Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!


The heat of the sun is seeping through her windows, she tossed and turned, while lying on her bed, her blanket wrapped around her like an egg roll. *Ugh. It feels hot.* she tossed her blanket away from her body and plopped herself open. *hmmmmm... good morning.* She said to herself and she counted it as a prayer. And then, her phone began to ring.


*Mission by JYJ*


She grunted and reached for her phone on her bedside table. She looked at the screen, her eyes grew big, as she saw the name MR. JAWBREAKER YOOCHUN, and she looked at her digital clock. It says 11.45am. *OH SHOOT!!!!! I OVER SLEPT!!!!* [Mission still playing] then she answered the phone.


“Hello?”She said in a sweet tone, trying to mask her morning voice.  

“Hello? Minhee? Yoochun here. I’ll be picking you up after lunch? At around 1? Will that be ok?”

“Yeah. I’ll be ready!”She exclaimed feeling a bit excited, as she ran to her bathroom beginning to take of her clothes and getting ready to jump in the shower after her phone call.

“So... yeah... see you later!!! Bye!!!!”He said on the other line.

“Yeah... see you later!”she replied. She was about to remove the phone from her ears and throw it out to her bed when she heard on the other line...

“Wait! Wait!!!”She placed the phone back onto her ears and asked.

“Did you say something?”

“Yeah... I wanted to tell you, to wear something comfortable. Like jeans or anything comfortable, no need to dress up.”He explained.

Oh. Good thing you told me I was planning to wear a ball gown.” She joked.

She heard him chuckle from the other line. “Save that for next time. See you later, bye!!!” He replied. And hung his phone up. Minhee tossed her phone onto her bed and rant to her bathroom and took her shower. After a good 15 minutes, fresh from the shower she picked out a pair jeans and wore a grey tank top which hugged her body, and a loose navy blue hoodie, she thought, *he said wear something comfortable...* she dried her long black hair fast. And placed it on a ponytail. From time to time she checked the clock... she still has time like 10 minutes to grab a breakfast.  She skipped to her kitchen and had Cap’n Crunch. After her quick breakfast, the bell rang.


[Ding dong]


She grabbed her black and white High cut Chucks and tried to put it on while running to the door. She opened the door and looked at the person; it was Yoochun, holding a large paper bag. “Hey Minhee!!!! Are you ready?” he screamed. “Hey!!!” she said as she struggled to stand on one foot and balance herself while putting on the shoe, “Come on in. I’ll just get this shoe on.” She smiled at him, still struggling to put on the shoe. She stepped away to let him in still holding onto her feet, and she suddenly wobbled and lost her balance and she accidentally hit her head on the wall., and dropped the shoe “Ooohh...” Yoochun winced in pain when he heard the sound of the wall and Minhee’s head; he dropped the large paper bag on the floor and rushed over her.


“Are you ok?!”Yoochun asked in panic while he inspected and touched Minhee’s head for any bumps. “Yeah. I’m fine. I’m such a klutz.” She said, also touched her head, and laughed at herself. “You should be careful.” He reminded her, and picked up the shoes on the floor. “Sit.” He ordered her pointing at the green couch. She obliged.  Yoochun kneeled down and loosened the strings of the shoe. *What is he doing?! OMG!!! What is he doing?*Minhee thought. He carefully put on the shoes on her feet and did the other one. She felt her heart pounded like a blacksmith’s hammering on a sword on top on the anvil. She felt her face grew a darker shade of red. *Am I Cinderella? God! Why is he so dreamy!? Are you by any chance McDreamy from Grey’s? No... Scratch that, are you by any chance, Prince Charming???  He’s just putting my shoe on my feet... OK.. Minhee relax... breathe...Breathe... don’t look at him. Look anywhere, not to him... don’t show that you’re blushing.* Still she couldn’t stop herself to look at Yoochun and smile at his gesture. She mentally slapped her face when he caught her looking at her blushing, smiling like a dork and ducking her head. He flashed her, his MILLION DOLLAR SMILE and said, “You’re all good.”*Squeeeeeeeek! Good Morning to me!!!!!* she thought.


