Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


Minhee slowly opened her eyes; she squinted a bit as a gleam of light beamed through the window pane. As she regained her sight she noticed the blue paint on the walls. Her eyes grew big, she gasped as she realized where she really is. ‘OMG. I did not sleep in my house. OMG. I did not sleep in my bedroom.I slept in Yoochun’s room… breathe Minhee breathe.’ She calmed herself down by a bit of deep breathing exercises. Minhee bolted up, and looked for the clock to check out the time. It’s already 6.25am.


Feeling that she has to go to the bathroom, she swinged her feet to the edge of the bed, only to feel a futon on her toes. She checked it; she smiled when she saw a sleeping figure underneath the blanket.


Minhee walked herway silently through the bathroom. She saw his vanity mirror filled with stuffs she’d usually find on a woman’s vanity. Yoochun had different kinds of creams, serums, cleansing foams, and makeup removers, along with the electronic shaver and shaving foams. She smiled remembering that her boyfriend is a celebrity and taking care of his skin is very important.


After doing her business, she sprinkled water on her face so that she’d feel awake. She went to the kitchen to see if there is something available to make for their breakfast. She turned the coffee- maker on and check out the cupboards and the fridge, and to her dismay, she found nothing. So she decided to go to her place and bring something to make. She went her way to her apartment, leaving Yoochun’s door unlocked.


She came back to the apartment, and headed straight to the kitchen, preparing for the breakfast. She knew it would be a big day for the both of them, so she thought they needed something, to boost for the whole day.


Yoochun squirmed on the futon he’s sleeping on; he heard some rustling and bustling going on inside his house. His eyes shot up, he bolted up, he grabbed the nearest thing that he can use as a weapon, his cordless telephone, and he knew he was alone. His heart pounded as he slowly opened his bedroom door, he made sure he was not making any noise. He stealthily walked through his hallway, and popped his head to see the kitchen. He made a deep sigh of relief when he saw the sight in his kitchen, his girlfriend making breakfast. He smiled at the sight he saw.


Minhee busy putting bacon on the pan for frying, humming a random tune. She thought, ‘What kind of bacon does he want? Does he like his bacon a bit burnt? Crispy perhaps? Or maybe crispy on the sides?’ she gave out a sigh. Making the bacons to her liking, crispy on the sides. [a/n: I suddenly want to eat this. And this is my bacon preference. Hahahahahahah!!! Anyone who wants to cook bacon for me, this is how I want my bacon ayt??? ^^ ~just saying. keke]  she flipped a bacon on the pan. She felt a heavy weight on her shoulders. She smiled, still flipping the bacon, “How do you like your bacon made, Micky mouse?” she placed the laddle on the counter, and turned around to face her boyfriend.


“Good Morning Sunshine!” He exclaimed and gave her a peck on the cheek. “I want it just the way you want it, Minnie Mouse.”  Minhee smiled, and shrugged her shoulders, and exclaimed, “OK! Sit back there and breakfast will be ready in a jiffy.” Minhee said as she pointed behind the kitchen island. Yoochun stepped away and went to the cupboards for this Mickey Mouse mug, and served himself with some black coffee. Yoochun took a swig of the coffee, and left himself standing by the counter and with his eyes closed. ‘Coffee in the morning… so good.’ Soon Minhee is done with the food, and they began breakfast.


“At around 8… we’ll go to the agency for the preparations for the Press conference.” Yoochun said. Minhee is about to put a piece of bacon in and stopped midway with what Yoochun said.  She suddenly felt her heart race, all the color in her drained, she placed the bacon back on her plate, and drank a full glass of water.


Yoochun noticed Minhee being uneasy. “Don’t you worry. I’m here. I’ll handle everything. We have the guys to support us, the whole company and Yongha is also there to support. Don’t worry. I’m here.” He said as he took her hands in his and placed it on his chest, and kissed it. With that, Minhee felt safe. And they continued on with the breakfast.


On the plane, Sangmin already watched 3 In-Flight movies, he can never sleep in planes, and these In-flight movies are keepin him on track with the latest flicks. He looked at the home screen of his monitor, it says “8 HOURS TILL LANDING”  he sighed to himself, and thought of what will they do at home with Minhee’s situation. For him, there’s nothing wrong with his sister Minhee having a boyfriend, it was all with Youngmin, and him thinking no one is  good for his baby sister.


It was 8.30, Minhee and Yoochun is headed to the agency for make up and stuffs. They received messges from Yongha, Junsu and Jaejoong that they will be heading to the agency as well. The manager had confirmed the settings thru Yoochun.


Yoochun advised Minhee not to dress up as he said the stylists in the agency will style her up for the conference. So she just wore a white tee, some skinny Levi’s jeans and a hoodie. Yoochun also dressed down, but he rather looked photo ready, with his all black ensemble. They arrived at the agency and headed for the dressing rooms.


