Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


Minhee half ran half walked inside the hospital, carefully holding the coffee cups. Happy, she went inside the gate greeting the guard on duty. She got inside the employees entrance and stopped by the finger scan for her Bundee time in. after her time in, she directly went into the ER’s nurse’s station. She greeted the Chief Nurse Mrs. Cho, “Good Morning Big Mama!!! I brought you some coffee!” Minhee graciously smiled at the older lady.

“Someone seems happy today?”the elder lady uttered as Minhee gave her the coffee. Minhee just smiled and giggled at the comment. Then she asked, “Big Mama, have you seen Dr. Gu?”

“Oh, Yongha, he’s in the Doctor’s lounge.”The older lady replied.

“Do you mind if I give him the coffee first before we start with the endorsements? This would be a waste…”She asked politely.

“Sure dear, but be fast…”

“Yes Ma’am!”Minhee said as she saluted. And then, Minhee came closer to Mrs. Cho, and gave her a warm embrace.

“That seems unexpected.”Mrs. Cho whispered to Minhee.

“I just feel like a big chunk-o-love today.” She uttered to the older lady just smiled and returned Minhee’s warm embrace.


Minhee pulled back, the older lady smiled, and signalled Minhee to go on and look for her best friend. Minhee, with the coffee, went inside the doctor’s lounge to find Yongha slipping on his white robe over his dark blue scrub suit.


Minhee skipped to Yongha, “Good Morning bro!!!! I brought you coffee!!!!” Minhee said smiling like Elmo and giving Yongha a hug.“Good Morning, sis!!!” Yongha returned her embrace. She handed her his coffee and Yongha opened it... and savoured the aroma from the cup and took a sip from it. “This seems unlikely...” Yongha said. Minhee just shrugged at her best friend, grinned at him and walked towards the door. Then she said, “C’mon, endorsements will start.” They both walked out of the lounge and went to Mrs. Cho.


Minhee, Mrs. Cho and the other nurses on duty began with the endorsements; there were not a lot of people admitted today. Just a few minor cases are ongoing. After the morning Vital signs, the doctor’s rounds, the morning care given to the patients, Minhee was already done with almost all her duties, so since she’s in a happy mood, she began her Documentation, with that, she began to sing, since putting her iPod on while at work is strictly prohibited...


“One look from you girl and it’s too hard to get by
But excuse me girl, I been watchin’ you
All night’ that’s right, I’d like to
Take this night over
What I’m tryin to say is you should be mine
She should be my
Baby, baby
Baby, baby
Baby, baby
She should be my girl”


With that, Yongha came over to Minhee at the Station, Bubbly and giddy, he leaned over the counter station to give his best friend a chat, he began


“Minhee, sooo... what’s with the coffee???”

“Nothing... is it so bad that I brought you some coffee in the morning?”

“No... but something seems different today...”he spoke sheepishly.

“Oh really? Different?”the lady inquired her best friend.

“Yep... You seem... hmmmmmmm...”Yongha moved an inch closer to Minhee. “You seem... sing-songy smiley, and BLOOMING.”

“Am I? Really?”Minhee touched her face and a hint of red masked through her face.

“Yep... So spill. Sister.”Yongha looked at Minhee intently. With that, Minhee knew she could not escape Yongha’s interrogation. So she took a deep breath.

“Remember I had a dinner with his mom and her brother last night?”

“You had a dinner with Mr. Jawbreaker’s family already?!”Yongha suddenly blurted out.

“Didn’t I tell you?”Minhee asked Yongha in confusion.

“Well, no... Duh?”

“Oh... sorry bro, so anyways, after meeting his family, we went back home after the dinner and he gave me a....”Minhee stopped, she’s too embarrassed to tell.

“He gave you a what Minhee?”Now Yongha got away from the counter at the station and sat on an empty chair beside her. Now, holding her hands, he intently looked at Minhee’s eyes and took a deep breath. She too took a deep breath.

“A kiss... On the cheek.”   Minhee blushed and she looked back at her work and smiled gleefully.

“Yikee... that’s a progress... then, what happened?”Yongha urged more now feeling giddy. Minhee related him her story, this morning, with Yoochun hitting her head accidentally, her paying for the breakfast and Yoochun walking her to work, but she suddenly stopped by the part of their goodbyes.


“Hey... Sis, there’s more to your story, what happened next? He gave you the coffee and that’s it?”Yongha asked.

“Well... I kinda... Kissed him aswell...”Minhee said. And blushed as red as a tomato.