Yoochun stood up, and chuckled because of her expression, all red and smiley, it reminded him of something. “Hey, what’s so funny?” she asked. “Nothing, it’s just that I couldn’t help but give a smile whenever I see you. And I remembered something that happened before.”


~flash back~


“Yoochun!!!!!”Jaejoong yelled at him.

“Park Yoochun!!!”Junsu also screamed

“Hello?! Earth to Yoochun!? Are you there?”Jaejoong practically yelled and shook his shoulders.

“Yeah, Oh, why?”Yoochun asked with full of curiosity to his brothers.

“Well, we’ve been asking you about your plans, today since we’re having after lunch free of schedules and you’re here all staring blankly and smiling like a fool, hugging this Pororo plushie as if it’s yours.”Jaejoong explained.

“It’s my Pororo.”Junsu said while he yanked Pororo away from Yoochun and into his chest.

“You seem smitten dude? The last I’ve seen you like this was until Kahee. Is it Minhee???”Jaejoong grinned,  pursued and nudged Yoochun’s elbow.

“Yeah Chunnie, details dude, details.” Junsu added.

Yoochun smiled again like a fangirl, and blushed red as a tomato. And yanked Pororo away from Junsu and placed it on his face, and squirmed to cover his blushing face. He’s too embarrassed to show this to his best friends.

Junsu nudged Jaejoong, and said, “Dude, I’m sure now, Chunnie is FAN GIRLING.” Jaejoong nodded in agreement.

Yoochun looked at his friends, with his eyes big and wide, “Am I really showing it?” he asked curiously.


Junsu and Jaejoong nodded their heads with their eyes so serious that Yoochun flinched his head and thought, “Yeah, Chun, you literally have your heart on your sleeve. Everybody could see right through you.” Jaejoong replied. Yoochun just gave him a smile.“It feels good to be like this.” Yoochun whispered to them, with a smile on his face. Junsu plopped himself next to Yoochun on the couch, and Junsu placed his arm on Yoochun’s shoulder, “We know dude, we know.”


~end of flashback~


“What’s in the bag?”Minhee asked Yoochun as she pointed at the blue paper bag.

“Oh that...”Yoochun stood up and got the bag and reached inside, a fluffy black wig came out and a large navy blue hoodie. “Disguise.” He said smiling again at her, and wiggling his eyebrows. Minhee stood up and excited as she snatched the wig from him and wore it herself, it’s an afro wig. She danced John Travolta’s Staying Alive awkwardly and said,“Groovy Chunnie.” He laughed at her. “Chunnie? I like it. You really are a breath of fresh air.” Minhee’s cheeks turned into a deeper shade of pink.

“It just rhymed with ‘groovy’. So where are we going? That we need a disguise for.” Minhee asked.

Yoochun smiled. “Just wait and see. Wait. I’ll just put this thing on.” Yoochun said as he wore the large navy blue hoodie. “I think that thing is 5 sizes bigger that your size.” Minhee pointed out. Yoochun chuckled, “Remember... this is a disguise.” Minhee face-plamed herself and nodded, “Oh. Yeah... Right... So what kind of disguise are you aiming for?” She said as she removed the afro from her head and handed it to Yoochun, “Hmmmm... a pimp maybe?”He said as he scratched the back of his head, and took out some bling from the bag. “Here’s some for you.” Yoochun said as he handed Minhee a couple of large blings. And lastly, he reached in the large paper bag, and took out another black afro wig for Minhee. Her face lit up with an excited smile and reached for the wig and wore it.“Groovy Chunnie.” She singsonged as she did a Travolta move. He laughed at her once more.


The couple drove off, as they went into their destination, Yoochun played his “happy playlist”, and they chatted about random stuff about work, life and some other stuff, they really are into getting to know each other. After a good 45 minutes, they got into their destination... Amusement park!!! When Yoochun parked the car, Minhee gave out a little squeal and clapped happily like a sea lion. “Amusement park!!! Hahahah!!! ~happy!!!” She clapped like a child. Yoochun got out and held up her door for her, she got out and excitedly jumped around like a six year old. “It’s been a while since I came to an amusement park.” He informed her. “Me too!!!” She reached inside the car and took their paper bag of wigs; she placed one of the wigs on his head and fixed it up for him. He blushed. She took the other one and wore it also. “Sooo... We’re ready. Let’s go!!!!” She grabbed his arm and ran off. Yoochun hurriedly slapped the car door to close and clicked the car remote to lock it up.


