Three Words [Sequel To: Without A Word] (Needs Editing)

Three weeks had passed and they were all getting along with eachother. They will always hangout together and talk most of their free time and they were close to eachother day by day.

Hyemi woke up and went to wash up then changed into new clothes. She looked at her calender on her wall. "Omma.." she smiled and walked out of her room then went downstairs. "Ge, I'm going!" she walked out of the door. Tao and Luhan ran to the door. "Do you want us to come with you?" Luhan asked. She shook her head. "Ani, it's okay..I can go by myself" she smiled. Tao smiled at her. "Don't come home late, okay?" Hyemi nodded, "bye, I'll be home soon" she waved at them then left.

Hyemi placed a bouquet of white daisies on the ground next to her mother's grave stone. "Mianhaeyo Omma..for not coming to visit you.." she sat down on the ground. "How are you doing? For me, I'm fine.." she dusted off the dead leaves from the ground next to the flowers. "Omma, I miss you..Luhan and Tao Ge had been great to me..They took really good care of me.." she smiled. "But then omma..There's someone who makes my heart beat every time, he makes me happy whenever I see him..Do you think he's the one for me?" she plucked a handful of grass and played with it. "Well, Omma..I'll be going now..Bye, Don't worry..I'll be back soon" she stood up and dusted her bottom. "bye Omma" she smiled and left.

Hyemi walked home but then on her way she saw TK. "Oh, Hey.." she smiled. TK nodded. "Where are you going?" he asked. She shrugged. "Home of course, where else?" she raised a brow. He chuckled. "Nothing, Just asking.." he smiled. Hyemi nodded. "Well, I'll be going now..It was nict to see you" she said and walked away. "Wait!" he shouted. Hyemi looked back at him with a smile. "Ne?" He walked closer to her and stopped in front of her. "Let's get some ice cream and go to the park?" he asked hoping she wouldn't reject his offer. Hyemi nodded. "Sure!" TK smiled widely. "Kaja!" he grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to the shop. Hyemi looked at him then at their hand. *There goes the feeling again*

"Oreo, cookies and creame, right?" he asked. Hyemi nodded. "Two oreo cookies and creame please" he told the cashier. A few minutes later their cones came and he gave one to Hyemi and paid for it. "Have a great day" the cashier smiled and he nodded. "Let's go to the park" he smiled. Hyemi nodded and skipped out of the shop as TK followed her.

Twenty mintues later they both arrived at the park and sat down on a bench. "The ice cream was delicious" she her lips. TK chuckled. "You love chocolate" he smiled. Hyemi looked at him. "How do you know?" she asked. "I have my own sources" he said and walked ahead of her. Hyemi rolled her eyes but then smiled anyways.
They both watched as the sun set. "it's beautiful" she whispered. TK looked at her in awe as the sun shined on her. "Hyemi?" he asked. She looked at him. "Hm?" "do you like Luhan, hyung" he asked. Hyemi looked away. "y-yah..w-what kind of question is that?" she nervously laughed. "Can't you tell me?" he asked. Hyemi smiled at him nervously. "I don't like anyone.." she lied. TK raised a brow. "Jinja? Or are you lying?" Hyemi stood up. "I..I have to go..I can't be home late.." she said and quickly walked away. TK watched as she left. "Maybe I should just move on.."


TK's P.O.V

I walked home after she left. "Hey, where have you been?" Barom hyung asked. I looked at him. "I was at the park with Hyemi.." I mumbled. He smiled and came over to me. "So..How did it go?" he asked. I sighed. "nothing" I said and went inside my room. I threw my shirt in the basket next to my bed and lie down on my bed as I stared at the ceiling. "Does she still have feelings for him?" I ruffled my hair. "Aish!" I threw my pillow on the floor and looked at my desk, the bracelet was still there. I reached for it and held it up in the air. *should i give this back to her?* Just by looking back at her reminded me of the necklace that I had bought for her the other day. I put the bracelet down on my bed and stood up and went through my drawers looking for the necklace.

"Here it is" I took the small box into my hand and went to sit on my bed. I opened it and it was still sitting the way it was when I first bought it. "I never got the chance to give it to her.." I mumbled and put it next to the brcaelet. I stared at it for a while then put it on my desk. *just three words..How hard could it be..*

End of TK's P.O.V

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Chapter 37: nice ending... ^^
thanks for writing this story author-nim.. ^^
Chapter 37: Nice
i like how you put various P.O.V
sweet and cute story :)
Nooona622 #3
Chapter 29: O_________________O TK?............
Nooona622 #4
Chapter 25: !_________! i hate that heeyoung~~~update soon
Nooona622 #5
+___________+" is that heeyoung's plan? Update soon please
Nooona622 #6
T-T ! that heeyoung >< !!
Nooona622 #7
kyaaaaaa $________$
emwoon #8
O_O update soon please~~
Nooona622 #9
*________* love it ~ update soon :D
OMG TK & Luhan <3
Looking forward to your updates! ^^