Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


Yoochun, Jaejoong and Junsu came in the supermarket near their agency. They bought the igredients for the chicken rice porridge that Yoochun wants to make.


On the other hand Minhee, still not feeling completely well, lying on her green couch, since she got bored of lying in her room staring at the ceiling, so she decided to camp out in her living room, since she got her entertainment system there. She took out the DVDs Yoochun bought for her and began to select a movie from the collection. She played Finding Nemo. Minhee watched the cartoon, but soon her head ache won, so she took a snooze, not minding if the movie is still rolling.


The guys drove back to the Columbian towers [Yoochun and Minhee’s apartment complex], they went straight to Yoochun’s apartment to unload the groceries they bought. Yoochun began, “


“Hey, guys, let’s cook here and just bring the food to her.”Junsu made a face. Yoochun noticed it.

“You don’t want to cook here?”He asked.

“I just thought we’ll cook at her place.”Junsu replied.

“Uuuhhh, She’ll see that I in the kitchen, that’s minus good looking points for me.”Yoochun explained. Jaejoong who again is just listening to the younger guys, butted in their conversation and flew his arms around Yoochun’s shoulder.

“Dude, if you don’t mind me suggesting something… I think it would be better if we cook in her apartment, at least she’ll know that you really made an effort for her. Even though you in the kitchen at least she’ll know that you’re trying hard to pursue her. Effort is equal to A+ for girls.”Explained the older man. Junsu nodded in agreement.

Yoochun’s eyes grew larger, realizing what Jaejoong suggested, he glomped his friends, “What would happen to my love life if you guys were not around?”

“You’d grow old single.”Junsu joked as he let out a little chuckle. He earned a smack on the back of his head from Yoochun.

“Hey! I’m just kidding around!”Junsu whined.



Minhee, sleeping on her green couch, wore a green oversized shirt, a grey tank top underneath, and plaid pajama bottoms with a pair of rainbow colored glove socks. She wore a Kool Fever Patch on her forehead. And then, her door bell rang.


*ding dong*Minhee did not move a bit.

*ding dong*Still in dreamland

*ding dong*

*ding dong*

*ding dong*

*ding dong*Minhee flinched a little.

*ding dong*

*ding dong*Minhee begins to realize that someone is at the door.

*ding dong*Minhee’s eyes flew open.

*ding dong*She bolted up.


Minhee ran to the door and it flew open. “Hey Minhee!!!!”

“Hey!!! Yoochun!!!! Hi!!!”Minhee beamed, with bed head, the kool fever patch still on her forehead, and a little dried drool on her cheeks and puffy eyes from sleep.

“Are you feeling better now? Sorry, did I wake you up?”Yoochun asked worriedly.

“Uhhh…Yeah… I’m feeling a lot better since this morning. And No! You didn’t wake me up!”Minhee denied shaking her head.

Yoochun scanned her, he gave a little smirk. “Hey… you’re really not a good liar, are you? You’re obvious, you just got up… bed head and puffy eyes and…”Yoochun felt shy voicing out the dried drool on her face so he just pointed it with his finger. Minhee somewhat still in dreamland, didn’t understand what he meant by pointing at her face. She tilted her head and said, “And what?”as she pointed on her face. Yoochun leaned closer Minhee, and whispered, “Ahh… Minhee, you’ve got some dried drool on your right cheek.”Minhee gasped. Her eyes grew big and her face immediately masked by a deep shade of red.


Minhee looked through the mirror in her living room; she confirmed what Yoochun said and stormed away from the door and ran to her bathroom. She looked at herself. She wanted to bang her head on the sink, for always being careless when answering the door. Minhee cleaned herself up, removed the patch on her forehead and washed her whole face and combed up her disheveled hair.