“We won’t see each other for a while, as you will be busy with your preparations, the Noonas will treat you well. I will head for the venue with the manager and fix some things before the conference, I will pick you up when everything is ready. Ok Minnie mouse? I’m here so don’t you worry.” Minhee nodded as she listened to Yoochun’s instructions. I’ll be back, as he gave minhee another kiss on the cheek. Which again made Minhee blush. ‘I can never get used to these things.’ She said to her self in a sigh.


The glam squad came, as Yoochun had said, Yongha is already present,  watching Minhee be glammbed up.”Wow… Manager-nim is right, we don’t need to do much make up… You’re already beautiful…” said one of the make up artists, Rina, “thank you..” Minhee said faintly as her cheeks turned pink with the compliment. “All we need to do is to cover up your dark cirlcles and groom your brows… you only need minimal make up, honey.” Said the other make up artist, Hana.  Minhee could not help but smile at the ongoing compliments.


The make over began, and Yoochun is with Jaejoong, Junsu and the Manager, in their own dressing rooms. “Everything is ready for the Press conference. Be sure to keep everything under control. Entertain only 4 questions. During the press conference.” Said the Manager to Yoochun. Yoochun nodded so did the other 2. then the manager left.

“Wow! Hyung! What you will do is brave!” Junsu squeaked. Yoochun gave a faint smile and a deep sigh, with worry in his eyes. Jaejoong saw his uneasiness, and asked,

“What’s the prob Chunnie?”

“I’m afraid of what will happen after the conference, will the media respect our decsions? Will they bombard Minhee? All the conseqences, I’m now facing it. I’m worried for her sake. I’m also afraid of the fans, what will they do?”

“You can still cancel the conference. You still have 3 hours.” Junsu sugested.

“No. I don’t want to… that’s unprofessional.”

“Just go with the flow dude. We’ll be here if you need help.” Jaejoong said.

“Yeah. We’ll be here.” Junsu added.

“thanks guys. You really are the best.” He stood up and gave both men a hug. They stayed like that for a while. “It’s been a while since we were like this.” Yoochun remarked. Junsu nodded in agreement. Jaejoong just quietly smiled. Then out of the blue, Junsu just blurted out… “I love you guys…” Jaejoong and Yoochun suddenly laughed out.  Jaejoong patted both of the other guys’ butts and said, “You guys get ready for the press con. The makeup people and the stylist noonas are waiting for us.”  The younger men broke away and nodded in agreement. [a/n: YEY! For BROMANCE! Ok this is my first attempt on bromance. ]


The guys are ready; Yoochun had done everything for the press con. So he went back to Minhee’s dressing room. He knocked and Yongha opened the door for him. “Hey how is everything going?” He asked Yongha and the stylists while Minhee is behind the dressing curtain. One stylist came out, “Mr. Park, Dr. Gu,  Ms. Kim is ready. Are you ready to see her?” said the stylist. “Of course.” Yoochun replied, Yongha just nodded.

Carefully Minhee pushed the curtain to the sides, and beamed a smile to the most important person in the room,Yoochun,  well, at least for her.


Yoochun’s heart made PVCs when he saw Minhee came down of the platform. He could not help but show his pearly whites. He immediately went to Minhee and held her hand. He leaned to her and whispered to her ear, “Daebak! You really look beautiful.” Minhee turned red from his compliment; she smiled shyly as he took her arms in his. “Oh sis!!! I love your look!!! Very classy… I love it!!! You should wear clothes like these more often.”  Yongha exclaimed and everybody nodded in agreement.

“This outfit looks good on you…very beautiful.” Yoochun complimented again. Then he said out loud to the stylist Noonas, “Great job you guys!” as he looked back at the glam squad and gave them a thumb up.

“We only did some minimal work on her, she’s naturally beautiful, Mr. Park.”

“Of course! She’s beautiful! We look alike right?” Yongha sashayed to Minhee and Yoochun and flung his arms around her shoulder.

“Yes. Yes. We do look alike… but you are prettier, sis.” Minhee replied, which earned a clap from Yongha and a steer of laughter from everybody in the room.


[a/n: pick one of these 4 looks for Minhee… I give you the liberty to choose which one you like and suit her best… thanks!!! http://aznfashion4all.blogspot.com/2010/09/shin-min-ah-models-fall-preview-looks_30.html]


Youngmin opened his eyes, as he felt something heavy on his shoulder; he looked on his right and saw his twin brother sleeping. He knew he just fell asleep; the guy has been always preoccupied when he rides airplanes. He checked the time from the small monitor in front of him, it’s only 4 hours of waiting til they arrive at their final destination. He closed his eyes to sleep more as he knew he could not do anything now since his twin is already sleeping comfortably on his shoulders.


In the agency, Minhee began to perspire cold sweat… beads are forming on her forehead. She nervously sat on a couch while waiting for the time of the press conference. Though she will not make an appearance, she felt nervous. After speaking with Jaejoong and Junsu, Yongha sat beside Minhee, he cleared his throat, and said, “Don’t be nervous. It’s going to be fine.”She tried to smile, but she failed. “I spoke with Jaejoong and Junsu, they are confident that the press and the fans will respect your privacy. Don’t worry.” He said as he held her shoulders and slightly shook it and gave her a sweet smile. Minhee gave him a faint smile, she’s still not convinced.


