Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!



Sangmin carefully opened his eyes. It’s already high noon. The boys are still sleeping. His head is pounding. He looked at the green couch to find Yoochun and Youngmin sleeping, still on that position. Sangmin chuckled. He looked for Yongha, he’s still on the floor snoozing. His bladder is full, so he walked to the bathroom to relieve himself and went to the kitchen to find a pad paper with a note.


B1, B2, Dr. Gu, and Micky Mouse,

                                Your big heads must hurt, and your stomachs are growling.Aww.. poor babies [pats your heads] Sooo here’s my steps on fixing your hang overs!


1.         drink lots of h2o.

2.       make a cup of joe. Yes. You.  The first person who will wake up should turn on the coffee maker.

3.        on the table, is a bottle of aspirin, take two. No buts. Just do what I say.

4.       i bought you guys a lot of eggs. Eat something high in protein and easy to make. Since I’m not around, eggs are your go-to food. Easy to cook.

5.       wake up every body and make some breakfast.

6.       you all should rest. AFTER YOU CLEAN MY LIVING ROOM! >_<

7.        drink plenty of water ok?

8.       rest up luvies!





Ps. Clean my living room or else.

Love yah guys! :*


Sangmin the coffee maker. It’s already filled with water and roasted coffee. He went over to Yongha. he shook him up. Yongha’s always easy to wake up. After few shakes, he’s up. “Go freshen up.” Yongha just stood up and headed to the bathroom to wash his face.


Then, Sangmin went to the kitchen and poured 2 mugs of coffee. One for him and one for Yongha. Yongha came from the bathroom, slightly freshened up. Yongha doesn’t like to talk much when he just wakes up. So he sat on the kitchen island and watched Sangmin beat up some eggs and heats the pan while drinking his black coffee. And then, he noticed the note minhee left. When he got to the item number 3 in the note, he placed it on the table and took 2 aspirins as Minhee had instructed and continued with his reading. He peeked at the living room, and found that the living room was in deed trashed. So, he went onto the living room and looked for his SLR, he took pictures last night, they enjoyed the drinking session. It was fun having the guys around again, he was happy. In deed, it was like back in the day where they spend all their time together. He the camera to look at the photos he took. And to his surprise he found new pictures, maybe it was from this morning? He thought. Maybe Minhee took the pictures. Few pictures of Youngmin and Yoochun on the couch sleeping, him on the floor, and and Sangmin with his mouth flung open. And lastly a picture of the living room disaster. The living room is an eye sore. He walked back to the kitchen to find Sangmin placing the scrambled eggs on two plates.


Yongha continued to browse the pictures. And then he cracked up when he saw a particular picture. Sangmin, intrigued by Yongha’s reaction, went to look peek at the camera. “What are you laughing about?” Sangmin asked.

“This.” Yongha said as he showed Sangmin the camera. Sangmin immediately laughed upon seeing the photo.


[a/n: the picture is Yoochun sandwiched by the twins. And it shows in his expressions that he is really nervous.]




Youngmin is already drunk and so is Yoochun, Youngmin has this habit of feeding people food whenever he’s drunk. He began to feed everybody with those mixed nuts; he was already tipsy and hyper. He went to Sangmin and fed him and then to Yongha. And then, he awkwardly sat beside Yoochun, he took a piece of cheese stick and tried to feed Yoochun. But, Yoochun was still not comfortable with Youngmin. So at first he refused. Youngmin continued to insist what he wants to do. Yoochun kept on refusing. So when Youngmin lost his temper. He screamed at Yoochun, “Hey! Pretty boy! Eat this!” Yoochun kept his cool, he knew he is drinking with Minhee’s brothers. So he opened his mouth and Youngmin gladly gave him the cheese stick.


“very good pretty boy…” Youngmin said.


After Youngmin’s feeding session, he left the group, and went somewhere. Yoochun remarked at Sangmin and Yongha, “Guys, is he really like this when he’s drunk? I mean, he feeds everybody in the table.” Yoochun said quite astonished. Yongha and Sangmin nodded. “Yes. He is really like that.” Sangmin confirmed.

