New Friend

Fate works

Soobin’s POV

On the weekend, I was rotting at home, lazying on my bed, trying to think of something to do when I received a call from Haemin. Thank goodness she called me to hang out, or else I’ll be dying on my own bed. However, something is definitely up with her. If it’s not sad news that means is happy news. What would it be?

When I hit the ice-cream parlor 15 minutes later, I waited a little while before Haemin appeared. She was talking on the phone when she saw me. She spoke quickly before hanging up the phone. I decided not to probe much since I know it must be Eunhyuk since he’s the only one flooding her phones these days.

When we made our orders, we started having our good old time chat. However, after our ice-cream came, she started on the topic I dreaded to hear the most.

“Anyway, how’s Donghae?” she asked me seeming all cheerful and happy, but I was just trying to block out my anger towards this matter.

“He’s all better now” Was all I could come up with to make her not suspect since Haemin is quite oblivious to things sometimes. I was glad I could change the subject without her probing much into me and Donghae and indeed, she was dating Eunhyuk. I knew the two of them would end up together. It’s just only a matter of time.

When she told me the story of how they got together and all, the seemingly shy Eunhyuk was actually quite a confident guy. She said he was the best boyfriend. Which girlfriend wouldn’t say that? I smirked at my own remark however, her counter attack made me lose it.

“Soobin, are you ok?” She asked me. I wish I was but I know I was not. However, I don’t want to throw my baggage on Haemin.

“What happened? Myeolchi oppa says Donghae is all moody nowadays,”Haemin said and I felt angry. Why was she telling me this? It wasn’t my fault he was all moody. He’s the one who wants to shut me out of his life, so I’m also doing the same.

“And you think it’s my fault?” I asked her, knowing my patience was running as this conversation goes.

However, Haemin patiently endure with me and listened to me blabbering on and on without complaint. I guess Love really changes a person huh.

She told me about how I might return the feelings for him. Oh please, why would I like a guy like him, who is so petty? I know I’m bad but I cannot help it. He keeps telling me things like not wanting to burden him, but when I want to remain friends he just shuts me out.

She went on about it and suddenly bombed me with Minhyuk. The whole entire world knows that Minhyuk is so in over with Haemin, but she thinks he finds her annoying. Which guy will tell her out in her face she’s cute and stuff like that? Minhyuk and his words. He just killed himself over it. Actually Haemin has many suitors but she brushed them off without realizing it and she always thinks I’m pretty, but she’s herself is a beauty but always make herself seem like a normal average girl. That girl. I should only shake my head mentally at the thought.

When we went home, she insists that Donghae and I do have something between each other, but I was just neutral about it. Donghae and I are history. The rest of the day, I spend surfing the net, trying to ignore the comments that Haemin made about Donghae and me. The next day, I have to go to work. I hope work can get my mind off things for a little while.

When I got to work, the manager was waiting for me. I wonder what was happening since he never wait for me to come in.

“Soobin, I need a favour. I need you to teach the new kid. I have to do some stock taking and accounting.” He said and I knew something was up.

“Sure. I need the stuff going in my brains.” I said and he thanked me before disappearing behind his office door. When I went into the changing room to put my things, I saw the guy sitting on the chair, waiting. From the side, he seem like a normal kid.

“Morning. I’m Park Soobin. I’ll be guiding you through the stuff today.” I said and he turned and shake my hand. He’s quitte a pretty boy in my opinion.

“Hi. My name is Song Joong ki. Please take care of me.” He bowed. A well mannered kid. Not bad. I hope this is fun. I guided him through the steps of what we do around the café and he was quite a quick learner. He learned almost everything instantly.

By the end of the day, we got to know each other better and he’s actually studying in the same school as Haemin and I. He’s a foreign language student. He’s learning Chinese and he’s quite good at it. We had quite a lot of fun during work. I guess having a new collegue was not as bad as it seems.

When the day was over and we were closing the shop, I caught a figure outside the shop and I caught sight of him, Lee Donghae. What does he want. He didn’t stay and walked away. I wanted to go up to him and ask him what’s wrong with him, but I didn’t want to make a scene since he’s a celebrity and I’m in no right to interfere. Maybe celebrities have this swing thing that we normal people don’t understand.

“Are you ok?” I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Joon ki looking at me a bit worried. I guess my anger got the better of me again.

“I’m ok. Just beat from the long day.” I said, trying to brush off the feeling. Joong ki is a nice guy. I have actually heard of him before. I remember Haemin was telling me about a guy named Joongki but I didn’t know it’s the same one till he told me his major.

Haemin said he’s like one of the school pretty boys and many girls have actually wanted to date him, but he always decline them nicely. He’s like the pretty gentleman as what she said. Haemin is always at the top of these gossips together with Hongki. The both of them can never stop chattering.

“Why don’t I send you home? It’s already so late and it’s unsafe for a girl to go back alone.” Here comes the gentleman.

“I’m ok. I always go back alone.” I said.

“I don’t feel safe. Let me send you? It makes me more at ease.” He said and I couldn’t reject. He was just too nice. I smiled at him and I can feel that heat craw up my face. It’s only the first day I know him and I feel so comfortable with him.

When we walked home, the silence was actually comfortable and not awkward.

“So we actually stay near each other.” He said.