 She came out of the bathroom and went back to the living room to find the whole JYJ sitting on her green couch. Minhee again let out a gasp. The sight she saw was just exquisite. ‘Three gorgeous men sitting on my green couch?’ She shook her head, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. ‘Am I hallucinating? Are they all really here? Sitting in my couch? Is my fever too high that I am seeing such things? I actually am feeling much better.’ she asked herself. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes; she walked to the table in front of her couch to grab the thermometer and checked her temperature. She looked at the couch, with full of puzzlement, and looked at the thermometer, it says, 36.7 Celsius [98.06 Fahrenheit].


JYJ sat on Minhee’s green couch, waiting for the home owner to arrive as she fixed herself. Junsu and Jajeoong sitting next to eachother saw Minhee came out of her bedroom, she let out a gasp when she saw them, Junsu just observed what Minhee was doing, she’s standing there, with her eyes closed and doing some breathing exercises. Junsu whispered to Jaejoong, “Dude, maybe… she doesn’t want us here?”he felt a little weary of Minhee’s actions. Jaejoong ignored Junsu’s comment. He thought Minhee was mean. Not even recognizing that they are in her house. Jaejoong made a face when Minhee came over the table and grabbed the thermometer, still not acknowledging their presence, and checked her temperature. “This is a bad idea Junsu, we should leave.”Jaejoong whispered to Junsu. Yoochun on the other hand, watched Minhee, as he was feeling that bringing the guys with him is a bad idea. Yoochun felt Jaejoong scoot a little to Junsu. ‘Maybe she doesn’t want company? She’s still not feeling well?’ Yoochun thought.


Minhee sat on the center table, in her living room in front of Jaejoong and Junsu. She stared at them, blinking, slightly looking confused. She gave Yoochun a glance, and looked back at Jaejoong and Junsu. She touched her forehead with the back of her hand, seeming like she’s checking her temperature. And then, she stood in front of JYJ, looked at Yoochun, “You; are real.”She said, and then, she turned to Jaejoong and Junsu and held out her index fingers, and simultaneously poked Jaejoong and Junsu’s cheeks. She gasped upon contact on her fingers. “You guys are real! I’m not delirious! Oh God! I thought I was hallucinating! You really are here!!!!” she screamed, she’s slightly freaking out.


Jaejoong and Junsu looked dumbstruck. They looked at eachother with weird smiles on their faces. Jaejoong looked at Yoochun, as if asking himwhat was that about, but he just got a shoulder shrug as a response. Minhee saw the puzzled looks on the men’s faces. She stiffened,“I’m so sorry for my manners, I was just at awe. I really thought that my fever got really high and I thought I was starting to get delirious.” She explained and bowed at Junsu and Jaejoong.


So after the awkward greetings, Minhee asked, “What brought you guys here?”

“We heard from Yoochun that you were not feeling well, so we decided to help him make you dinner.”Junsu squeeked happily.

“You’re going to make me dinner?”Minhee eyed to Yoochun. Yoochun blushed and nodded, “Uhhummmm…”


            So after a while, the guys went on to the kitchen and prepped the ingredients for the chicken rice porridge Yoochun is planning to make, Jaejoong is incharge of the chicken prepping, while Yoochun is in charge of the other stuffs like garlic and ginger cutting. While Junsu, is just sitting by the kitchen island with Minhee.


            “Are you really sure that you’re feeling OK now? You don’t want to lie down?”Yoochun asked Minhee, while chopping up some garlic.

            “Yep. I’m feeling better now… plus I’ve got me the best looking chefs accompanying me.”She winked at Yoochun. Junsu let out a small chuckle. “Seriously, do you know how bad Yoochun at cooking?”  

            “I’ve tried his cooking… I think it’s pretty good.”Minhee said in Yoochun’s defense.

            “May I ask what he made for you?’Jaejoong butted in.

            “He made me instant ramyeon this morning. And it tasted like instant ramyeon, so I think he’s good.”Jaejoong and Junsu let out a laugh; Yoochun on the other hand is blushing like a tomato.

            “That’s the only thing he can cool well, instant ramyeon.”Jaejoong blurted out. Minhee looked at Yoochun who is looking like a red m&m.

            “I know he can cook, with the right instructions and proper handling. I know he can cook.”Minhee said with full of confidence to Yoochun. Yoochun smiled at Minhee nervously.

