Group Date

Fate works


Soobin’s POV 
For the past week, Haemin’s phone never left her hand, especially during class. She doesn’t message much people and normally when she does, it would be after school time. I’m really curious who she’s messaging. 
During class one day, I found out. It was her date with the Super Junior boys, Lee Eunhyuk. It was really weird for them to be messaging so often since Haemin said they were only friends. It was unusual since Eunhyuk is an idol who was really busy and Haemin was a friend whom she just met. 
I have a feeling that both of them are having something going on in their heads. This is not simple at all. I shall try to find out. 
On the same day, after Eunhyuk had said he was going to film some show, Haemin’s phone rang and she went through the roof in happiness. Her Super Junior’s number one bias text her. I was quiet surprised. There wasn’t any news from him from that day till now and all of a sudden he messages her. I bet this message would lift her spirits for the rest of the day. 
When she told me he asked her out, I didn’t believe her. She then made it clear that it was asking us out. Like a group outing with Donghae, Eunhyuk, Haemin and I. Why does he have to invite me? I’m not even their fan. Wouldn’t they be caught if they go out in broad daylight with 2 girls? I think we will be mobbed by their fans. 
 Told her to count me out however, she had already replied that the both of us will be there. She will be the death of me one day. Since she had already told him, I have no choice but to tag along. I can’t let her go with them all alone anyway. Even though she’s very bubbly and lively, it’s awkward for a girl to go out with two guys. 
Ever since her date, she can never stop teasing me and Eunhyuk together. I don’t even know him or take interest in him, why would he like me? But actually Haemin’s judgement is a little out sometimes. She can say something which is totally not true and she say she observes it. 
Throughout the week, Haemin was so excited. She keeps saying. ‘I can’t wait!’ at random moments. During class, she cannot stop fidgeting on her seat unless she receives a message from you know who. The messages gets more and more nowadays and I have caught her smiling sweetly at her hone on a few occasions, just like how a girl would smile when she receives a message from her boyfriend when he says really sweet things to her. 
“Can you please snap out of it?” I said to her as she’s smiling like an idiot when we were on our way to the cafeteria, attracting weird looks from people walking past us. 
“It’s tomorrow! I can’t wait!” She squealed in excitement while I could only roll my eyes. 
“Omo omo omo omo!” She exclaimed all of a sudden. 
“What?” I said a little annoyed with her sudden outbreaks all the time. 
“I have nothing to wear!” She exclaimed. 
“Oh please. Your cupboard is packed with clothes and you say you have nothing to wear?” I said as we walked out of the school building, tomorrows the main gate. 
“It’s all not suitable! How? Let’s go buy!” She said. 
“There’s no need to be all dolled up. It’s not like they’ve not seen enough people trying to please them.” I said before she calmed down and nodded her head in agreement. 
“Please don’t be late!” She told me before we parted our ways. 
“OK. I know. You’ve been saying since the time he asked.” I said. 
“We’ll meet you at your front door. They’ll come and get us. So I’ll direct them to your house.” She said. 
“It’s ok. I’ll go over. Before 9 right?” I said and she nodded her head. 
When I went into the house, I took a shower and did my usual routine before wanting to do my work, I saw a miss call from Haemin. 
“Does my blue eye shadow go nicer with my peach blusher or the pink ye shadow?” She asked me.
I told her pink. If she puts on blue she’ll look too showy. 
Throughout the afternoon, I’ve received calls from Haemin asking me for her opinion. I can’t blame her for being so paraniod over everything since she’s meeting her idol. Here favourite idol to be exact. 
It was 10pm and I was about to head to bed when my phone rang again. I was hoping to rest early but I doubt I could. 
“What are you wearing?” She asked me. 
“Shorts, green and black checkered shirt with a while singlet inside and shorts.” I said. 
“So simple?” 
“Yea.” I said before she told me that how I should dress more nicely and all, but I seriously cannot be bothered. Finally when she decided to end the call, I went to bed, having a good night’s rest. 
The next morning, I woke up to take a shower and have breakfast before changing into my ‘simple outfit’ as Haemin calls it. I grabbed my camera and stuffed it into my bag before running to get my shoes and go over to Haemin’s house. If I’m late, I’m screwed.  When I got to her house and rang the doorbell, she opened it happily and invited me in. She was smiling non stop and somehow it creeps me out. 
When her phone rantg, she jumped up in excitement and cleared before picking it up. 
“Ok ok . We’ll be out in a minute.” She said before grabbing my arm, hauling me to the door as she hung up and asked me to pick a pair of shoes for her. I pick the pair of most comfortable looking sneakers before she look at me weirdly before she pointed to her own dressing. She was wearing a lady like shirt and a skirt. So sneakers totally don’t go with it. She then picked out on her own, a pair of 2 inch high heels. 
