Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!




Yoochun and Minhee got startled, Yoochun stood frozen, Minhee turned to Yongha and asked him worried, “What was that for bro?”  Minhee walked to Yongha with her lips curled with annoyance. Yongha walked to the living room for safety. Minhee still following him. “Hey!!! Don’t you just take pictures without permission! That’s not nice! Are you with TMZ???? Huh paparazzo?!” She’s now signalling to give her the camera. “Give me that Yongha!!!”

“No!!!!”he said playfully

“Gimme!”she screamed again.

“noooooooooo”he teased.

“Give me the CAMERA!”now with her eyes glaring.

“No.”Yongha said now in a serious look. “You know I don’t delete pictures from my camera. It’s MY art.” He explained.

Minhee sighs, and says, “Fine.” Minhee waved the white flag in the argument. She knows when Yongha says its HIS art… he means it… it means it’s beautiful and Minhee knows that once Yongha got a beautiful picture it ends up on a frame in his gallery at home.


In the kitchen, Yoochun just stood there watching the two argue and Minhee loose the argument, he looked a bit worried how it will end up… then, Yongha said to him from the living room knowing that he is an IDOL, “Yoochun! Don’t worry… this picture is safe with me, it won’t stir public interest.” Yoochun smiled at him and said thanks. Now the calm Minhee turned to Yongha and whispered, “What is the picture for?”

“Nothing…”he slyly smiled.  Minhee gave Yongha a stern look.

“Ok…”Yongha said, “You two look cute together. So I took a shot.” Minhee can’t stop herself blush. She giggled a bit at Yongha and turned around and went back into the kitchen.


Minhee went into the kitchen and took out utensils to set the table up. The two guys helped her out. When they finished setting the table up, She stood up from her chair and served the spaghetti to Yoochun and Yongha. “So… Eat up.” She smiled at them, feeling a bit nervous. She watched the two as they first tasted her cooking, feeling anxious… ‘I hope they like my cooking.’ As the two took their first bite Minhee saw a crack of curve onto Yoochun’s lips. He seems to be enjoying the spaghetti. Minhee let out a big sigh and scooped out some spaghetti for herself and began eating.  Yoochun were all praises for Minhee, Yongha on the other hand was used to her cooking.  Minhee felt good, she felt happy and satisfied with her finished product.


After dinner Minhee did the dishes, which Yongha and Yoochun protested to but she countered their protest as “Both of you are my guests… You can’t let guests do the dishes for you…” With that the two guys went to the living room and chatted about random stuffs. And then Yongha stood up, and yelled to Minhee, “Hey! Minhee, What do you want for desert?”

She screamed while still doing the dishes, “Apple Pie!”

“OK! We’ll go and get some at the Pie Hole”[A/N: the pie hole is a restaurant who makes good pies... it’s from the US series Pushing Daisies]


Yoochun and Yongha went out and walked to the Pie Hole. Then Yongha asked Yoochun.

“Hey, Yoochun, What do you think of Minhee?”

Yoochun smiled and felt his face a bit warm. “I find her really beautiful, she’s kind, very outgoing. And pretty much perfect.” He said as he gazed around. And then Yoochun said to Yongha, “You two, how did you become bestfriends?”

“Hmmm…”Yongha thought for a while. “Well, I’m friends with her brothers. Sangmin and Youngmin. I often went to their home and hang out. They both knew I’m gay, but still they treated me well. Minhee often hung out with us, and I got to know her. And we got close. And since then we’ve been best of friends.”

“Aaaahh… is that so…”Yoochun said. Then he followed a question, “Since when did Minhee start to live alone?”

“Oh, that, before all three of them lives together, while their parents are abroad. But 3 years ago her brothers went to abroad to work. She was still studying when they left. So since then she’s been living alone. And Sangmin and Youngmin entrusted her to me. So pretty much we are siblings. Also since they know I’m gay so they know Minhee is safe with me.”Yongha said as they both walked into the Pie Hole.


They ordered a few Pies for themselves and got out. Yoochun urged Yongha to pass by a convenience store. Yoochun picked out a tub of ice cream, Choco chip cookie dough Ice cream, Yongha’s eyes grew big at the sight of Minhee’s favourite ice cream.