            “Are you proposing something?”asked Jaejoong.

            “Well, I think I am. I’ll direct Yoochun to cook. He’ll take my directions and I know he can do it. He has made some good meat balls before with my direction, and I think he can make good rice porridge...”Minhee said again with full of confidence, the she continued, “Let’s have a cook off. Yoochun and I V. You, Jaejoong. And Junsu can pose as the judge. ”She smiled smugly at the guys. Yoochun’s jaws dropped to the floor.


            Yoochun approached Minhee with a very nervous look in his eyes, he leaned to her and whispered in her ear, “I don’t think I’ll do good at this…”He said nervously, as if all of his confidence had left him.

 Minhee gave him a stern look, “Hey! Why are you sulking like that!? Haven’t you seen Ratatouille?”

“Ratatouille? The French vegetable dish?” he asked scratching his head.

“No! Not that! The movie with the cooking rodent.”Minhee explained, Yoochun’s face lit up with when he recalled the movie.

“Sooooo… ahhh, what’s with that movie? We have the recipe of the porridge from the film?”He asked nonchalantly.

“No! Silly. Remember the famous Motto of the chef from Ratatouille… ANYONE CAN COOK. Even Remy the rodent made good food! You should too! Plus you have more advantage, Remy is a rodent, you are a human being.”

“But I really am a wreck in the kitchen.”He said worriedly.

“ANYONE CAN COOK.”Minhee said sternly. With that, Yoochun took a deep breath and said to Minhee. “IT’S ON!!! Hwaiting!!!!” then they both made fist pumps with eyes flaming with might.


In a while both teams prepared for the cook off. Good thing, Minhee has another chicken thawing in the fridge for Jaejoong. Then the cook off began. Both men wore Minhee’s aprons, Jaejoong in blue, and Yoochun in green. Jaejoong swiftly began his moves in the kitchen. He’s very comfortable moving in the kitchen as if it is his bedroom. Minhee looked at Jaejoong, she knew, the man belonged to the kitchen, chopping his way to stardom. She glanced at Yoochun, watching Jaejoong, he stood in the middle of the kitchen looking like a lost child. He began to sweat, beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He’s starting to lose the competition mentally. Minhee bolted up from her seat and slammed her hands on the table. All the men in her kitchen were startled.

“Chunnie! Snap out of it! You can do it! ANYONE CAN COOK.”She held a fist pump for him. Yoochun turned to Minhee “Don’t get intimidated. Don’t watch him either. Now, listen to me. Go and get my cauldron and get that whole chicken and put in some water and garlic…”

[a/n: to know what Yoochun made… check this video out…  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUtlhEz4Was&feature=player_embedded just imagine Yoochun cooking ok??? With Minhee’s instructions of course this is dak juk.]

[another a/n: this is what Jaejoong made chinese chicken congee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkdnxEBOO7U imagine Jaejoong cooking this.]


It has been 2 hours since the two began to cook. Both teams began to serve Junsu their finished products. Junsu made a happy face when he received two bowls of porridge. The group began to eat. Junsu, At first tasted the bowl on his right, then he finished it all without even speaking a word, he drank water, to cleanse his palate. Then he began with the next bowl, again, he finished it without any remarks.


Yoochun nervously spoke, “Sooooo.. Su, what do you think? Who won the competition?”




hey hey hey hey!!!!!!!!

an update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a friggin' awful writer's block. sorry for the wait. 

who do you want to win??? jaejoong with his chinese congee? or Yoochun with Dakjuk?

guys... are you still there? comment please! if you stil;l are reading this... i don't know now if i could finish this... T-T ~ok i'm so emo... ~slaps self. hahahah!!! ^^ but seriously... comment if you are reading. 


read comment and subscribe... thanks!!!!




ps... MISS RIPLEY ENDED!!!! AND IT WAS COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED THE ENDING!!!!!!!!!!! IHIHIH!!!! ~YOOCHUN FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/