Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


>> Somewhere in Geneva, Switzerland<<


“Ah! Oh Internet how I’ve missed you so…” Suh Boeun said nonchalantly. “It’s been a while since I have logged on to the internet; all I did was work, work, and work.” She continued. She logged onto google chrome and saw the recent pages that she opened; she saw facebook, so she logged on facebook. She saw youtube, she logged onto youtube, and then, she saw twitter, so she also logged on twitter. When she browsed onto twitter a tweet from allkpop caught her attention, “JYJ’s Park Yoochun dating a nurse?!” So, being a fan of JYJ and being a nurse herself, she clicked on the tweet to read further. As she clicked on to the link, while waiting, she said to her boyfriend,

“Hey… Honey… Will you please hand me my hot cocoa?” she said as she turned her head away from the screen. It was as if, her boyfriend heard nothing.

“It’s just right there, beside you, by the kitchen counter. Please honey?” she continued with her boyfriend still ignoring her. She took a deep breath and rolled her eyes.

“Yah! Kim Youngmin!!! Just pass me that mug of hot cocoa or else!” she glared and screamed at her boyfriend, which now in a hurry holding on to the mug of hot cocoa, and walking towards his girlfriend. His girlfriend can be really, really scary sometimes.


Kim Youngmin handed the mug of hot cocoa, to his girlfriend, and looked over her shoulder to see whatever she’s browsing on the internet… Youngmin sighed, when he saw his girlfriend again looking at JYJ… Boeun fetched the mug from his hand and helped herself with a gulp and then she turned to the computer screen and looked at her previously opened link… She read the article saying that a nurse from St. Luke’s General hospital is said to be Park Yoochun’s girlfriend.

“Hey… Honey… Isn’t that where your younger sister Minhee working?”  she asked her boyfriend.

“Yeah… It’s the hospital near our apartment back home.” He said confirming Boeun’s question.

And then, at the bottom of the article is the picture where Park Yoochun is spotted with the girl wearing a white uniform kissing the artist. And another picture in the parking lot, which is a little close where you can see the face of the woman.

Boeun, looked at the picture carefully… she even squinted to see it clearly. She gasped with what she saw.

“Hey… Honey…look at that girl, she looked awfully familiar didn’t she???” she said as she tilted her head and looked at her boyfriend, whose eyes are going to pop out of his eye sockets. He leaned forward closer to the computer screen almost gluing his eyes onto it, and squishing the person in front of him.

Boeun also looked at the picture and studied it carefully… she let out a gasp, when she realized who it was…


“MINHEE!” Youngmin cut her off. His jaws dropped to the ground. He could not believe it. He reached for his celphone, and speed dialed his twin, Sangmin.

The phone kept on ringing, until one answered,

“Hey Youngmin! What’s up?”

“Sangmin. We need to go back home.” Youngmin said with a very serious tone. 



Just a quick update guys!!!! ~this is my sorry for not being active for a while!!! 

here it is!!! an update!!! weee!!! i wasnt tired with my shift so i updated. hahaha!!! :D

hope you all like it!!! ^^

please do comment ok??!? I love your comments!!! ~i live off of them!!! and it gives me PVCs!



'til my next update!!!! 







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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/