Manager Im and Yoochun came back from the conference room where the press conferece will be held. Yoochun approached Minhee ans sat on the other side, “Are you ready?” he asked as he took on her her hands in his. “You’re sweating. Are you feeling ok? Minnie Mouse?” Yoochun asked concerned. “I’m a bit nervous.” She replied with a little chuckle. “Everythig will turn out fine… Trust me.” Yoochun assured the nervous girl; he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. Then he said, “The press is already here. Shall we go to our venue?” he asked the frigid girl. “Uhm!” sh said with a nod.


Sangmin’s slumber wasa disturebed by the announcement from the pilot., “We will be landing on our final destination in one hour. Please be ready for our landing.” He got up and looked to his left, he fould his twin massaging his shoulder. He had been asleep for quite a while. Youngmin stood up and fixed his things and got ready for the landing. And so did Sangmin. And after an hour or so… the fasten your seatbelt sign blinked and then in no time.. THEY ARE HOME.


The host of the conference introduced JYJ. And the boys entered the stage. Flashes from the cameras blinded the 3 and then they sat down. Jaejoong sat in the middle while Junsu and Yoochun sat at both sides. The press began to ask JYJ about their new albu In Heaven, their future plans, and tours, And also about their experiences in their Spanish and German concerts. The interview went well. Then a reporter raised her hand, Jaejoong pointed out to her, “Yes, Maam, in the blue blouse.”

“Thank you, Mr. Kim. I would like to address my question to Mr. Park.” She said. Yoochun turned to her, expecting her question.

“Recently sir, You have been the talk of the town, with this mystery girl that you seem to be dating. Is he your girlfriend?” asked the reporter.

Yoochun gave a chuckle. “Thank you for your question and for opening up another agenda of this press conference.” He repled to the female reporter preseting his 1 kilowatt smile. This made the female reporter flustered. Yoochun turned to everybody in the room; he cleared his throat and said with firmness. “YES. SHE IS MY GIRLFRIEND.” Camera shutters began flipping. “First, I would like to request all of you to keep our personal lives in private.” He said with conviction. “We are a new couple. We are a very private couple. And she is not involved in the show business, and not used to this kind of attention.” He said with firmness in his words.

“What about your fans? What will they think?” another reporter asked.

“I love our fans, and I know that they know that. And I hope they will understand my situation, and support me in every endeavor that I make, that we make. I am already an adult. And so is most of our fans, we have all grown up together. And having a partner in life is not a taboo. And my time to have a companion came at this moment.  And I really really hope they understand my position.” Yoochun answered with full of confidence.

“How did you meet her?” asked a male reporter.

“I met her through a very unfortunate/fortunate event. And I will not expand on the details anymore. She’s a neighbor in my new apartment.”

“So you are living-in together?” the male reporters asked again.

“As I have said, we are neighbors; our apartments are next to each other. We DO NOT LIVE TOGETHER.” Yoochun pressed on the last statement, beginning to feel irritated.

“Next question is to JAejoong and Junsu. Have you known about Yoochun’s relationship with this girl?” asked by the same male reporter. Jaejoong raised an eyebrow, a little irritated with the line of questioning of this male reporter.

“Yes, we have known. Since their first meeting. Us JYJ, we have an open communication regarding these kinds of things.” Replied JAjeoong cooly.


                The press conference went rather well, Minhee invited the whole of JYJ and Yongha for dinner at her house tonight. Jaejoong presented that he will bring something that he prepared for dinner. Yongha said he’ll bring the drinks. Junsu said he’ll bring himself to eat all the food, while Yoochun kept quiet.  They all bid their goodbyes and said to see each other for dinner.


                Yoochun escorted Minhee to his car, he let her in the car and he followed suit. “Micky mouse… are you OK?” she asked, concerned. Yoochun just smiled and nodded. “I know that you’re not… please tell me.” She begged. He turned to her. “I was scared… I was so afraid of what the people might think about you. I was afraid that people will mistake you as… as…” he gave a deep sigh, and held her hand tightly. “We didn’t do anything wrong Micky mouse. So don’t you worry. The important thing is that what we have… we have.. US, we have each other. Don’t bother with what the people think, they don’t even know who I am. Don’t worry babe… hey… why am I the one whose acting like I know this industry?” she said as she placed her hands on her waist. Yoochun chuckled. And cupped her face. “You are right.” And then they drove off.


                Then it occurred to Minhee, she asked, “Why did you have to make me over?” then he smiled playfully, “Coz, I just wanted to…”  




hey hey hey hey!!

i've missed you guys sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 weee!!!!!!

sorry for not updating for a while!!! ~bows~

sorry also for this long and boring update... i've been busy with work and all that jazz and i have a huge case of writer's block... I'm sorry for that... 

please tell me what you think about this ok???  i missed your comments!!! really!!!

please read, comment and subscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i missed you guys soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!! :*






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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/