“You kissed him?!”Yongha’s eyes grew big as saucers and coughed. Minhee only can nod due to her embarrassment. “On his cheeks...” Minhee mumbled. Then, she realized, that’s too forward for a lady to act right? So... she asked Yongha. Yongha couldn’t help but smile at the cute girl in front of him, so he reached for her cheeks and pinched it...

“ Aigoo... You’re so cute!!! What are you 12?”Minhee could only blush more and swat Yongha’s hands away from her face.

“Hey... Don’t you think, what I did is too straight forward?”Minhee asked Yongha worriedly.

“Well... A bit yes, but, hey... it’s already 2011! WTH!”Yongha replied. Minhee smiled at his reaction. The two continued to chat, until another resident called for Yongha and left Minhee to do her documentation.


Minhee finished her Charting, and it was already time for lunch, it’s around 12.30noon, she’s waiting for her co-worker to finish her lunch so that she can have hers. And then, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She reached for it, she received a text message:


                        Hey Minhee!!! It’s already lunch!!! Have you eaten already?

                        I’m having lunch with the boys, They said Hi!!!

                        I’ll pay you later ok?! ^^-



Minhee could only smile and chortle at the message she received. So she punched in her reply.


                               Hi Yoochun! I haven’t eaten my lunch yet... :p

I’m waiting for my co-worker to finish her lunch so that I can have my mine...

Say hello to the guys for me... teehee. You really don’t have to pay.



In just minutes, she received another text, she smiled.


                        You haven’t eaten your lunch?! O_o That’s bad!!!


She replied immediately.


                        Well, somebody has to be at the nurse’s station during breaks.

                        It’s ok... I’m already used to it. Heehee... ^^

       So what are you having for lunch? 


Then, her co-worker came back, and told Minhee to go and eat her lunch. So she removed her cap and headed to the pantry and brought out her lunch. Her phone vibrated once more. So she fished it out again and read the message.


Oh.. is that so... JJust try to have your lunch on time  next time... :D

I’m having Pizza today... ~wee happy much. Keke ^^


She said in reply to his message.


                        Yes dad... :P keke. ^^ I’m having my lunch now here at the pantry. :D


Minhee ate her lunch, as they continued to text each other. She finished her break with one last message to Yoochun.


                        Hey...  i’m back at the station... no celphones allowed. :p ~bummer.


Yoochun replied,


                        Me too, we’re back at the studio again... time to turn off my phone. :D

                         See you later!


During lunch, Yoochun was busy texting Minhee. And the boys noticed since morning that Yoochun is really giddy today, smirking annoyingly at his phone. The boys are curious why Yoochun is behaving like that today. So, Jaejoong began,


“Hey Bro. What’s with you today?”

“Yeah Dude, you’ve been giggling over your phone for the last half hour.”Junsu butted in.

“Huh? Nothing much.”Yoochun snickered and quicky said, and punched his way through his phone, again ignoring his friends. Jaejoong couldn’t help but give a deep sigh, Junsu grabbed Yoochun’s phone and read his messages.

“HEY!!!!!”Yoochun screamed.  Junsu’s eyes grew large as CDs.

“Dude! Minhee?! The uber pretty-neighbour-saviour-nurse?”

Yoochun couldn’t help but turn as red as a rhubarb. He gave a cheeky smile. “Yeah.” Is all Yoochun could say and ducked his head, back and forth. Jaejoong laughed at Yoochun, and threw his arms around Yoochun’s shoulder and nudged his head.

“Hey!!! You’re ducking your head! You just got caught!!!”Jaejoong conveyed.

“Caught?”Yoochun exclaimed and looked at his brother with utter confusion.

“Yeah. Caught by Cupid’s arrow, dude.”Junsu announced and laughed harder.

“I’m not!”Yoochun protested, as his face felt hotter. Jaejoong could only laugh at his protest.

“Hey bro. We know you too well. Stop denying. You’ve been ducking your head back and forth, you’ve been smiling a lot, you are not grumpy even though it’s morning, you’re staring at your phone and texting her like crazy.”Jaejoong laid everything to Yoochun.

“And yeah, you’ve been signing autographs with no scoffs at Manager Im, and even putting stars and hearts on your signatures!”Junsu once again butted in.

Yoochun could only smile, got his tongue out, grabbed his phone away from Junsu and left for the recording studio. 


After the recording around 2.10 pm, Yoochun grabbed his phone and began texting Minhee.


