Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!



Minhee’s work schedule changed. From the morning shift to afternoon shift. Every night, Yoochun picks her up from the hospital, when he has the time, but now, he didn’t pick her up, so, she walked home, alone. Yoochun had gone overseas today; he’s going to Japan for a show. Evening walks from the hospital is the only time that they spend with eachother lately, that’s their quality time. She walked by a curb, then she saw the lamp post. THE LAMP POST. A smile curved on her lips, this is where she first met him. She looked at her watch, it’s 11. 30, and it’s what, already 8 months since she first met him/ saved him. It’s exactly been 8 months.


[a/n: in my first chappie, Minhee works on this shift, that’s when she met Chunnie remember??? Then her schedule changed the next day. Just saying.. you guys might be wondering… :D]


She suddenly missed him. Though, she always missed him, this is the first that she really missed him. She walked up to her apartment. She really felt alone more than ever. She put on her DVD and put on a JYJ’s World Wide Concert in Seoul and had it on full volume and bass, she sang and danced as she  headed to her bedroom to shower and change her clothes.


When she got out of the shower, she felt refreshed, the concert still going on in her living room. Then she noticed an envelope on her bedside table. She took the note and looked at it carefully, her name is written on the cover. She sat down on the couch as she opened the envelope carefully.




Minhee smiled as soon as she saw his scruffy hand writing. Though it’s a bit hard to read, it’s still readable. A letter, it says:


“Hey My Minnie Mouse,


By the time you get to read this, maybe I’m not home anymore, and I’ll be in JApan. And maybe you’re tired from work, so, rest up honey. You should get your beauty sleep, though, you don’t need a beauty sleep, ‘coz you’re already very beautiful. But you still need to sleep, sleep is essential. Don’t forget. And that’s our favourite hobby right? Sleeping.


~Minhee chuckled. He’s being cheesy.~


I opted to come and drop by the hospital this afternoon for us to see eachother before we leave, but time wont let me, Jae and Su are already heading to the airport now, As I am writing this to you and my phone is ringing coz they’re saying we’ll be late for the plane. And they already have sent me 8 messages, each; they’re really starting to look needy. But I’ll take my time to write you this coz we won’t be seeing eachother in a bajillion years (4 days). Keke^^. Let us be late and I don’t care. Hahahaha!!! I won’t leave until I’ve written my lovely girl a letter. :*


Sorry, I won’t be picking you up from work… since I won’t be accompanying you home, I bought you something that you would use. I left it inside your bedside table drawer. You’ll know once you see it. And I know, Yongha will not be able to accompany you… sooo yeah. I bought you what I bought. Go and see your drawer. Read the next paragraph when you already have it with you.


~Minhee rushed back to her bedroom and flicked her lights open; she hurried to her drawer to find a box, a small box, well, not really small, not jewelry type of a box. She opened it, and there it was, two keychains with a pocket pepper spray and a pocket tear gas. She smiled kindly at his gesture. She liked his gift.~


Carry this while I am away. Protect yourself ok??? Our community isn’t the safest place on earth.


I’ll be back in a few days.


I love you Minnie Mouse. *kissy kissy* *huggles*


Micky Mouse


Ps. I’ll call you when I get to the hotel. I love you.


PPS. Have I told you that I Love you??? No? I love you Minnie Mouse!!!




Minhee smiled when she finished his letter. But, she felt blue; Yoochun will not be here for her birthday. Her birthday is in 4 days.  ‘This is my first birthday that I have a boyfriend, but he’s not around…” She sighed deeply and continued to watch the concert.


After a few hours into the concert, her phone rang.


 *One look from you girl and it's too hard to get by
But excuse me girl, I been watchin you
All night' that's right, I'd like to
Take this night over
What I'm tryin to say is you should be mine
She should be my
Baby, baby
Baby, baby
Baby, baby
She should be my girl*


Minhee bolted up from her comfy green couch, and ran to her room, she left her phone on her bedside table. “That’s Micky on the phone.” She said excitedly. She knew it was him, she assigned ‘Be My Girl’ as her ringtone for Yoochun. She took her phone on her hand and looked at the screen, it showed,


heartMICKY MOUSEheart” She read the screen aloud and pressed the answer button.


“Hello? Micky?” she answered the phone with full of enthusiasm.





Hey guys!!! Just a short update!!!!

i'm sorry, ive been very busy lately!!! 

had no time to update and do things here. 

sorry!!! ~bows~ 

soo yeah. i hope you all; like it!

and please read, comment, and subscribe!!! 

please do comment!!!!!! please! pretty please! with cherry on top!!!




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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/