“Are you sure?” I said as she slipped on her shoes and dragged me out of the house. 
When we got to the car, Haemin opened the front door and got in as if she has done it a million times. I opened the back door to find Donghae inside and he smiled at me. I got in hesistantly before closing the door behind me. 
“Nice to meet you, I’m Donghae!” He extended his hand for a hand shake. I took it slowly and after shaking for barely 3 times, I drew my hand back. 
“I’m Hyukjae.” I looked at the front to see him looking at me through the rearview mirror. I gave him a nodded before he smiled lightly and started driving. 
I didn’t know if it was just me but Donghae could not stop talking. He was making so much noise on the car I was about to regret that I came along. However, Haemin seems to be enjoying herself. I just have to endure for another few hours and it’ll be over. I have to think positive. 
“Soobin-sshi, do you still work at that café?” Donghae asked me. 
“Oh. Yeah. I still do when I’m free.” I answered as he gave me an amazed expression. 
“Myeolchi Oppa! Where are we going?” Haemin asked. 
“You’ll see.” Eunhyuk smiled and why do I feel like he seemed so excited as compared to the expression he gave me. Don’t tell me….. 
“I heard from Hyuk that Haemin say you take really good photographs.” Donghae said. 
“Photography I my hobby so I cannot say it’s very good.” I replied casually. 
“I heard you’re good at dancing too.” He said. 
“Just learned a little here and there. You guys are better.” I said. 
“Thanks.” He smiled at me and I found it weird like he was over the moon. 
“Don’t believe her. She’s was like the school’s dance crew leader or something.” Haemin suddenly poked in. 
“Then you have to show s then.” Eunhyuk said and there arouse another commotion in the car. 
When the car finally stopped, we arrived at a quiet corner of a park where there as no one around at all. The trees were swaying gently with the wind and some leaves dropped, making it look like we were filming a movie. 
“This place looks so cool!” Haemin exclaimed as she walked towards the grass.
Taking this chance, I pulled out m camera and took down the scenery. I agree that the scenery was amazing. Looking at Haemin running towards the falling leaves, turning round trying to catch them, I took a shot of her. She always ends up being my model unintentionally. 
“You are indeed good.” I heard a voice beside me and got a shock to see Donghae’s head above my shoulder, beside my ears. 
“Sorry to scare you. You look so happy looking at the pictures so I wanted to see.” He apologised.
I smiled slightly before walking towards the grass under the tree since they look like they wanted to have a picnic. 
After the guys set the mat and we all sat down. Since Haemin was wearing a skirt, she wasn’t able to sit very comfortably. Eunhyuk then went back to the car and took a jacket out for her. If I wasn’t friends with them, I would think they’re a couple. 
“Where are you going?” Haemin asked me as I stood up with my camera. 
“Get some good shots since we’re here.” I said before walking towards the lake. 
“I’ll go with her.” I heard someone said before rusting of footsteps in the leaves was heard.
I went bty the lake and took some pictures, only to see Donghae’s reflection in the lake.  When I was done, I saw him looking towards the other end of the lake. I stood behind him and took a shot. It came out like I expected. 
“Can I look?” Donghae asked as I passed him the camera. I stood by the side of the lake and stretched my arms, relaxing my muscles.
I then heard the click of the camera to find Donghae just took a shot of me. He showed me the picture and I laughed. It looked quite funny. 
“You should laugh more. You look so serious all the time.” He said before I returned back to my old self. 
“Soobin! Donghae! Come have lunch.” I heard Haemin’s voice before we went back. 
Lunch was a spread. It was as if we were in a five star restaurant. Eunhyuk said that both He and Donghae had prepared it. They didn’t know if it tastes nice but they know it looked nice. Haemin was so happy that she took the fist bite. She widened her eyes in shock and sad it was delicious. Eunhyuk seemed really happy at her comment. 
“You should eat more. You’re so skinny. I heard Eunhyuk say to Haemin before the both of them argued who’s skinnier. 
Throughout lunch, Donghae was quiet but I could feel his stares. I didn’t know why he kept looking at me. Haemin on the other hand, had so much fun with Eunhyuk, so I didn’t want to bother her. 
After lunch we packed up and left for our next destination. I looked out of the window to look at the passing view. After a little while, the car was quiet. I saw Haemin sleeping and before I knew it, I felt a weight on my shoulders. I turned to see Donghae fast asleep as well. I wanted to wake him up, but it wasn’t so nice, so I just let him be. 
After around another hour to half an hour we’ve arrived. 
“OMO!” Haemin exclaimed, causing Donghae to jolt up from his sleep. 
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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^