They came across the counter to buy their tickets, an old lady served as the cashier. The old lady smiled at them dearly as she spoke to Yoochun about the tickets. Minhee looked at the other direction overlooking the park, already planning which rides to ride first. ON the other hand the old lady in the cashier spoke, “Seems that your ‘friend’ here is really excited to be here.” Yoochun looked at Minhee, she was all smiles and happy. He smiled as well.

“She’s really beautiful, I can see... even with that wig on. You too, you seem familiar and very god looking... I just can’t figure it where i have seen you...” the old lady wondered. Yoochun began to look un-easy... he thought of covering his face, but it would give off his disguise, so he shrugged her comment off and said,

“I am really lucky to be with her today. And wow, she’s just breath taking...”he said as she took another glance at Minhee who is now busy inspecting the amusement park map, even doing such normal thing, he felt his heart flutter. The old lady from the counter said, “Hey lover-boy, that would be 45.75 for the two tickets.”He handed her a 50, and she quickly reached in for the change. Before Yoochun could grab the change, Minhee came to the counter and leaned on it a little beside Yoochun.

The old lady looked at them and tilted her head, and asked, “What is it with young couples today with wearing matching outfits???” she said as she handed Yoochun his change. Yoochun’s eyes grew big, so did Minhee, they looked into each other and it dawned to them, they really looked that they wore matching hoodies. Yoochun pointed to Minhee a bit awestruck by the coincidence. Then Minhee explained to the old lady,“It’s a fad nowadays, that couples wear the same clothing, it makes them look sweeter.” She explained sweetly at the older lady.

“Y-yeah... we look more couple like right?”Yoochun asked the old lady.

“Actually, matching clothes for couples is cute... but it will be cuter if a pair of twins wore it.”The old lady laughed, and so did the two.

“So enjoy your day!!! Bye!!!”the old lady said her goodbye to the couple.


As they both walked onto the entrance, Minhee turned around, and inspected what they wore, “We really looked like we wore this on purpose. I know, it’s pure coincidence.” She said to him. He just smiled, and said, “Maybe... it’s fate. That we wore the same clothing today.” He joked at her. She laughed at him. “That was super cheesy!”


They got inside the park, Yoochun dragged Minhee into the souvenir shops immediately and got them a pair of shades. Minhee understood why he wanted to wear one since he forgot his in the car since she dragged him down. He picked a pair for Minhee and picked the closest one to his hand for his pair and paid for it. Once they got their shades on, the headed out. Minhee ran to the nearest ride, the Carousel, they lined up and rode it. Next is the bumper car, then, the log jam, then, the spinning teacups, then another ride... they both jumped from one ride to the other, good thing they went on the weekday, there are less people in the park. Yoochun could feel relief since they stepped in the park, no one noticed that he is Park Yoochun. Both of them are happy with each other’s company.


It was around 4.30 when they both felt the hunger, so they stopped by the amusement park’s food court to buy something to munch on, Minhee sat down and Yoochun took off to buy them some snacks. He got back and he got them some chicken fingers, 2 slices of New York Cheese pizza, 2 bowls of Clam chowder and 2 pieces of cinnamon churros and 2 cups of large sodas. Minhee’s eyes grew large, “You’re not hungry are you?” Yoochun chuckled. The couple ate the “snacks” Yoochun brought for them and again chatted.


“It’s been a while since the last time I’ve been in an amusement park.” Minhee stated.

“Hmmmm... Me too. I think... 4 years already?”Yoochun thought.

“Thank you for taking me here. This is really refreshing, a break from my dead tiring routine that I have.”Minhee uttered as she took a sip on the soda straw.

