Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


          Yoochun held onto the safety hand rails immediately when they got out of Goliath. Minhee also got out of the ride, “That was fun!!!”she exclaimed. He felt his knees wobbled. *Wow. I ain’t riding this anytime soon.* He thought. Minhee rushed over to him and assessed his situation, “Are you OK? How are you feeling?”to her horror,  Yoochun looked like all the color that he had have been flushed down the drain, he was pale, and that’s for sure. She helped him up and led him to a bench under a tree near Goliath. He sat down and bowed his head. She kneeled in front of him and placed a hand on his cheeks, she tilted his head up his eyes met hers; she gave a caring smile, “Hey, Chunnie… how are you feeling? Are you feeling nauseous? Dizzy?”Yoochun gave her a faint smile. “I feel a little nauseous, but, I’m fine Minhee.”Yoochun said and tried to stand up. Minhee rolled her eyes and pushed him down to sit back on the bench. “Hey… Don’t act that you’re feeling OK… Just relax, and wait for me… Rest a bit OK? I’ll be back.”Minhee said and removed the afro wig from Yoochun’s head, for much comfort and slipped his hoodie up, and secured his sun glasses on, for him not to blow off his disguise. She assured him she’ll be back. She walked away and left him on the bench.


Yoochun thought to himself as he closed his eyes and rested his head on the tree behind the bench, *Micky… that was FAIL. So much for your MACHO façade, a mere roller coaster had your knees wobbling and noodley? FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. You should have the next ride spot on, let her enjoy what she likes, with you… You should, put your best foot forward. Tsk. * He scolded himself, and after a while, * Breathe, Micky, Breathe… You should relax. Relax… Relax… * He began to relax and feel his body get comfortable. He felt someone sit beside him, he didn’t bother to look, until the person spoke, he took off his sun glasses. “Yoochun… Here, drink this.”Minhee held out a bottle of water with straw. He leaned forward to sip, “Just take small sips ok?”He then nodded. She handed him the bottle, and began to open a pack of soda crackers. She broke it into small bite size pieces and tried to feed Yoochun. “I can do it myself.”He smiled at her, feeling timid. Her face contorted with annoyance, “Stop being hard headed and just follow me OK? This will alleviate your nauseous feeling. Soda crackers and water, sometimes ice chips will do.”She scolded him as she continued to feed him soda crackers.  


          Yoochun felt secure. He’s being cared for by his “own” personal nurse, attending to his needs as of the moment, even though he had just received a nag from her. Yoochun had been trying finish his pack of soda crackers and water, and indeed his nauseous feeling disappeared. Minhee sat comfortably beside him and watched him as he again tried to relax. She knew he felt comfortable, it showed in his face. The serene look that he had, the slight curve on his lips, it says it all. Minhee just took in his beautiful profile, admiring everything that she sees in front of her. *Why am I so lucky to be with this man? HE’s like an angel fallen from up above, his nose, his eyes, his dimples, his lips…* she stared onto his pink plump lips… then, she her lips, as she continued to gaze on his. If her stares at him could melt him, maybe, he’d be already Yoochun in liquid form. Then, she shook her head, *Stop that Minhee. You’ll look erted. Look away.*  Then, she spoke to stop her daydreaming.


“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have forced and teased you to ride Goliath with me…”she said full of guilt in her voice.

“No… It’s ok… it’s me who should have said Sorry to you… I ruined our date.”He said with full of disdain.

“Actually, I kind of… like it, that it had to be this way.”She replied and fidgeted a bit.

“What?! You like that I had motion sickness?!”Yoochun exclaimed and he sat straighter, shocked with her answer.

“No! Silly!”She slightly smacked his arm. “I liked it, ‘coz I had the chance to care for you again. I had to make you feel better, alleviate your uncomfortable feeling; I’m really happy I was able to be of help to you.”She said as her face masked 3 shades redder, and her feet fidgeted on the ground. A smile grew on Yoochun’s face, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Now, I want to ride all the roller coasters, if it leads to being like this with you.”Minhee couldn’t react to what he said; all she can do is smile and fidget, blush more, stared at her feet more. The couple rode more rides, rides that don’t include great heights combined with speed. Yoochun liked Minhee to enjoy, and ride all the attractions of the park, but Minhee said that it won’t be fun if he’s not with her.