            Hey Minhee!!! I finished my recording early today!^^

            Happy much!^^ keke.

            Soooo… are you up for some movies?


Yoochun waited for a while… no reply from Minhee.


            Uhhh… what kind of movies do you like?


Still no reply from Minhee… and then he tought, *Maybe she’s busy with work… I shouldn’t bother her. I’ll just get a wide range of movie selections for her to choose from.*



Minhee could only smile and giggle at her celphone. Again, after lunch, the ER is still dull, so she ran down the Noon vital sign checking of all her patients, and medication distribution. And then, a loud scream came and enveloped the whole ER. A lady crying hysterically, a man in his 60’s screaming for help. They came in with 2 other men, carrying a woman in her early 20’s, unconscious. They are carrying her with her dead weight. Everybody in the ER came in panic mode to help the arriving company, If you’ll look at the patient, she had markings on her neck. She’s already a little cold, and her lips; blue, her eyes; shut.  Yongha ran straight to the gurney at the side and instructed them to put the patient on it. He touched the patient’s pulse, he did not read any... and then he screamed “CODE BLUE!!!!!!!!!! Get me the crash cart!!!!!”


Minhee ran to the crash cart and pushed it to where the patient is. The aids controlled the crowd and the family. Minhee took the wooden plank from the crash cart and slipped it under the woman’s back. She took a stool and stepped on it positioned her hands on the woman’s chest, interlaced her fingers together and began to pump; the other nurse got the AMBU bag and began to pump on air. Mrs. Cho began prepping for the IV line. The other doctors placed ECG leads on the woman’s body. The Yongha began to prep the defibrillator and then screamed.


“360joules. I’m clear, O2 clear, everybody clear?!”everybody from the gurney stepped away. Then they screamed. “CLEAR!” then he pushed the electrode on the woman’s body and shocked it. The woman’s body flopped from the electric current it received. The ECG read nothing... asystole. Minhee jumped back on the stool and began pumping again on the woman’s heart, same with the others. Minhee’s eyes were in deep concern with the woman, she really wants this to be successful, and she wants her to live. She could feel the rush of adrenaline in her body; putting all her energy as she pumped through her chest. Another round of defibrillation, and another, and another. Still Minhee came back on to the woman’s side to pump her chest everytime with all her might. Still, the ECG read, ASYSTOLE--- a flat line. Minhee’s eyes welling up. No she still has to do this, even if her arms are to fall off. And then she heard Yongha say in a stern commanding voice.




Minhee continued to pump, ignoring his command. Her eyes flooded with tears. She continued to pump. Then, Minhee felt a hand touch her arms. She stopped. And looked at the hands on her arm, she traced the arms to see the face of the person, Yongha. And he said again in his stern commanding voice...


“ENOUGH, Minhee.”

“ Time of death 2.13 pm.”


 He announced, as he looked at the wall clock in the room. The woman’s family cried in despair. Minhee could only look at Yongha with her eyes filled with tears. She stepped down from her stool and ran off to the nearest fire exit. She leaned on the wall, she needed a breather. She looked up the ceiling, as if looking for answers for a question that can never be answered. Her eyes still flooded with tears, but they never fell. She can hear the hysterical cries of the dead woman’s family; it can only make her feel more helpless. She realized, from that time on… LIFE IS SHORT.  She took in deep breaths, wiped her eyes out, took another breath in, and came out of the exit and went to the patient and began the post mortem care. Yongha and Mrs. Cho tried to stop her, but she insisted. All she could do is cry silently in her heart and do it.  She took deep breaths if she felt her emotions seeping through her. She must not let her feelings get through her work.


Minhee just started her work in the hospital just 2 months ago. So, she’s a novice. This is her first time to encounter such events, and she felt she has to do the post mortem care herself, so she has to her emotions and feelings in. After that, the 3pm endorsement came. And she left the hospital and went straight home, without talking to anyone.   




Sooooo hey guys!!! another update!!!! weeee!!!!

sooo what do you think? you like it? boring? it's kinda long isn't it... sorry about that. 

tell me what you think about this update... i'm looking forward to it. :D ~im feeling like a big chunk o love because of you guys!!! weeee!!!!!!!!! ~gives you bear hugs!!!

i feel like singing the mcdonald's theme when you comment... paparapapa~ weeeh!! 

so please READ, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!!!! ~happy much



oh yeah, i wanna give a shoutout to my  new subscriber iluvyunhooppa!!! welcome!!! welcome!!!!!!


ciao!!! til my next update!!!! :D

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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/