They went back to the apartment to see Minhee sitting on the couch watching MTV with JYJ on, playing Ayyy Girl, she was dancing along with the video. [A/N: she’s doing the rollin’ down the windows move] she was so into it that she did not notice that Yoochun and Yongha are back with the pies. When Yongha closed the door behind him, it is when Minhee noticed that they are back. She turned red as ever!!!! *Crap!!!!* she thought. Yoochun and Yongha began to laugh. Yoochun came closer to Minhee and said, “I could teach you that dance if you like?” he slyly smiled. “Hey!” Minhee said. Yongha placed the bags on the table and tried to sing “~Ayy girl, I tried to make you my baby
ayy girl, instead you make me go crazy~”
dancing the rollin’ down the windows move and laughing at Minhee. She screamed at them, “Hey! Stop the teasing!!!!” still red as ever. Yoochun on the other hand got his tub of icecream and showed it to Minhee.. “Hey take these… to cool your head.” Minhee’s eyes got big and her smile got up to her ears. “Ice cream!!! That goes well with pies!!!! Thanks!!!” *she really is super cute* Yoochun thought.  They again sat and pigged out.

After eating, Yongha finally said to Minhee that he has to leave. He still has morning shift at the hospital. He kissed Minhee’s cheek and bid both of them goodbye with his camera.


Minhee and Yoochun are left alone again in Minhee’s apartment. “So… Ahhh… Yoochun, are you done with your house?”

“Almost… I’ll just get some of my light fixtures fixed near my piano and pretty much I’m done.”

“So you need help with that?”Minhee asked.

Yoochun flashed her a smile. “Do you want to help me?” *She’s just so kind and thoughtful.* he thought.

“Sure! Come on…”She said and let them out of her apartment and went to Yoochun’s.


They both got inside his flat and she saw the piano… he opened the keys and she tried to press some of it. It sounds beautiful. Then he said, “Hey, Minhee. I would like you to meet my baby… Model M.”

“Aaaahhhh… Model M?”

“Yeah. Model M… it’s the model name of the piano… I could not think of any other names… so I took the name that came with it… Model M.”he laughed awkwardly.

“You know what…”Minhee said. “I thought, you would be this super arrogant guy when I thought of idols before… but now… I think…” She smiled and stopped and looked at the piano beside her and pressed a couple more random keys. Yoochun nervously looked at her and said, “You think… what?”

“I think you are awesomely… normal.”She looked at him and flashed him her pearly whites. He chuckled at her… and said… “Hey… I am normal... with a rather unconventional job.”

“Yeah… I agree.”


Yoochun went to the back of the apartment to set up the lamp that he needs for Model M.

They helped each other set up this lamp. After a couple of minutes both of them are done. Yoochun turned the light on and placed it beside the piano. He sat down in front of the piano signalled Minhee to sit beside him, and played Greensleeves [A/N: play this to check it out… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5ItNxpwChE]


By the time Yoochun is done with his piano piece. Minhee is clapping her hands, she said, “Wow.. That was great!!! I never thought you were this good!” He smiled and blushed. “Thank you…Well, I love to play… it’s like my first love. Music.”

Yoochun continued, “The piece I played for you is my favourite Greensleeves…  I played it for you as thank you for the dinner, helping me out and saving my life.”

Minhee blushed and looked at him. “You’re welcome.”

“You know what Yoochun… this is one of the things that I cannot do… create music. So, thank you for playing for me.”

“I can play this again if you like…”he began to play Greensleeves again. When the piece ended. Minhee stood up. And looked the clock. It’s already 11.30 pm… “Hey… I better go… It’s late. Thank you again.” She said.

“Sure. You’re welcome anytime.”She went to the door and he followed suit. Then he remembered. “Hey, it’s Sunday tomorrow. Dinner with the Parks?” Her eyes grew big! She gasped. “Oh yeah… I don’t have work tomorrow!!! I totally forgot! Thank you for reminding me!”

“It’s fine… See you tomorrow?”

“Yep. See you. Good night.”She touched his shoulder and went out.


In the hallway... Minhee said to herself, “I totally forgot about it… *sigh* I need to find something decent to wear.” She went to her house and jumped onto her bed and thought of the day.


On the other hand, Yoochun is sitting on his piano and playing again, thinking of Minhee. He thought, “She’s funny, she’s a good cook and she’s kind plus she’s a nurse… that’s a plus for me..” He went to his room jumped onto his bed and slept. 


Hey guys!!! its been a while since my last update!!!

well... i've been down lately... idk why... ~sighs my head is not really in function mode. 

i found out that Micky  Yoochun has been hospitalized... so idk... my head got mushy. T_T 

anyhow... i hope you like this chapter... though its a bit boring and all... please do comment... i really look forward to your comments and stuff... it makes me happy to see you comment!!! :D 

please read comment and subscribe!!!! 



oh yeah... this is the piano, a steinway medium grand piano named MODEL M.... and this is the lamp from Ikea Regolit. 



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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/