Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!



Yoochun stepped out of the shower, wearing a shirt and a pair of board shorts with a towel on his shoulders. Minhee, bolted up. She gasped. She was in shock that Park Yoochun was infront of her who just looked all wet and fresh from a shower. ‘God! How can this be true?! Me on his bed, him just took a shower?? WTH just happened?’ She felt her face hot, and tried to hide it by touching her forehead, which she felt a sting. And then, she remembered. The THUD, The door, the fall and her passing out. ‘OOhhh… well that was embarrassing.’ She thought. Yoochun, smiled, and just stood there watching her, looking that she already realized why she was there. And then, he broke the silence. “Hi Ms. Kim, are you OK? Sorry about that bump on your head. He~he. I didn’t mean to swing the door that hard and make you pass out… errrr… sorry again. And I didn’t see you there...”

“Huh? Oh, it’s fine. I’m OK I guess.” Minhee said, and touched her forehead again.

“Well, do you wanna have dinner Ms. Kim? My mom said that I should at least feed you. She made us food before she left.” He chuckled.

“Oh, OK, dinner will be good,” She touched her stomach, she felt hungry. “Sure Mr. Park, I’m feeling a bit famished.” She continued, as Yoochun went out of the room.


She stood out of the bed and fixed it up, and then she went outside and closed the door behind her, and followed Yoochun through a short hallway to the kitchen. The kitchen had an island and some bar stools. And on top of the island is a jar of JAWBREAKERS. When Minhee got to the Kitchen, Yoochun said, “You can sit here Ms. Kim, I’ll just heat up dinner. I think I can a horse.” The table was already set up for 2. When the dinner was ready, Yoochun sat across the table facing Minhee with all the food between them.

“Let’s eat Ms. Kim?” yoochun said, then, Minhee said, “Don’t you think we are too formal with each other? With me calling you Mr. Park right? And you call me Ms. Kim?”

“Come to think of it, yeah, we are formal... Well, you can call me Yoochun.”

OK, you can call me Minhee…” she showed her pearly whites.

“So, Minhee, let’s eat?” He asked again. ‘Her smile is just awesome.’

“Yes sure, let’s eat Yoochun.” She felt her ears hot.

While having dinner, Minhee asked about the incident the other night.

Yoochun, what really happened last night? With the choking and all?”

Yoochun almost fell off his seat. She laughed. He cleared his throat and started relaying his story with,

“Well, I just finished moving all my boxes up, and it was late, I saw that jar of jawbreakers and since I was hungry I took one for the road to buy some food at the convenience store. When I got out by the lamppost where you saw me, there was this black cat that suddenly popped out of nowhere and jumped over me, and I accidentally choked on the jaw breaker. And then you came… you came to save me from the vicious jawbreaker.” He joked.

“Aaahhh, so that happened. I was so curious of your reason.” She chuckled.

“And for that, thank you again. Thank you. Minhee.”

“You’re thankful enough Mr. Pa--- Yoochun. That’s enough thanks.”


After a while Yoochun’s phone rang, He excused himself and answered the phone, and Minhee continues her dinner. And after a few minutes Yoochun came back still on the phone and handed it to Minhee. Minhee flustered and mouthed, “Huh? Me? Phone?”

“Yeah, it’s for you, it’s my mom.” He smiled.

Oh.” She took the phone from him and started her conversation with his mom.


“Oh Hello dear, how are you? Are you feeling OK?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I’m feeling good.”

“Sorry about the door incident and your forehead, dear.”

“No Ma’am it’s OK, it’s nothing to be bothered about.”

“Oh, Are you now having dinner?” Mrs. Park asked.

“Yes, Ma’am, dinner is good! You are a very good cook.” Yoochun was smiling on the sides.

“Ohhh… thank you for your compliment dear, you’re so sweet of an angel! Shall we have another dinner together? With both of my sons and also, a way to thank you for saving my son’s life.”

“Oh, it’s OK Ma’am, you don’t need to bother.”

“No. I insist. Will you be OK this Sunday night?”

“Sunday night?” She thought if there are any conflicts with her work schedule. “I’m free on Sunday ma’am.”

“Well, Sunday it is… it’s a date with the Parks?” Mrs. Park asked

Yes Ma’am. Sunday, a date with the Parks.” She smiled at Yoochun, which he felt a sting on his heart.

“Bye!! See you on Sunday!” they both hung up.


“Well your mom is nice.” She said to Yoochun.

“Wait until you meet her. She’s better live than on the phone.” He joked.

She chuckled.


“So, do you cook? Or you buy some take outs?” She asked.

“Well, I can cook for my self, which I think is edible for me, but I think if I let you eat my cooking, I guess, you would back out. It ain’t that good.” He blushed.

“Hey! Don’t be so much of a downer. I can teach you if you want?” Minhee said. ‘What was that about? Where the heck did that come from?’ Minhee thought

Yoochun’s face brightened up. “Really? You will teach me?”

Uhuh.” As she gobbled up a glass of water.

What are your specialties anyway?” he inquired.

“Well, I love spaghetti, and Lasangna, and some Spinach stuffed Raviolis, I can pretty much make some of those.”

Yoochun’s eyes grew big. “Wow! I looooove Spaghetti, well, call me a kid, but spaghetti is my comfort food. And nothing else.

“I’ll bring some for you if I make one this week. Will that be ok?”

“I think it will be better if you let me help you make that spaghetti?”

“On the side note, yeah…. You’re right; you can write down my recipe and watch me make it.” She said in agreement.

“Uhuh…” As Yoochun munched down some chicken and stared at Minhee. She noticed. He looked away… Out of curiosity, she asked, “Ermmm, is there something on my face or, my bump is just too big that you’d stare?”

“Oh, No, Sorry for staring, I was just thinking how old are you? If you don’t mind me asking, it’s just that, you look fairly young for already working in the hospital?”

Minhee almost cracked up by his statement, “How old do you think I am?” she asked curiously.

“Well, I think you’re just 18.” He said.

She laughed hard. She almost fell on her seat laughing. Then she said with a quirk on her face, “I’m already 23. thank you for the compliment.”

No kidding?! 23?”

“Uhuh… 23…. 2… 3… 23. That’s why I’m a nurse in the hospital.”

Oh yeah… you work there.”


The both of them chatted and chatted about random stuffs about themselves and got lost with the time… until, Minhee noticed the clock, it’s already 9.30. She bade him goodbye and got her groceries and thanked him for the meal. And went out of the apartment. She went inside her house, and fixed the groceries and headed to the shower. She was humming and all in the shower, feeling good about her time with her new neighbour, having dinner with him and getting to know him more. Then suddenly, there was a bell, her doorbell was ringing. 




Hey guys!!! this is another update today!!! I finished writing chapter 7!!! at last!!! 

i hope you like it!!! :D enjoy!!!


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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/