          They went into the arcade and played a couple rounds… and then a woman was heard at the park’s sound system: “The Parade of lights, sounds and fireworks awaits you, please come to the main road for the show. The show will begin in 15 minutes. Thank You.”Yoochun took Minhee’s hands, and said, “Let’s go and check that out?”

“MmmHmmm..”she nodded and said as she flashed him her pearly whites, she felt his hands clinged tightly against hers, *Could this be really happening? Is this a dream? If this is a dream, could this dream never end?* Being with the person she admired for the longest time is like being on cloud nine. She glanced at him, as he looked straight ahead, leading them both into the main road, she blushed just at the sight of him, she felt giddy and then she giggled. *Can I be the happiest girl alive?* she thought. Yoochun noticed her as she giggled; he just gave her a glance and smirked, and tightened his grip on her hands.


          He led her to a souvenir shop, by the main road; Yoochun released Minhee’s hand, for she can roam around and look for stuff that she wants to take home. Minhee had no plans of buying anything. She’s a little stingy; she only buys stuff that she really needs. So she just began to browse around the store. And then, the parade of lights began, she screamed to Yoochun from the inside of the store, “Hey!!! Chunnie! The parade began, I’ll just watch outside! See you there!”


          She ran and stormed out of the store. Caravans and floats began to parade by the main road, lights, dancers, and the park’s characters all waved and danced to the spectators. Minhee was at awe by the energy of every performer. Smiles across the faces of each and every one of them are evident. Minhee couldn’t help but smile and enjoy the presentation. She noticed Yoochun isn’t back out yet. *Where could he be? What’s taking him so long?* she thought, she looked around, and searched inside the store, he wasn’t there. She got back out, and searched for him through the crowd, her heart began to pound, afraid that she would loose him. She began to worry, beads of sweat began to form on her forehead; she mentally slapped herself for leaving and not waiting for him in the souvenir shop. She took out her phone and looked for his name in the contact list; she turned around only to bump on something navy blue. The person grunted, Minhee immediately said, “I’m sorry.”, And immediately bowed her head. The person grabbed her shoulders tightly. Minhee alarmed, looked at the person in front of her. All she could do is smile, it was Yoochun. Yoochun took her in his arms and wrapped it around her tightly. And then he whispered to her ears, “CHAJATTA. [Found you.]”His sweet deep voice lingered through her ears and sent shivers down her spine. She also wrapped her arms around him, and replied, “CHAJATTA, Yoochun.”


          In a few moments they stayed like that, then the fireworks display began, they both looked up in each other’s arms and watched with amazement, Yoochun stooped down a bit, and tilted his face, he leaned closer to Minhee. He looked at her lips, and leaned closer again, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Minhee, busy watching the fireworks display, as she felt Yoochun kiss her, her eyes grew wider in shock, she pulled away from him.  Yoochun realized what he had done, and took a step back from her. “I’m…”he began. “I’m so---“ he said again but he wasn’t able to finish what he was going to say, as Minhee pulled him at his hoodie, and kissed him, gently on his lips. 




Hey! Hey! Hey!!!

ANOTHER UPDATE!!!! :D yey!!!!

do you like it? it's not that long like my previous posts. boring? uninteresting update?

sorry, for the wait. i really feel bad about something. T-T actually, i was about to finish this update last Friday... but then I heard a news, and it broke my heart. my head and heart went blank and yeah... i'm feeling uber depressed. all i want to eat is instant noodles. haha! and i knew i was depressed 'coz I took out my DVDs of Sungkyunkwan Scandal and watched it all night.  ^^

sorry for my blabbing, it's just that, I can tell you guys how i really feel today... i hope you like my update though...  please do comment, you're comments makes me happy. :D really... i mean it. i'll give you my share of instant noodles if i can. :) 

be safe, enjoy your week... and ~hug.

please read comment and subscribe!!! 

til my next update!!! ciao!!!



oh yeah... i want to welcome giraffehugger!!!! welcome to the club!!!!!! and to y'all my lovely subscribers... thank you for supporting me and my lil project!!!! i am really thankful!!!




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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/