“Really?” I was surprised since I’ve been staying here for al my life and I have never seen him around before.

“Yeah. I just stay 2 streets down.” He said.

“I’m here. Thank you for sending me back.” I said.

“No problem. I’ll see you around. Maybe we meet on the way to school or in school itself.” He said before waving and walking away. Seeing him walk away make me feel like a sense of longing somehow being with him makes me so comfortable that I don’t want him to leave. Don’t tell me…. Oh no this is not good.

When I showered and lay on my bed, my whole mind was filled with Joongki. Maybe I was just thinking too much. I’m just pressuring myself that’s all.

The next morning, I mett Haemin to go to school together.

“Guess what.” I said.

“What?” She said, her eyes never leaving her phone.

“I met Song Joong ki yesterday.” I said.

“oh. I see…. WAIT! Who?” She said, finally snapping her head away from her phone.

“Song joong ki.” I said.

“The pretty gentleman?” She said and I nodded my head.

“How?” She said.

“He’s now my colleague.” I said and she went crazy. Isn’t she attached now? Why is she so excited? I guess eye candy maybe. But she better not let Eunhyuk know she eye candies someone else. Her boyfriend is a celebrity for goodness sake.

“Is he cute? I heard he’s realy pretty. Is he really very gentlemanly?” She asked.

“Yeah. He’s a nice guy.” I said, remembering the sight of him smiling at me.

“Oh no, Soobin don’t tell me you like him. I see a bush crawling up your face.” Haemin said.

“I don’t. Please. He’s just nice.” I said and she just looked at me with the I don’t believe you look.

When Haemin and I walked into school, I heard someone calling my name. I heard some squeals after that. I turned around to see Joongki. I looked at Haemin and her eyeballs almost dropped out of her sockets. She looked at him then at me, pointing and I shrugged. I didn’t know I’ll see him since I had never seen him around.

“Morning. You friend?” He said and waved at Haemin. She looked like she froze.

“Yeah. Haemin, Joongki, Joongki, Haemin” I introduced and he shook her hand and she smiled awkwardly at him.

“I’ll get going. See you girls, Soobin, Haemin.” He said before walking off.

“What was that about?” She asked me and I shrugged. I don’t know what was happening and I don’t want to know. Why are guys getting on my nerves these days?

During class I kept thinking about Joongki. I don’t deny that I feel a little happy when I saw him. But I know I don’t like like him. Maybe because he’s handsome that’s why I’m being different but overall I don’t want to cross the friendship line.

I guess the only guys who are great are Minhyuk and Hongki. They have never crossed the line. Actually Minhyuk and I are close, so he’s aways the one helping me ward off admirers. I don’t even know what do people admire about me? I’m like boring and not super pretty like some girls in school.

“You’ve been a little off lately. Are you alright?” Hongki asked me.

“She just have many things going on in her ife. She’ll get over it.” Haemin said. Thank goodness she never said guy problems.

“Is it the guy you’re dating?” Minhyuk asked.

“I’m not dating anyone. It’s jest problems.” I said and Haemin did her best and changed the topic. However, I know the guys weren’t so easy to fool. When class ended, I decided to join the guys to watch a movie. Haemin on the other hand had her own plans. Without telling me, I know who it is with.

“Romance, Action, thriller, horror or cartoon?” Minhyuk asked as we looked through the movies that were showing.

“The action one seems nice.” I said. There was nothing from Hongki and we saw him on the phone. After a while, he came to where we are.

“Soobin, Minhtyuk and I have to go. Something’s up with the band.” He said. I nodded my hed and they ran off. Minhyuk apologised before running off too. There goes my fun. Oh wel. I could still watch it alone.

“Can I join you?” A voice said and I got a shock. It was Joongki.

“It’s you. What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I went to buy some reference books for class and thought that it was still early so I wanted to catch the new action film. Then I saw you.” He said and smiled.

“Oh. I wanted to watch that too. We can watch together.” I said and we went off. Thi is not a date. It’s just coincidence. 

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Chapter 42: I found this and started reading it and I absolutely Love It<3 I can feel for both the boys and the girls and how hard it is to date a idol's hard cuz you want to be with them all the time but because of their schedules it's hard and then there are the fans if they find out what and how will they react and treat you since you are dating their oppas how Hyuk is trying his best to be with Haemin but always can't and how he is trying to protect her from fans and she finally realizing how hard it is but if she loves him enough you manage..Soobin not being so sure about her feelings for Hae and both being miserable so glad that she is willing to give it a shot if it works it works if not at least you gave it a shot and not keep wondering if he really is the one and you let him go looking forward to see how their relationships are going to progress or are they going to fail :)
YouDunnoMe #2
wow i like this!! (Y)
CrystalQing #3
Chapter 39: updateeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeee >< it's getting so good right now :D
Kellz01 #4
Chapter 38: I love the story, this fan fiction is great, can't wait to continue to read this story
Kellz01 #5
Chapter 37: I so can't wait for the updated.
CrystalQing #6
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh, the name JoongKi sounds so familiar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. >.< This is going to bother me all day now.XD
Chapter 30: I'm so frustrated with Donghae right now... -.-
Chapter 30: Waaah this chapter is so sad. :(
Chapter 29: Yay eunhyuk acting like a love sick boy. ^___^