
Fate works


Soobin’s POV

I’m like dying here. The crazy fangirl beside me is making me deaf. Why the hell had I agreed to come With Kim Haemin to Another Super show? I totally remembered myself swearing off coming for another Super Junior concert after I came the first time, but that has never happened. EVER. I realized that from the First Super Show till now, I started to become Haemin’s Personal photographer. I seriously mean personal. But There’s no harm to that since I have quite a passion for Photography.

Throughout te concert, I just concerntrated on snapping pictures. I do admit they have very upbeat songs. However, I really cannot concentrate on them when they’re dancing it makes me seriously dizzy. Maybe it’s because of my horrible eyesight, but I really Don’t know how can Haemin Compare Dontghae to Amber?! They are nowhere alike, I swear. Amber is so cool! But Donghae is …. Like a kid.

“Omo Omo! Eunhae waved at me.” Haemin said to me. I didn’t give her any reaction but continued to take pictures. When they waved at our direction, I took clear pictures of it or else Haemin would slaughter me into pieces.  I think we’re here for about an hour already. We’re not even halfway to the end. But at least time was passing quite quickly somehow.

Finally the song ended and Haemin chilled a little. I wonder where all her energy comes from. I put down my camera for a while, shaking my hand in mid air, preventing it from becoming too numb from all the picture snapping.

“Did you see that? This is the best ever! I have Eunhae waving at me!” She squealed in her seat.

“Maybe they were waving at the girl behind or beside you.” I said, looking around the dark stadium.

“Park Soobin, can you don’t be such a wet blanket at such an awesome place?” She said, not angrily, but with a cheerful smile on her face. I guess she’s really in her own world.

I kept quiet and in no time, the stage brightened and Haemin started her screams again. Oh my poor ears.

Halfway during the song, Donghae came to our side yet again. I took as many pictures as I can since he is Haemin’s Ultimate favourite.  I didn’t know what Haemin did, but he Did a heart sign back and I caught it in time. How awesome am I!

“Did you see that?!” Haemin said to me as I looked at her and put down the camera, getting over my self awesomeness moment. Since I did such a good job with the pictures, I gave her a small smile before turning back to the stage, finding Donghae staring at me right at the face. Why was he staring? He seemed to not move from that spot.

He finally looked away when Eunhyuk whispered something into his ear, causing me to once again tgo deaf. How I wish I was out of here. When the crowd finally died down abit, Donghae kissed Eunhyuk on the cheeks, causing Haemin to scream like a mad woman. Oh save me. I just looked at them, not understand why was it Eunhae. I understand Yunjae, but never Eunhae. It was like you cannot make out which one is the guy side of the ‘relationship’ and which side is the girl of the ‘relationship’.

After what seemed like forever, the concert FINALLY came to an end. I have never been so happy in my life. Everyone started to leave the stadium, but Haemin took a look at the pictures and couldn’t stop exclaiming.

“Your photography skills are totally awesome! I’m so lucky to have you as my friend.” She said as she continued to look at the pictures.

When I saw the crowd die down, leaving only a few people here and there, I hauled Haemin out of her seat and dragged her out of the stadium, going out to breathe some fresh air.

“Let’s go. I have to work tomorrow.” I said. Haemin then put a sad face.

“Come on. On such an awesome night it’s such a waste to go home so early. Let’s go have supper!” Haemin chirped. I wanted to reject, but I was hungry, so I went along with her. As I expected, she was talking about the concert all the while. It’s actually no surprise she’s harp on it for weeks.

When I finally got home, it was close to 1am. I’m and so screwed for work tomorrow.

The next morning, I was glad I can wake up and got to work on time. Even if I was late, my supervisor wouldn’t scold me, but it was better to be punctual.

“Today we’re having strawberry cheese cake and chocolate mousse cake as our cakes of the day.” He announced as we all assembled before the café open for business. I took a mental note and tied my apron properly before opening the door to the café. Business was slightly slower in the morning, but after lunch, the crowd started coming as our café is quite known for our cakes.

I didn’t know why, but my eyes kept twitching. I have a feeling something not good is going to happen today.

“Are you alright?” my colleague Jiwon asked me. I nodded my head and carried on with work.

Mt shift was going to end at 5pm, but I guess there really is bad news.

“Soobin!” I heard the supervisor call me and I went to his office.

“Yes sir?” I asked.

“Do you mind covering for Yura today? She cannot make it because she’s sick.” He said.

“I’m ok with it. I have nothing to do anyway.” I said.

“Alright. I’ll let you take another bread at 6pm. Thank you so much Soobin.” He said before I went back to work. Now I know why my eye kept twitching today.

Work went past quite smoothly. At 8pm, Omma called me to ask me what I was doing. I told her I was still at work and as expected, she scolded me for over working again. actually this situation always happened to me. I was somehow a workaholic as Haemin had said.

At 9pm, please left one by one. We close at 10pm so there was still 5 minutes before closing time so that we can clean the place up. Just a minute before the café closed, I heard the jingling of the bell which is hung at the door. Oh man! There goes going home on time.

