Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!

‘Ouch. My arm hurts.’ He thought. He opened his eyes, and saw a fluorescent light on the ceiling, which blinded him a bit. He squinted so that he will get accustomed with the light. He looked around; he noticed that he is surrounded by green curtains. He looked at his right arm and saw an IV needle poked on to his arm. He moved it. ‘Ouch. Thatta hurt.’ He thought. He tried to swallow; he felt a little pain on his throat. Then, he looked around again, and to his left, he saw someone sitting by his bed wearing a blue baseball cap, ‘Is that a girl?’  He thought. And then, he spoke, “Excuse me?” ‘Ouch! My throat hurts WTF?’ his voice kinda rusty. He tried to clear his throat, and he repeated, “Excuse me?” now a little louder than his first attempt on speaking, the person he’s trying to call is still glued to the chair and seemed sleeping. Out of his frustration, he shouted, “Excuse me?” Now he got the person’s attention, and almost fell on her seat. Apparently that person was a girl, wearing a white uniform, with her hair ponytailed behind the baseball cap which he did not see from his angle.

                The girl stood up, and said, “Oh good you’re already awake! Thank God!” She moved closer to Yoochun and stood by his side. Yoochun gave a squint, and stared at the girl’s face, which is covered by the shadow of the baseball cap. He continued to stare at her... and raised his right hand touching the baseball cap, and he said, “Can you take this off?” Startled, the girl said, “Oh! I’m sorry sir. Where are my manners?” she gave a smile, he knew she was smiling, as he can see her pearly whites. She turned around to remove the cap and slowly turned back to him. As she turned back to him, Yoochun’s jaws dropped. He was in awe. It was like he was hearing the Hallelujah Chorus with a full 40-piece orchestra, everything was in slow motion and he felt he stopped breathing. Good thing he was wearing an Oxygen mask to cover his mouth. Then Yoochun thought, ‘God! Wow! She’s beautiful!’ He stared. And then, she spoke.

                “Hi! Im Kim Minhee a nurse, you are in St. Luke’s Medical Hospital. Can you tell me your name sir?” He just stared. She patiently repeated her question.  Again, he stared. She smiled and moved her hand to touch his shoulder, he was startled. And then, she asked again, “Sir, are you OK? Sir, Can you hear me?” She slightly shook him. Then he responded

“Yes, I’m ok... Uhhhhmm... Can you tell me your name again?” She gave a sigh of relief, that he was fine.

“I’m Nurse Kim Minhee, here at St. Luke’s Medical Hospital sir. How about you sir, can you tell me your name?”

“Uhhh, my name is Park Yoochun. Were you the one who saved me from the jawbreaker?” he inquired.

“Well, apparently yes, Mr. Park." she replied

“Well, thank you very much Nurse Kim! If not to you, I would have been dead already.” He said and reached for her hand and placed it on his chest. And then, he felt a sting on his right hand

. “Ouch. This hurts.” He raised his right hand and looked at it. Then Minhee, noticed, that Yoochun’s hand was a bit swollen, she took his hand and examined it intently. Then she uttered.

“Hmmm, well I guess, we have to have your IV line re-inserted. Just wait here, and relax. And I’ll go get the resident, and tell him that you’re awake already. I’ll be back. and sir, You're welcome.” She reassured him and gave him a sweet smile. After a few minutes, she came back holding with a fellow nurse, holding a basket of cotton and stuff. And then following them a tall guy with a white robe. He said,

“Mr. Park, Good you are awake. I’m Dr. Gu YongHa, resident doctor here in the ER. Nice to meet you.” He took Yoochun’s hand to shake. But Yoochun, grunted and retracted his hand in pain. The doctor smiled, and waved instead. “I think you should have the nurses change your IV. I will explain to your current condition.” Dr. Gu said that he is in perfect shape, a little dehydrated hence the IV, and a little pain in the throat due to the obstruction. Other than that he is perfect.

                “You can leave after you finish this bottle of IV fluid. Have them change it, for your speedy discharge, drink pleanty of water and Mr. Park, please refrain from having Jawbreakers.” As Dr. Gu left.

Yoochun chuckled, and scratched his head. The other nurse came closer to Yoochun and began to remove the Needle through his skin. He felt pain. With his free hand he held the nearest thing he had in reach, Minhee’s hand. He turned away from the other nurse and leaned closer to Minhee. Minhee thought ‘This guy is a baby.’ She smirked. And then, the other nurse announced. “You are done Mr. Park.”  He saw a new IV line on his hand. He gave the other nurse a smile and she left.

                “Mr. Park.” Said Minhee. Yoochun, turned to her. ‘God! She’s beautiful!


                “You can let go of my hand now. The procedure is done.” She gave him a sweet smile.

                “Oh. Sorry about that. It’s just that I’ve been always afraid of pain.” He replied, still holding her hand.

                And then, a strange voice, almost like a dolphin and awkwardly high pitched, came lurking in the whole Emergency department screaming...

                “Yoochun! Yoochun!”

                “He’s behind that curtain.” They heard someone reply to the strange voice.

                Startled, Minhee remained standing holding Yoochun’s hand. And came a big swoosh of the curtain and 2 guys came in with a bed head and wearing a sweater over pajamas, who rushed over Yoochun.

                “Yoochun! Are you ok? Are you alive? OMG! Jae! He’s not responding!” Junsu panicked and touching Yoochun’s face.

                “Don’t over react Junsu, give him a chance to respond. He’s awake. And he’s breathing.” Jaejoong said. He continued and turned to Yoochun, “Yah! Are you ok now? You had us worried sick! your mom was crying all over the phone!”

                “I’m sorry you guys.” Yoochun smiled.  Then Junsu noticed, “Hey! Yoochun! Why are you holding her hand!? And who is she?” then Minhee and Yoochun looked at their hands. She released her grip and so did he. Minhee felt her face got red and she looked away.  


Hi guys!!! sorry this chapter is long and boring! but anyways! i hope you like it!!!

please comment and suggest anything!!! :D oh yeah!!! i love silent readers!!! :D

well see you next chapter!


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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/