Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


Chapter 37


Yoochun felt uneasy, he knew Youngmin was staring down at him; he has this undeniable prescence with him. He never felt that nervous. It felt as though, that he was more harsh that the media from the press conference that morning.


So to loosen up the tension in the living room, he stood up, “Excuse me Youngmin, I’ll just help Minhee in the kitchen.”

“Sure. Go ahead.” Replied Youngmin, with an evil smirk, he knew Yoochun was getting uncomfortable.


Yoochun walked to the kitchen, he bumped into Sangmin, “Oh. Sorry.” Yoochun bowed immediately. Sangmin gave him a kind smile. “It’s ok. Here.” Sangmin handed him a bottle of orange soda. Yoochun smiled kindly aswell, “Thank you.” He replied. “Where are you going?” Sangmin asked Yoochun. Yoochun cleared his throat, a bit flustered “Uhh. I’ll just fix the table. Minhee and the guys are busy in the kitchen, it’s the least I can do to help her.” He mused, as he opened the can of orange soda.


They both entered the kitchen and found the Minhee, opening the oven while Jaejoong placed a pan in the oven, with Junsu tossing a platter of greens. Sangmin asked Minhee where he could find the plates so that they could set up the plates, while Yoochun came up to Minhee to give her the welcome kiss on the cheek that was halted by Youngmin. Minhee smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well. She went to the sink to to wash her hands then Yoochun followed her, and gave her a back hug.


Sangmin watched his sister as she happily accepted the other man’s embrace. Though it gave him goosebumps that his little sister already has a boyfriend, he accepted it. She’s already 23! And he has no problem about it. It’s only normal to find someone right? But the thing is... the reason that they are here, is that Youngmin... he is the “protective” brother. He is the one who “babys” Minhee. He is the brother who is ready to bawl on the kids in the sandbox when Minhee is being bullied by the playground gang when they are little. While he, Sangmin, is Minhee’s playmate. He joined Minhee in everything, he supported her, and he also got bullied along with Minhee. He kept Minhee safe and calm while Youngmin is busy busting out the bullies. Youngmin could not stand the fact that their sister has already found someone, someone else other than them. Sangmin thought, he really needs Youngmin to loosen up and accept it. It’s the reality. They are not the men in Minhee’s life anymore.


“Hey… What’s wrong Micky?” she asked.

“Nothing…” He mused as he tightened his embrace. Sangmin laughed. And butted in,

“Youngmin was interrogating him before we came here.” He chuckled, and drank the orange soda at hand. Minhee laughed. ‘That’s Youngmin.’ She thought.

“Don’t worry, Youngmin doesn’t bite.” She told Yoochun. Then she realized. “I thought you guys are going to set the table up?” Yoochun smiled awkwardly. “Oh right!” he broke apart and took out the plates.


Sangmin and Yoochun set the table up, when the doorbell rang. Youngmin stood up to open the door. And then…


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Oh. My. God!” Yongha screamed.

“MY BOYS ARE HERE!?!?” and then they heard a huge crash. Everybody went onto the living room to check out what has happened. They found Yongha and Youngmin on the floor. It seems Yongha glomped on Youngmin and fell on the floor. Sangmin ran to help Yongha and Youngmin. Yongha saw Sangmin, and he glomped him aswell, and unfortunately he fell on the floor as well. “What the freak are you guys doing here?!” Youngmin stood up, and helped Sangmin and Yongha on their feet. Then Yongha noticed JYJ and Minhee. Yoochun stood next to Minhee. Then he eyed Youngmin and Sangmin. And then and there, he understood it.


After the quick chitchat, they all gathered by the dinner table, everything is already i order. Minhee said, “Sooo, guys! What are we waiting for??? Lets eat! Let’s take our seats.” Jaejoong, Junsu and Yongha took their seats already, Yoochun on the otherhand pulled a chair for Minhee and assisted her to sit, he is about to grab the chair beside Minhee and readied himself to sit beside her, when a strong force pulled the chair. Startled. Yoochun looked at the hand on the chair, while his eyes trailed on the arm, it was Youngmin. Youngmin spoke. “I’ll sit here. Thanks.”

“Ah... Sure.” Yoochun replied, while he bowed his head slightly. ‘I’ll just sit on the other chair next to my Minnie.’ Yoochun thought. And then, he looked to his left side only to find it’s already occupied by Sangmin. Yoochun mentally sighed.


Jaejoong, Yongha and Junsu watched Yoochun as he frustratedly took a seat in between Jaejoong and Junsu. They all feasted on the food Minhee and Jaejoong made, all praises were called. “Wow! Boo!” Called Youngmin, “Your cooking has improved alot!”

“Thanks B2! I’ve been working hard on it.” She said proudly.

“Yeah, she’s really doing her best making new dishes, and trying out new cuisines, for us to try out.” Yoochun also said, very proud of Minhee’s cooking. Youngmin’s eyebrows cocked up.

“You mean, she’s been slaving herself in the kitchen for you?” Youngmin blurted out. Yoochun wished he can take back what he just said. He almost choked on the roasted chicken that he just bit. Minhee looked at Yoochun, she was concerned.

“I wanted to learn new cuisines. It’s my choice. So don’t you go ballistic. Chill B2… chill. Also… I need to feed myself. I also need to learn not to buy food and rely on take-out like we did when you guys are here.” Minhee said in defense of Yoochun.

Yoochun, Jaejoong and Junsu quietly listened as Minhee and the twins catched up, so all they did is eat the delicious food that Minhee and Jaejoong prepared.


Junsu watched as the siblings eat and talke to each other, with his watchful eye, he realized, these siblings they have superior genes. Junsu leaned over to Jaejoong, “Dude, these siblings, they are gorgeous.”

“Yeah. I thought they look picture perfect.” Jaejoong replied in a whisper.

“The twins and Minhee looked alike, only Minhee is very feminine. They will sell like hotcakes in the modelling world.” Junsu said.



As dinner soon ended, the Jaejoong and Junsu had to go. So they bid goodbye to Minhee, the twins along with Yongha and Yoochun. Minhee and Yoochun decided to accompany Jaejoong and Junsu to the parking lot. While walking in the hallways, Junsu suddenly blurted out. “God! Minhee!!! Your brother Youngmin… Wow. He’s very intimidating.”

Minhee laughed at Junsu’s remark. “He’s always like that. He’s the serious of the two.”

“I have never seen Yoochun fold like that! Ever!” Jaejoong laughed. Minhee looked at Yoochun, he just silently smiled. He admits it, Youngmin really is intimidating.

Minhee hooked her arm along Yoochun’s. She brushed her hands along Yoochun’s arm. She looked at him with concern. “Are you ok? Micky mouse?” Yoochun nodded as he s his arms around Minhee. “Yeah… I’m just scared of Youngmin. Though Sangmin is very warm and accommodating. Youngmin is just plain scary.” He said as he felt shivers down his spine. “Don’t worry Micky… He’ll loosen up. Just give him some time. He just needs more convincing.”

“I really hope so.” Yoochun hoped.




Hey hey hey!!!

another update!!!!


soo  yeah!

here it is!!!  i hope you all like it!!!! 

please do comment!!! i need your feedbacks!

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be happy and healthy!!!




here is my cheapshot promo of my new fic! My Music for You. it's another Yoochun-Minhee fic. 

sooo yeah. please support it aswell!!! <3

til next update!!! take care!



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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/