“And.” Yongha paused. “He blabbers a lot. So you should listen.” He continued.

Yoochun nodded. He should really put his best foot forward.


And then, from the boys bedroom, came Youngmin, holding another bottle of liquor, now he’s holding Johnny Red. They ran out of Jack and Hennessy. He held up the bottle, and screamed, “Another round my boys!!!” shaking the bottle, and partially dancing with it. They continued with their drinking with Youngmin endlessly talking about his girlfriend, Boeun, on how it irritates him that she really is into Idol groups especially JYJ.


“You know what, pretty boy.” Youngmin turned to Yoochun.

“Yes?” Yoochun asked nervously at Youngmin’s sudden attention to him.

“My girlfriend likes your group. She really does. She can watch your concerts the whole day. She won’t get tired of it.” He said waving a piece of nacho.

“Ah. Thank you very much.” Yoochun said humbly with a bow.

“And sometimes it’s irritating because all she wants to talk about is your idol group!” he said with full of frustration, he rolled his eyes.

“I’m sorry about that.” Yoochun replied, humbly again.

“It’s ok… it’s ok… but gosh! It’s just irritating; I don’t really care if you do your aegyos on TV. But she even tells me that!” Youngmin again blabbered now feeding Yoochun a piece of nacho.

“She goes gaga over your CDs and has them mailed to her apartment in and her room is full of your posters. She’s the complete fan girl.  But, all in all, I still love her. I know she won’t replace me over you guys. And with that said, I will never replace her aswell.” Youngmin said to the younger man beside him.


Yoochun nodded. He understood what Youngmin meant. Youngmin poured Yoochun a glass of Johnny Red, and a glass to himself, and handed it to Yoochun.

“With that said,” Youngmin continued, “Please don’t hurt my sister.” He said with a very serious tone in his voice, he sent laser beams through his eyes. Yoochun stared at the older man as he drank his shot. “If the day comes that you hurt her?” Yoochun drank his shot of Johnny Red.

“I will hunt you down and mess up your pretty face. Huh, pretty boy?” Sangmin continued for his twin, as he sat beside Yoochun on the green couch and sent him slits through his eyes.

“I too, will help him do the deed. Even if my girlfriend will mess up my face after I’m done with you.” Youngmin chuckled as he swung his arm on Yoochun’s shoulder.

“But I know you’ll never do that right?!” Sangmin happily said as he poured Yoochun, Youngmin and himself another round of Johnny Red.

Yoochun smiled nervously at the twins, and they all drank the shot.

“I will never do that. You guys have my word for it.” Yoochun assured the twins.

“That’s more like it! Here.” Youngmin said as he fed Yoochun again another piece of Nacho.


The night went on and soon the alcohol took over their actions and Yoochun got wasted, and sat on the end of the couch, he slept. Youngmin on the other hand has been busy feeding himself and drinking some more liquor, that he did not notice that he already comfortably rested his head on Yoochun’s lap as he dozed off.


*end of flashback*


After Sangmin and Yongha are finished cooking the eggs, both of them went to the living room to wake up the other guys before Minhee comes back from work. As soon as Sangmin and Yongha shook Youngmin, he already shot up. He’s already awake. A bit confused on why he woke up next to Yoochun, he headed to the bathroom immediately as a wave of nausea hit him.


On the other hand, Sangmin and Yongha are having a hard time waking up the Sleeping Yoochun. Even though his sleeping position is not the most comfortable, he really slept soundly.



Hi guys!!!!!!!!!! An update!!!!!!!!!!!! 


happiness!!! here it is!!!!!

soo yeah... what do you think?

thumbs up? down? 

comments ayt?! 

soo yeah.

please read comment and subscribe!!! 

please be happy and healthy!!!




random thought, i want to see jyj in running man. just saying. :D

and it's JUNSU BABY'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/