Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!



Two days went by real SLOW for Minhee. Tomorrow is her 24th birthday. Today, she had to go to work. It’s already 10.00 am, and she’s walking her way to a near by mall. She sighed hard, thinking that tomorrow is her birthday, and still she has nothing for herself and Yoochun doesn’t even know it’s her birthday already. Tomorrow, she’s planning on throwing herself a mini gathering, with Yongha, Big Mama and Aunt Yoona, so now she’s heading for the grocery for a quick grocery shopping for her small gathering.


She received a message from Yoochun, saying that he’ll be home on the 16th, early in the morning. Minhee sighed. So this is what you get when you have a Hallyu star as a boyfriend. He literally has little time for himself and his personal life. She walked down the canned food aisle, and took some canned button mushroom from the shelf and moved on.


Soon, Minhee finished her grocery shopping for her mini gathering for her birthday. She prepared for her work. Another 3pm to 11 pm shift. Her shift went on smoothly. She got another message from Yoochun saying that he’s missing her very much. Minhee always feel warm whenever she receives messages like this from him. She too missed him so much, more than anyone knows. At 11 she walked home, with her pink earphones and iPod in her pocket while holding the pocket tear gas and pepper spray. She got home safely. She was tired. She crashed on her bed as soon as she got home.


It’s 12 mn, Yoochun looked at his watch. He’s on the plane going back home from Tokyo. He took the soonest flight to get back home. He left Junsu and Jaejoong back in the hotel right after the show.




10.30 am. Minhee opened her eyes. She knew already who’s calling. It’s one of the twins.  She pressed the answer button of her phone and placed it on her ear. “Hello?” She groggily answered.


“Hey Minheeboo! Happy Birthday!!!!” Youngmin screamed.

“Thank you Bro.” She again replied still half asleep.

“Hey. What’s with you? It’s your birthday and here you are sleeping.” Youngmin scolded his little sister.

“I was on PM shift last night. I got in at around 11.30 I guess. I’m still sleepy. I’m tired.” She complained on the phone.

“Is that so?”

“Uhuhmmmm..” She trailled off and begin to snore slightly.

“Hey! Wake up! Sleepy head!”Youngmin screamed.

“I’m awake! I’m awake!”

“So how’s your Hallyu star boyfriend?” Youngmin asked curiously.

“Hmmm??? He’s in Japan right now. JYJ has a show and their very busy.” Minhee said nonchalantly as she walked to her bathroom still talking to her brother.

“ON YOUR BIRTHDAY???” Minhee fell silent.

“Now, you can’t talk. Great. This is your first birthday that you have a boyfriend and he’s not with you.”

“HE HAS WORK to do... It’s the same with you… it’s my Nth birthday that you guys are not around. It’s the same.”

“Touché.” Youngmin rolled his eyes.

“So, what are you planning to do today?” Youngmin asked his sister hoping to divert her attention.

“Well, I’m planning on a small get together, planning on cooking and inviting some friends.”

“ahhh… I see.”

“Yeah… I have to prepare now for the small gathering that I’ll have. I gotta go bro.”

“Oh. OK… Happy birthday sis!!! Have a great day! Love you girl. Take care.”

“Love you too bro. Take care. Give Sangmin a hug from me.”

“Sure will.”

The siblings hung up.


After a few minutes, Minhee was sitting in her kitchen island waiting for her cup of Joe to brew. Her phone again rang. Again… *BONAMANA* Sangmin. Minhee automatically thought. Practically their conversation is the same with Youngmin, but Sangmin touched the topic of a Christmas tree at home.


Minhee let the topic off. It’s been 3 years since the last time that she had a Christmas tree on her birthday. Sangmin was sorry that he could not prepare a Christmas tree for her on her special day. She replied that she was already satisfied that they called on her special day.


Minhee is boiling some potatoes for her garlic mashed potatoes for her shephered’s pie for her small gathering, when her door bell rang. She glanced at the kitchen clock, it’s 12.10pm.


*Ding Dong*


She answered the door.


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” Yongha screamed at her then he waved a white envelope to Minhee and handed it to her.

“What’s this?” She asked curiously as she received the envelope.

“Well, DUH? My gift to you!”

“Thanks bro… But what is it?”

“You have to open it and see for yourself.” Yongha said as he wiggled his eyebrows to her.

She opened the envelope to find 3 gift checks. One for shopping clothes, one for a Hair salon and one for an Italian Restaurant for 2. Everything is valid only for today.  


“Coz you’ve been very busy with things at work, and you forget to pamper yourself, I’m here to be your Fairy Godmother!” Yongha said animatedly and twirled around pretending to hold a magic wand. Minhee chuckled.


“But I have a small gathering for tonight. I have to prepare for it, cook dinner and all that stuff.”

“We can buy everything on the go. Let’s get you pampered. Ok? Today. I’m your FAIRY GODMOTHER!” he again twirled.  Minhee let off a smile.

“OK.” She agreed happily. 



Hey guys!!! sorry for being MIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here's an update!!!!


i hope you all like it! 

the end is coming near. I can just feel it. T-T

be happy and healthy!

please do read, comment and subscribe!




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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/