Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


Minhee found her apartment door open. She turned to Yongha and asked him, “Bro, you did see me lock my door this afternoon right?”

“Yep. Why?”

“Because my door is open.” She stated with fear and panic in her voice.


“Wait. What?” Yongha asked her again. Minhee stepped in closer to her best friend, and whispered, “My apartment door is open.” Yongha’s eyes grew wide. His eyes trailed from his best friend to the door. Yes, it is indeed open. He remembered Minhee telling him to wait for her upon locking her door. Yonga made a little gasp. Now, Minhee’s face showed fear, her heart is now pounding. “Oh my God bro! There could be a burglar!!!” Minhee whispered again in panic, “Should I call the cops?” She again whispered.

“Why are we whispering?” Minhee just gave him a derp face. 


Yongha could definitely read Minhee’s face, FEAR AND ANXIETY, written all over it. So being the “semi male” that he is; he pushed the door slightly open. He gulped his saliva, his heart too begins to pound, as if Minhee’s fear is contagious and being transferred to him.


Yongha opened the door ever so lightly, and placed his head on the door. He reached for the light switch and scanned the room.  Everything was still in place. No sign of intrusion. He shrugged and signalled Minhee that they can come in.


“Sis. The coast is clear. Maybe you really just left the door open.” Yongha inferred.

“But You remember I locked it right?” Minhee insisted. Yongha just nodded his head, he agreed. They both walked and checked the whole house. It’s still the same.

“Just think that you left the house open ok? or the lock broke.” Yongha told his best friend.


“Just lay it off sis. It’s your birthday! Stop worrying. Let’s just get these foods plated before the visitors come.” He said as they enetered the kitchen to prepare the food that they brought for the small party.


The best friends prepared all the things for the mini gathering. Minhee was so busy she even forgot to change her clothes in her bed room. Soon the visitors arrived and they began eating, chatting and drink some wine and the like. Yoochun’s Mom, Yoona, sent Minhee a message that she couldn’t come. It was ok with Minhee, both mother and son are very busy people.


It’s 10.30 when everybody left. Minhee plumped herself on her green couch to rest. She was a tad happy, celebrating with her closest friends and catching up. But still she felt lonely. Yoochun, not being there to celebrate her birthday for the very first time is really taking a toll on Minhee’s emotions, she took a deep breath and sat up from her couch.


“I need a good long soak in the tub. I must get my beauty sleep, My Micky Mouse will be home tomorrow.” Walking to her bedroom door she began to her blouse, and then she opened the door of her bedroom and flicked on the light switch, in time with the lighting of her room she closed her eyes to get accustomed to her bedroom lighting. It seems to her that the lighting is very bright, so she got used to the habit of shutting her eyes for a while before entering the room. She removed the blouse away from her body and held it in her hands thinking of dumping it on the humper of dirty clothes.


She slowly opened her eyes, she squited a bit, “I really need to change this fluorescent light. I need a dimmer light” she gave a note to self. But then, when she opend her eyes, it’s not that bright. The room is dim. Minhee’s eyes grew big. She couldn’t belive her eyes. All she’s seeing are White LED Christmas lights all over her ceiling and walls, she looked to her left by the window she found a black, slim Christmas tree standing there with gold and silver stars as decors. She scanned her bedroom, she was in awe. She dropped her chin. She was amazed. Everything was beautiful and Christmassy. Her eyes trailed off to every part of her bedroom, and then she found something on the bed.

An envelope. With her name on it. 





hey guys! an update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry again for being MIA. ~bows~

i hope you like this update!!!! 

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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/