minhee is in the kitchen putting water in a cauldron for the pasta. Then Yoochun began, “How long have you two been together?” Yongha choked out of nothing and laughed hysterically. Yoochun dumbstruck with Yongha’s reaction just sat there and watched the other guy calm himself down… Yongha is breathing heavily and catching his breath and he finally said, “Dude… Minhee and I are best friends since highschool, and we are not a couple. Plus… we are not for each other… I don’t like girls.” He gave Yoochun a wink. Yoochun had goosebumps. Then his heart felt like it is in cloud nine or something. It felt lighter knowing that Minhee and Yongha are not together. He smiled.


In the kitchen, Minhee called out, “Hey Yoochun! I’ll start cooking, would you like to see what I’m doing?” Yoochun stood up immediately and headed to the kitchen; he sat on to the island stool and watched Minhee chop up some garlic, tomatoes and some onions. He spoke, “Minhee, thank you for inviting me to dinner…”

Sure. Anytime. Just feel free to come by. This is what neighbours are for.” Then she thought, ‘really this is what neighbours are for? I haven’t even done this to other neighbours.You’re the only neighbour I invited.’

He smiled. Then he asked. “Uhhhhmmm.. can I ask you something? I don’t want to offend you or what, are you and Dr. Gu together?” he asked to confirm what Yongha said. Minhee blushed at the question and slightly laughed. “No! We are not together, plus the guy is gay! He likes men, but is not into going into a relationship with them. What makes you think we are together?”

“Nothing… I just thought you were.”He felt the thorns on his throat disappear and felt relieved.  He stood up, went onto the sink, washed his hands and asked, “Can I give you a hand with that?” Minhee is making 3 large meatballs. “Sure. Just grab one and make a ball out of it.”

“What’s in it?” he asked.

“Well, Its just ground meat, an egg, salt, pepper, a pinch of sugar, dried basil leaves and a dash of oregano.”Yoochun grabbed a chunk of meat and made a ball out of it.


Minhee continued to cook the sauce. Yoochun just sat by the island and watched her do her magic. After a good 45 minutes. Minhee called out “It’s done!” Yoochun stood up and came to the stove where Minhee is. She took out a spoon to taste the spaghetti sauce. She tasted it first and took another scoop from the casserole and gestured to Yoochun to taste the sauce if it’s to his liking. She moved forward to him and blew the hot spoon and said, “Here, taste.” She lifted the spoon to his lips to sip on the spoon which he gladly took. Then all of a sudden, they heard a camera shutter. *Click*




Hey guys!!! another update!!!!! yey!!!! Happy easter you all!!! :D have a good week ahead!!! teehee!!!!

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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/