Hello Mr. Jawbreaker!

          It was already 11 pm when you got out of your shift. You took out your iPod and stuffed the earphones to your ears. This is your way of relaxation, after a long, tiring and stressful shift in the ER. Then you remembered, your baseball hat in your backpack, you took that out and wore it. You walked to your apartment, which is just 3 blocks away from the hospital that you work in. You strolled slowly trying to relax, bobbing your head up and down to the beat of the music, and then, you noticed the moon, it was beautiful, and captivating... it was a full moon. You thought, ‘I have never admired this moon before, I never noticed it to be this pretty...’ You stood to a halt to admire the moon even more. And then, you thought again, ‘hmmm... maybe I’m just getting all spaced out and light headed from all the stress in the hospital.’

           You continued your leisurely stroll home, as you reached a curb by a lamp post, you noticed from a far, that a man standing by the lamppost. He was like holding onto it for balance. You thought, ‘Drunkards.’ You brushed it off and continued walking home. As you walked closer, you noticed that the man was like breathing heavily and now he was clutching his neck. And started waving his hands like a lunatic, he was struggling for air.  As you walk more closely to the man, he saw you and started signalling that there is something in his throat.  To your panic you ran towards the man and saw his face, you recognized him, you called onto him.

          “Hey are you ok?” He shook his head, NO. You asked again, “Are you choking?!” he nodded big-time... YES. “Can I help you?” you asked again, He nodded again... You ran to his back and wrapped your arms around him, placed your fist against the bottom of his bone and proceeded with the Heimlich manoeuvre. You gave a grunt as you forced him to cough the object in his throat. After 3 attempts, still it’s stuck in his throat. Then, you felt a dead weight on your arms. ‘OMG! He passed out!’ You carefully laid him on the floor and straightened his body. Tilted his head back. You straddled him, you sat by his pelvis, you positioned your arms to the bottom of his  bone and you gave a heavy push! And suddenly a medium sized round jawbreaker came out of his mouth. ‘Thank God!’ You thought, as the object lay on the floor. You came to his head and tilted his chin up for airway opening. You leaned over placed you cheek by his mouth and nose to feel if he is breathing, you right hand went to his neck to check for his carotid pulse. Good thing he has a pulse. But you felt nothing on your cheeks. ‘He’s not breathing!’ You gave him 2 initial breaths.

          You looked around, there is no one present, You took out your phone and dialled to your friend, a doctor on duty. You put the phone on speaker phone.

 “Hello?” said the person on the other line.

“Hello? YongHa! I need an ambulance!” You screamed.

“A what?”

“I found a man, he choked, no breathing and I’m currently giving him rescue breathing”, then you leaned down to give him 2 more breaths.

“Where are you?” he asked in the other line.

You continued to give him breaths, and stopped for a while and said, “I’m near my house, between Dale and Petunia St. Through the second lamp post.”

“OK help is coming. Hang in there.”

“YongHa, please come fast, I know this person...” as you leaned down again to give him breaths.

“You know him?  Who is he?”

“Park Yoochun.” You leaned down again to give him 2 more breaths.

Then suddenly, he coughed. ‘Thank God!’ you leaned your cheek again, against his nose and mouth again and you felt him breathing. ‘Thank God!!!!’ You raised your hands praising the Lord. You tucked his left hand on his chest and pulled his legs together and rolled him, to his sides away from you. Though he is still unconscious, you felt relieved. He’s alive.  



Hi!!! well i hope you liked it!!!

Oh yeah, for thos who don't know what a jaw breaker is... its a round candy, solid as a rock, and and it has sizes from smal l to extra large. Oh yeah... see the picture with the girl... that's how big his jawbreaker is.


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Chapter 50: What a great story! :D
shineegirlxx #2
awww so cute :D
I loved it, supersweet <3
kimbap876 #4
I really enjoyed your story-it's simple, but sweet!
I've finished reading long ago but I think I haven't comment yet! >.<
the ending was cute!! ^^
awww.. it's finished already.. will miss this story.. ^_^
Cute ending!!:) I have enjoyed ur story:)
nar12345 #8
soooooo cute!!!
ShadowQueen789 #9
Awwwwww, I loved this! It was so cute! It would have been 10 times more dramatic if you hadn't put "This is the engagement ring Yoochun picked out" right before he proposed, though.But still, I love it!!!
SSDFGHJKLSD. My heart went bananas with Minhee. rofl. This is so lovely. Sobrang nakaka-tats. :)) Epic fanfic is epic. Good job~! \m/