“You’re welcome. I’m really enjoying your company.”He said as he glanced through his long lashes, which Minhee felt the stare was so electrifying that it gave butterflies in her stomach, she couldn’t help but give out a grin and took out a deep breath.

“I think the last time that I was here was... I think I went with Youngmin and Sangmin, before they went abroad. It was two days before they left.”She said and she gave a deep sigh. Yoochun felt the bittersweet feeling that she is having. Remembering such memory of good-times with your family, he knew very well when TVXQ was in Japan.

“I understand how you feel.”He said as he reached for her hand on the table. She was startled by his gesture, but she didn’t remove her hand from his. The couple still in the wigs and shades. Yoochun could clearly see Minhee’s cheeks turn pinkish.


 “Let’s go? Let’s ride Goliath.”Minhee said as she yanked Yoochun’s arm and ran to the ride.  Goliath is a rollercoaster ride towering 255 feet above earth, this massive steel superstructure hits speeds of 85 mph, making it one of the fastest and tallest roller coasters around.All Yoochun could do is swallow the lump in his throat, He can take in rollercoaster rides, but Goliath? 255 feet? “Are you sure you can take Goliath?”He asked Minhee a bit weary and in doubt of himself. “Yeah!!! I love coasters! I’m such a er for these rides.” Minhee said with such anticipation and excitement in her face that Yoochun decided not to chicken out on the ride, but still worry ran across his face.”Why? Are you scared?”She said as she grinned at him and wiggled her eyebrows. “Uh- No.”he said immediately. “You’re scared. You’re chickening out!”She pointed out and did a little chicken dance.  “No! I’m not chickening out! I can take it!”he stated. Minhee shrugged her shoulders, laughed at him and walked along and turned back to him,“Are you really sure that you can take it?”she said as they entered the hall. Yoochun could feel his hands sweat, he’s getting nervous as the lines got nearer to the ride. He fidgeted, and began to hold his hands, Minhee noticed that he’s getting uncomfortable. So she took his hands in hers, “Are you feeling OK?”she asked with full of concern for her companion. He jerked his hands away from hers, and said, “My hands are sweaty.”He said shyly and wiped it on his jacket. “It’s OK. I’ll hold your hand the entire ride. I don’t mind the sweat.”She said as she reached again for his hand. Yoochun could feel himself smile like a fool and duck his head, while they walked through the line.


She held his hand until they are at the gate of the ride opened for them. She led him onto the ride, the sat in front of the ride. She released her hand from his to secure her straps on. He did secure his seat beside her. She again held out her hand for him and asked smiling at him,

“Are you ready?!”He placed his hands on hers and she locked it to his.

“Yep! I’m ready.”he said as he nodded.

“We can do this!? Hwaiting!!!” she screamed.

“Hwaithing!!!”They both pumped their free hand in the air. And the ride began. The operator counted, “In 5 seconds, the ride will begin… in 5…4… 3…”Minhee let out a scream of anticipation. “2… 1… Ciao!”Goliath went off.


[a/n: if you want to check out Goliath… check this out. It’s a really fun ride. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqpowPCTBAM]





Hey Hey Hey!!! guys!!!!! wattup!!!???? How are y'all?

Here's an update!!! YEY!!!!!!!!! at last! :D I hope you like it!!! this is the 1st part of their amusement park date. tell me what you think about it. I'm really anxious. tell me if this is getting boring or this getting dragging ok? I really opt for your honest opinons. your comments really count. 

i recommend you to watch the roller coaster clip that i posted here... for you to figure out why Yoochun is chickening out on it. hahahah!!! :D

I missed you guys!!! ~glomps you~  i think the last i posted was last week?! that felt like forever! hahaha! ~ok. i'm over reacting. hahah! i've been busy with stuff. soooo yeah... here it is!!! til my next update!!!

Please Read, Comment, and Subscribe!!!!!! 






i've been watching miss ripley!! and wowowowoow!!! that drama is intense and Yoochun had a new song for the OST... check it out. :D ~OK.. i'm such a Yoochun fan girl hahha!!! i've been listening to this over and over and over... hahahahha!!! check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d585o5oiUrI&feature=player_embedded

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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/