Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


Minhee immediately hurried to the pantry, but to her clumsiness, she dropped some of the things she’s been holding. She picked up everything on the floor and immediately opened the door.


Yoochun looked up the door and found a flustered Minhee. He showed his bright smile. Minhee looked somewhat confused, “What are you doing here, Micky?” Yoochun smugly smiled at her and came near her, and he wrapped his arms around her small waist. And he whispered to her ears, with his baritone voice, it was very y,

“I got hungry, and I was alone, at home.  So I decided to pay you a visit.” Minhee gave out a chuckle. She rolled her eyes.

“You’re being cheesy.”

“No, I’m being hungry. Come on let’s eat. Have you eaten?” He answered.

“Then, you should always be hungry, if the effects would be like this.” She mused at him, happy about his spontaneous visit.

“Actually, I am really famished. Come on. Let’s eat. Where’s Yongha?” He asked the lady in front of him.

“He’s upstairs. Want me to call him?” she replied. Yoochun nodded.

“Sure, I also bought food for him.” Minhee fished out her phone, and called Yongha in.


IN no time, Yongha is already in. He was running. He came inside the pantry, “Where’s the food???” that’s his greeting.

Yoochun and Minhee chuckled at his greeting. He must have been very busy. Yoochun handed him the bag of food and Yongha quickly displayed everything on the table.

“Sorry guys… I’m just soooo hungry. The last I ate was this morning with you two. And all I did today is run all over the hospital.” Yongha said as he bit the burger almost in half. Yoochun and Minhee began to eat aswell.


They were enjoying the food when they heard a faint siren coming from the outside. Yongha’s head shot up, he glanced at Minhee a bit, and she’s busy chatting with Yoochun. The siren grew nearer. Yongha stood up, Yoochun looked at him curiously, Minhee too, placed her burger down to a plate and drank a bit of soda, and she began to look serious. . And then, the siren was louder than ever. Yongha went outside. Minhee also stood up, and looked at the door, “Stay here Micky Mouse. I’ll be back.” She planted a quick peck on his cheeks. Then she followed Yongha out of the pantry.




Yoochun was alarmed, that was Minhee screaming, he followed Minhee and Yongha. He saw his girlfriend literally on side of the gurney, pumping a person’s chest. Yongha was busy putting a tube inside of the person’s mouth. He saw the relatives of the patient hysterically crying. Yoochun was struck. ‘Wow. They’re awesome.’ He thought to himself. Other nurses were busy poking IV needles and connecting fluids on the man’s arm, Minhee had the chance to glance at him. She smiled faintly and turned back to what she was doing. Yoochun felt proud of his girlfriend. Yoochun got shivers down his spine when he saw the other nurses come in with the defibrillator, with that, he went back to the pantry and ate alone.


Yoochun sighed. Big Mama came in the room, she greeted him.

“Hi! You’re still here?” Yoochun smiled at her.

“Yes. Still waiting.”

“We’re always like this in the hospital, we have no time for ourselves. But sometimes we are lucky that no is being brought here. We have all the time for ourselves.”

“By the way, Big Mama, Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be there with them with the patient?” Yoochun asked curiously.  Big Mama smiled at his question. Certainly he had no idea why she was here and not there.

“’Coz, I’m the head nurse. I don’t handle patients anymore. I let the dirty work to the newbs. And I have more stuff to do.” She stated as she brought out her dinner. Yoochun just nodded and watched the older lady eat. He was done eating.


Big mama asked him about his work, and the stuff he does, and how he met Minhee. Speaking of Minhee, Yoochun remembered. His eyes grew wide, Big Mama stared at him.

“Big Mama, I have a question, I know this is silly, but, I don’t know Minhee’s birthday. Do you happen to know when her birthday is?” Big Mama laughed at him, she stood up and pointed at something on the bulletin board inside the pantry.

“Boy, if you open your eyes and tried to look for things around here, you’ll find what you’re looking for. I’ll leave you here; I’ll head back to work.” Yoochun curiously looked to what big mama pointed at, and there it was, ‘STAFF BIRTHDAYS’, the title said, it was written in capital bold letters and with glitters. ‘How come I did not see this?’ he rolled his eyes, and there written,


KIM MINHEE, October 15


He memorized and remembered the date. Its only 5 days til her big day. He smiled. He’s got a lot of things to do.    






hey hey hey! guys!!!!


yeah! here it is!!! :D hop you all like it!!!

thanks for reading!!! ~hugs you all~

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be happy and healthy!



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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/