Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


Minhee is lying on her bed... she covered herself with her blanket, and turned. Staying like that for a couple of seconds, she turns again. Feeling a little warm, she flips blanket away from her and hugged Jaggy, her jaguar plushie from elementary. She felt a little cold, so... she covers herself with her blanket again. She seems irritated, and cannot catch her sleep. She again turns and turns and tried very hard to get herself comfortable. She heaved her fluffy pillow on her head, only to scream her frustrations out; she looked at her clock on the side table only to see it’s already 1.45am.  She bolted up from her bed.

 “asdfghjkl.”She screamed incoherently and ruffled her hair.

“OH! For goodness sake Minhee... stop spazzing already!!!”She scolded. She got out of her bed and went to her kitchen to make herself a mug of hot cocoa and try to relax her nerves. She rummaged through her cupboard and looked for her cocoa powder mix. She placed some of the powder in her mug and then reached for a kettle and boiled herself some water. She again rummaged thru her cupboard for some marshmallows. She sat on a stool by her kitchen island and waited for her water to boil. As she looked at the flame of her burner, her thoughts seeped through what happened earlier.




Minhee playfully punched Yoochun’s arm, as she felt her blood rush to her face. “That was a bad joke!!!” She said. And then, Yoochun’s expression got different, same as his expression earlier and said, “Really a bad joke? Remember Minhee, jokes are half meant.” He gently laid his finger on Minhee’s chin and moved closer to her, and kissed her lips gently. Again her eyes grew big, as she was surprised of the gesture. Soon, he began to kiss her more deeply; she closed her eyes, and responded to his kiss.


After a few more seconds, the two broke off.  Minhee sat by the piano bench beside Yoochun, looking anywhere but him. Feeling stupid as she tried to keep her cool, but still she turned bright red and began to fidget her feet under the piano.


“I like you.”He suddenly blurted out and broke the silence that encapsulated the room.  He looked at her, seeing her fidgeting and obviously embarrassed. “I like you, Minhee.” He said as he twisted his body to face her. She slowly faced him, looking down on the piano keys, her eyes moved slowly to look at him, a sweet smile came across her face, and he also smiled sweetly to see her reaction. He could feel his heart galloping, awaiting for her say.

And then, she finally opened and said, “You give me PVCs.” She smiled at him dearly.

“PVCs?”He tilted his head a bit, confused with her answer.

“Yeah, uhhmm, Premature Ventricular Contractions.”She said shyly, with a little giggle.

“Uuuuhhhhhh??? Premature what? Is that a good thing? Can you explain a little here?” Yoochun said, laughing at himself for having no clue of what she meant.

Minhee giggled again, and turned bright red, and replied, “YOU MAKE MY HEART SKIP A BEAT.”

He bursted into laughter as he was so touched by her response, he stretched his arms out to give Minhee an embrace. “That was just soooooo cute!!!! So that is what PVC is!!!”


He continued to hug her tightly; he couldn’t help but to keep on hugging her, then he asked again, “So that means you like me too?” She mentally slapped herself for being annoyingly cheesy. She said, “I can’t believe I just used that line... that’s just sooooo cheesy. And yes, I do like you.” Yoochun pulled away, held her by the arm, looked into her eyes, and flashed her, his famous smile with the eye-smile that swooned all the fan-girls of the world. “That’s not cheesy, it’s sweet.” and he kissed her cheeks. They pulled away.


Out of joy, Yoochun played again with the piano. [A/N: the piece, Love Me by Yiruma, if you want to check it out, here it is:D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQv2j3THp48&feature=fvst]Minhee listened, and again closed her eyes, focusing on the music, as he ran his fingers swiftly on the piano keys. She smiled the whole time he played. He from time to time gave her a glance to see her expression, happy and serene, to him, she looked exceptionally beautiful, and it took his breath away just by the sight beside him.  When he finished playing, she smiled at him again dearly. And then, he asked her, “So, are you willing to officially go out with me?” he asked her, fidgeting a little and feeling again the gush of blood on his face. She was taken aback with his question. She can’t seem to give him an answer, yet. His heart again pounded, and then he said, “It’s ok if you still can’t answer my question, for now. I understand. But it’s good, that I know that you like me.  And if you are willing, can I take you out on a date? Tomorrow? After lunch? You don’t have work right? Let’s get to know each other well.” She flashed him a bright smile and said, “I’d love to go on a date with you tomorrow, and getting to know each other first is a great idea.” He held her hand and looked into her eyes, and said, “That’s great MInhee. Thank You for giving me a chance.”


She stood up, picked the jar of jaw breakers from the floor, where she laid them. And then, she said, “Hey, Yoochun, I guess... I’ll go, it’s already late...” She said as she went to his door, Yoochun followed her, and accompanied her to her doorstep. He moved closer to her and kissed her cheek, and said, “Good night Minhee, sweet dreams. And see you tomorrow.”She fidgeted and blushed like mad, “Good Night, Yoochun. I’ll be keeping this for you.” She said and raised the jar of candies, she opened her door, went inside and gave Yoochun a wave and closed it.


~end of flashback.~


~Whistling Kettle!!! Speeeeeeeeeez~ [a/n: ok... idk how to put whistling kettle sounds on writing. Lol.]


Minhee, broke of her train of thought when she saw her kettle now beyond boiling point and spilling all over the burner. She immediately stood up and ran to the gas burner and turned the thing off. *Pshhh.. so much for my day dreaming..*. ~takes a deep breath~ “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhh I can’t believe it!!!!!!!!! Am I dreaming? Am I awake? What the heck just happened earlier? Is it real? OMG! OMG!!! Am I really asked by THE PARK YOOCHUN to date him?” She literally slapped herself just trying to take-in what happened. She again took a deep breath to smooth on her nerves. She took the kettle and poured on her cup. She sat back on her seat and smelled the aroma of the hot cocoa with marshmallows. *Ohh.. This is good stuff.* she thought and carefully took a sip. Then her eyes roamed along the kitchen island, she saw Yoochun’s jar of Jawbreakers. She reached for it and admired it... to her; she had never seen such beautiful jar of jaw breakers anywhere in the world. And then, she realized,*WTH? WHAT THE HECK?! WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING ABOUT?! I just thought that this is the most lovable jar of jawbreakers in the entire universe?! What the hell was that? WHY AM I THINKING ALL ABOUT THIS?!* Her eyes grew big in her realization. *What is he to me??? I don’t know to be honest.* she continued her thoughts. *OK... I’ve liked the ARTIST since I was in first year college. But this person I met is toooooootally different from the ARTIST that I knew. He’s like a bit of a Mama’s boy, he’s uber thoughtful, he eats anything that you give him, he’s totally the opposite of what I thought him to be... and I really think I like the person too.*


She really was thinking hard, she realized that she had drunk all her hot cocoa and when she took a sip and the mug was empty. So she placed her mug on the sink and went back to bed. Again, same thoughts lingered thru her head, happiness is enveloping her heart. *If spazzing like this could kill? I’d be dead by now.* she thought. Her thoughts kept her head running... until her eyes finally took over. It got heavier and she fell into deep slumber. 




Hey! Hey! Hey!!! another update!!!

So do you like it?! what do you think? lemme know! please please please!!! pretty please...  ~makes puppy dog eyes.~

I feel PVCs when you comment and subscribe! rreally i swear!! :D

so now, i'm in the hospital...im accompanying my auntie, she'll have an operation this morning. 

i hope you liked my update though. 

so please read, comment, and subscribe!!!!!

til my next update!!!!



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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/