However, when I saw who was at the door, I wanted to kill myself.

“You have to come down now if you don’t want to regret all your life.” I said before hanging up the phone.

“I think you have to serve them. None of them is in their right state of mind.” The supervisor said.

I sighed before picking up two menus and going to the table at the corner.

End of Soobin’s POV

Donghae’s POV

Am I seeing things?

“That’s her right?” I asked Eunhyuk and he looked at her in disbelief.

“This is totally fate.” He said before we walked in. Before I heard screams. I tried to put on the brightest smile I have.

We took the seat at the furthest corner. I was really hoping she would serve us. However, she suddenly disappeared.

“I think tonight is an interesting night.” Eunhyuk smiled as he leaned on the table towards me.

We sat in silence for a little while before I heard the tapping of shoes walking in our direction. I was sitting back facing the counter so I didn’t know who was coming. However, I saw Eunhyuk wink at me before I saw a pair of feet standing beside out table.

“Hi. Welcome to Starlight Café. I’m Soobin and I will serve you today. Here’s your menu. When you’re ready to order, just raise your hand slightly and I will take your order.” She said with a smile before walking off.

“I guess she’s really your type huh.” Eunhyuk said with a goofy smile on his face.

“Just look at your menu would you?” I said before looking at the menu. However, my mind wasn’t on the menu, but on the beautiful girl who will be coming back to take our orders. Lee Donghae, calm down. You have to calm down. I said to myself in my head.

However, without me noticing, Eunhyuk had raised his hands and Soobin was back at our table.

“Are you ready to order?” She asked and her voice Is really beautiful.

“I’d like to ask what is the cake of the day?” Eunhyuk asked her as I tried to act as normal as I could.

“The cake of the day is Strawberry cheesecake and Chocolate mousse cake. There’s only one slice left for each of them. Woul the both of you like to have them?” She asked.

“I’m fine with it. Hae, What about you?” Eunhyuk said. I looked at him in a daze before realizing he was actually talking to me.

“Oh. Um… I’m fine with it too.” I said before she gave a small smile and kept our menus, taking it in her hands.

“Ok I’ll be back shortly.” She said.

When she left, I heaved a sigh of relief. I didn’t even know I was keeping my breath all the while after I stopped speaking.

“You must really like her,: Eunhyuk tease and he will never stop. I then heard the jingling of the bells at the door to find a girl had stepped in and she looked really familiar. I looked at the staff whispering to her and when they all looked at me, I waved at them and so did Eunhyuk.

I turned back to see Eunhyuk waving for someone to come over. I then realized it was the girl from the concert.

“Nice to see you here again.” Eunhyuk said and I think she looks like she was going to faint.

“You… remember me?” She said with her eyes looking like it was going to bulge out of her sockets.

“Of course we do. Right Donghae?” He nudged me and I flashed her a smile.

“I’m like you biggest fan.” She looked at me and I smiled.

“I remember your fanboard. You want to get married to me am I right?” I said and she laughed.

Not long later, the girl came back with 2 slices of cake and 2 cups of drinks.

“These are your cakes.” She placed them down in front of us. The strawberry one in front of Eunhyuk and the chocolate on in front of me.

“Thank you” Both Eunhyuk and I said before she started putting down a drink each in front of us.

“These drinks are on the house. Our Manager hopes that he can have a picture of the both of you in this restaurant.” She said and both of us nodded our head.

“Thank you very much and enjoy your cakes.” She smiled before walking off. She is really more beautiful when she smiles.

When we were done, we did as we have promised to take pictures in this café.

“Soobin is an awesome photographer. Having her take the picture is the best choice.” Haemin said. She had introduced herself to us just now before the cake had arrived.

Eunhyuk and I posed in the café and Soobin snapped the pictured just like how she had during Super Show. With that exact same expression. Eunhyuk went to take a look at the picture.

“Haemin come and Look! This picture is awesome!” I went to look at the picture she had taken and indeed, it looks professional like.

Before we had left,  we gave them signatures and all of them were s happy. Other than Soobin who looked really calm and neutral. Eunhyuk and I were about to sign one for her when she declined us.

“It’s ok. I’m not a huge fan. But you can give one more to Haemin,. She’ll be delighted.” She said.

We gave 2 signatures ti Haemin and indeed she was delighted.

“It’s good to know you.” Haemin Eunhyuk and I walked out of the Café together.

Suddenly, I had an idea popped out in my mind. I really hope to See Soobin again, but I didn’t want to attract anyone’s attention, so I thought of an idea.

“Haemin sshi, You’re a huge fan of ours right?” I said and she nodded her head, with a bright glow shining from her eyes.”

“This is my contact number. I trust you to keep it well and we can be friends. I think we can all turn out to be good friends and maybe next time, we can get you some tickets too.” I said and she jumped around in joy.

“We’ll see you around then.” Eunhyuk said before we walked off.

I really hope we’ll be able to meet again.

End of Donghae’s POV

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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol ..it's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas ..love how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go ..so looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^